Cooking with Merlin

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Second chapter tonight! YEET!!! Happy reading!

Merlin was set up in the castle kitchen with the knights watching him (at a safe distance). 

"WELCOME TO COOKING WITH MERLIN!!!!!!!!!!" Merlin shouted at the knights. "Don't worry, I was trained by Camelot's finest cooks just three minutes before you showed up. I am perfectly qualified to  be cooking right now." 

The knights all had different expressions on their face. Percival looked terrified as he held a bucket of water cautiously. Gwaine was smiling like a mad man. Lancelot looked slightly amused, but was ready to pat a fire out at any moment. Leon was crying on the floor from laughing so hard. Mordred looked ready to join Merlin in the kitchen any moment (to cause more mischeif). Arthur was currently out of Camelot.

"Today, we will be making brownies! I have all the foods that go in it right over here-" He gestured to a pre-mixed bowl of dry ingredients and wildly pointed at another bowl with the wet ingredients- "The main cook prepared this for me just this morning, sooooooo....let's get cooking!!!"

"OK!! So, all we gotta do is put these together-" he grabbed the bowl with the wet materials and spilled half of them on the floor-"OK! THAT'S FINE!!! WE DON'T REALLY NEED THOSE ANYWAYS!!!! WE'RE JUST GOING TO THROW THESE IN HERE AND MIX WITH...OUR HANDS!!!" 

As he mixed, he started talking gibberish, "fhkjglkdhglkhglkjfglkjhlkghsklgjhkfhglskglkfgkjhlgkjfghfgkjhflkjghflkghlfkjhljhlfkjghlkfdjhglkjhlksfjghlkfglkjdfhgljfglkhlkfhglkjghlkgjhglhgfjd\gfjghfjdhkljhfgjhglkgjlkjshglksfglkjsghjfhglkjhlkf!" 


"Now, we have to put this into the HOT oven and wait for thirty....somethings!" 

He gut them in the oven and walked out of the kitchen space, jumping into Percival's arms, the giant of a man was barely able to catch him before he fell to the floor.


The kitchen was in flames, all of the servants -save one- working on putting the flames out.

Merlin stares at you, directly in the face, "THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME WITH COOKING WITH MERLIN!!!!!!!!"

316 words

Sorry it was kinda crazy, I haven't slept in a while. Don't want to chicken out of this all-nighter with my friends. If I make it past 6:45, then my friend owes me a nickel! Have a lovely day and stay happy!

Published: 1-12-20

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