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Karlae couldn't hold off on talking to Ermias any longer. Whether he listened let alone responded, she still needed to get this out. She figured the least she could do was explain why she was leaving instead of just up and disappearing on him. In the end they have a child together, so there's certain ways she has to go about things for the sake of their baby.

She was hoping this didn't lead to some big, unexpected blow out, and that she and Ermias could come to terms with one another, agreeing to move forward and function together as family with nothing but love and the utmost respect for each other.

Exhaling deeply she pulled her hair into a near bun at the top of her head then proceeded to join Ermias in the living room. He sat quietly with one leg elevated on the table, one arm thrown against the back of the couch, and both eyes focused on an episode of Power that played from the television.

She hesitated joining him on the couch but did so anyway. If either of them were gonna' grow and move on, it had start with some form of communication. Karlae didn't want to be a coward and just leave, she figured after all he'd been through he atleast deserved to know that she had made such a conscious decision and why she had done so.

"Hey," She says to him quietly, claiming the empty couch space next to him. "I need to talk to you– and whether you talk back or not, I just hope you can understand where I'm coming from and that this might be the best thing for the both of us."

Staying silent, Ermias removed his foot from the table and planted both feet on the floor. Leaning forward on his elbows he turned to look at her,"Okay, so wassup?" That was her first time hearing him actually come out and say something to her in so long, she just hate she had to finally hear his voice under such circumstances. A joy it would've been for them to celebrate this instead of unfortunately having to part ways.

"I believe it'll be best if you and I took a break from each other," She just went ahead and came out and said it. For too long she had been holding that in, just suffering in silence but she had finally reached that breaking point she was trying to avoid for the longest. "Just so we can get ourselves together, better ourselves as individuals for our own sake and Lennox's. With everything that's been going on with you, on top of trying to find myself again after giving birth I just .. need time to myself. Our relationship is completely different now and I just think we need time away from one another."

For the longest he didn't say anything, leaving space for Karlae to fill in with words he didn't wanna' hear,"I already found Lennox and myself a new place to stay, so —"

"Do what you gotta' do Karlae," He says nonchalantly, cutting her off. Turning away from her, he focused back on the tv characters Ghost and Tommy arguing back and forth on the tv screen. Shutting her mouth abruptly, she reared her head back. At this point, she was upset. Reaching around him she grabbed the remote to turn the tv off. Now, she had his undivided attention she needed. Ermias knew what this was leading to. Exhaling heavily he dropped his head in his hand and ran it down his face. "What now L?"

"Do what you gotta' do Karlae? That's all you gotta' say, Ermias?"

"I mean what the fuck else you want me to say Lauren?" He asked through a laugh, irritating her even more. "Hm? What else did you expect me to say to some shit like that?"

"Damn Ermias you could atleast try to act like you give a fuck! Do what you gotta' do? That's basically sendin' me off and lettin' me know you could give two fucks if me and Lennox moved or not. But you know what?" She clapped her hands together,"You're right, I shouldn't have expected much from you since you've been actin' so careless ever since you cane home from the hospital. Yea you right, I shouldn't have expected much from a selfish and ungrateful motha'fucka like you. You are absolutely right Ermias."

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