Sleepover of Boredom

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Midoriya POV:

"Ugh, I'm so fucking bored!" Kacchan whined, clutching his phone in his hands above his face, as he lays on my bed, leaving me no room to sit.

I'm gonna be known as that kid. The one that doesn't know how to throw a proper sleepover. Hell, even I wouldn't sleepover at my house.

Kacchan is on his phone, along with Kirishima and Mina. I'm sighing in utter defeat. Kaminari is already asleep, and I know it's not from him being tired, it's 7:34 pm. Todoroki is in the bathroom. Uraraka and Iida are bickering about what we should do. Yaoyurozu and Jiro have been flipping through Netflix for 30 minutes now.

I'm not handling this well, I need to step up!

I adjust myself on my office chair, one leg on it and the other dangling off, relaxed. "Oh, come on Kacchan, it can't be that ba-"

"We're at your stupid sleepover. Shit, Deku, I at least thought we'd be rummaging through your mom's liquor cabinet and getting wasted, but you're as lame as always."

Lame. I'm already that kid.

"Well, I don't know, Kacchan, what do you want to do?" I say nervously, scratching the back of my head, smiling awkwardly.

He gets up from the bed with a grunt, his blond hair going in every which way just like mine, yet not green or curly at all. His crimson eyes are marked with dark circles underneath instead of freckles like mine. Great, my blankets are all crumpled up. He sighs. His presence has always been very overbearing, it always caught everybody's attention.

Everyone's voices, the complaints, the arguments, they're echoing in my brain. I need to save this, right now. As soon as possible. Tell me I'm just overreacting.

Absolute chaos.

"We could watch 'To All The Boys Loved Before'."

"How many times have you seen it?"

"Hey guys, I'm back. My father called to tell me to help Fuyumi pack for her move tomorrow."

"I'm a savage. Classy, bougie, rachet."

"Can we talk about the consistency of orange juice?"

"Uraraka! You can not watch! It's rated R and it's inappropriate!"

"It's not that bad, Iida!"

"Hey guys! Wanna play Just Dance!...or something? Ugh, you don't care."

I take a deep breath, scratching the back of my neck and then fidgeting with my fingers, as I stand up. "Well, my mom has some weird playing cards in her closet, but I don't know what game it is. Apparently it's close to Cards against humanity? I don't know"

That's it, I'm losing them. Card games? We're not in a retirement home! Not that I don't play spades with mom from time to time but still. Normal kids my age want to play...truth or dare! Spin the bottle! Seven minutes in heaven! As...lewd as those all are.

"Hmm, Cards against humanity, you say?" Mina says, a smirk emerging onto her face.

"W-well, something like that. Or, actually, it's more of a roleplay game.." I look down, holding my hands in front of me like a shy little kid on his first day of school.

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