Part 8 - In kitchen

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“Shivaay!!” She told irritated and he looked at her innocently.

“Go and play in your laptop! That's all you can do. Is this how you see tomato while eating?” She asked with a frown seeing tomato that was badly smashed and cut into unrecognisable shapes.

“I never identified the shape of tomato while eating. I mean it's cooked and shapeless” He told and she couldn't even get angry at him with him looking all cute.

“Go and sit there. I'll make this” She told calmly and he sighed.

“I'll help” He told stubbornly.

“Chop onion then” She told and he nodded before taking the onion and looking at it before looking at Anika.

“I'll show you” She told and took the onion from him before showing him how to chop it.

“Simple! I'll do it like this” He told snapping his finger and took another onion and slowly started cutting it while tears started rolling down his eyes almost immediately. He sniffed and she turned to look at him controlling her chuckle.

“Aww Shivaay, why are you crying?” She asked wiping his tears and he sniffed more while cutting the onion with much difficulty.

She turned to take something but turned back to him almost immediately hearing his shout. Her eyes widened seeing his finger covered with blood.

“Hey Shivji!! What have you done? I told you to go and sit there” She told keeping his hand under running water and he hissed feeling the sting.

“Why are you so stubborn Shivaay? Why can't you listen to me for once?” She asked while fumbling with the first aid box.

“Anika it's a small——”

“Shut up! This is deep” She told glaring at him and he looked at her who was taking anti-septic on a piece of cotton.

Ahhh!!!” He jumped from his place as she pressed the anti septic on the wound.

“Relax! Let the blood clot” She told and he gritted his teeth to control himself from shouting on the top of his voice.

She band-aided the wound and frowned at him.

“Go and sit outside” She ordered.

“Anika I'll——”

“For God's sake, I don't want any help here. Please don't give me more troubles like this” She told and he nodded quietly before walking out.

He walked inside after two seconds and sat on the chair there.

“I'll sit here quietly” He told and she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Sure?” She asked and he nodded.

She continued cooking and he looked at her doing everything like an experienced expert.

“Attending a board meeting is simpler than this” He told looking at his finger and she chuckled.

“What were you thinking when you were cutting onion?” She asked and he was silent for a moment. Briefly turning to him, she looked confused at him.

“What was I thinking?” He asked and she chuckled before turning to the cutting board.

Smiling, he looked at her long hair that was left open carelessly. He had an inexplicable urge to run hands through them and feel them but shook his head and sat there quietly looking at his hand.

Learning To Love - A Tale Of Arranged Marriage [COMPLETED] ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now