LI- Imagine Legolas caring for you when you get sick

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Imagine Legolas caring for you when you get sick

The day Aragorn Elessar was crowned King was one of the days you remembered most. One because Denethor, the last person to rule Gondor, had turned into someone cold, and the kingdom desperately needed a new ruler. Although you did not know much about Elessar, you did know that Gandalf the White had good judgment, and he seemed to be fond of Elessar. The other most important reason you remembered that day fondly was that it was the day in which you met the Prince of Mirkwood, Legolas.

You did not know much about Legolas back then, other than he was the Prince of Mirkwood and had been in the fellowship to destroy the one ring. That was how he knew King Elessar. You had heard many tales about the Prince from the maids before then. You had heard that he was good with a bow and arrow and could kill more than five orcs in a minute. Well, I could too; you had thought a little bitterly. You did not understand why everyone talked so much about him. In your opinion, killing orcs was not something special.

What you heard the most of Prince Legolas, however, was that he was breathtaking. You could not deny that elves were beautiful, but "breathtaking" seemed a little too exaggerated for your liking. That was until you saw the Prince yourself.

You had been standing by your father, the Duke of Gondor, when you heard the women around you begin to whisper. You looked around in search of the source. Walking toward you was a tall elf with light hair and the brightest blue eyes you had ever seen. You took a sharp intake of breath when the Prince met your eyes. As quickly as you could, you averted your eyes as you felt your face grow hot.

He settled himself beside you with his back taut and chin raised high as a prince's aught to be. From your peripheral vision, you could see his attention toward the center of the ceremony while your attention was distracted by his presence.

Trying not to think about the Prince's closeness was difficult to do. With all your might, you tried to pay attention to the crowning of the King, but you could not think of anything other than the Prince's shoulder brushing against yours. You tried taking a step away from him, but you accidentally stepped on your dress. The quick force sent you flying forward.

A strong grip on your elbow kept you from falling face first in front of a large audience. When you looked up, you were met with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Careful," he whispered and smiled tenderly. You felt something fuzzy in your stomach. Something you had never felt before. You realized you were still staring up at the Prince and tried your best to compose yourself.

"Thank you," you whispered back with a smile of your own. The whisper sounded too breathless even to your ears.

After the crowning, a celebration was held in the main ballroom. You sat next to your father, one table to the left of the King, while Prince Legolas sat at the table to the right of the King along with four hobbits, a dwarf, and Gandalf. You could not keep your eyes off of him the whole night; thankfully, he had not noticed you staring.

When people began to dance, you quickly exited the ballroom. Of course, you knew how to dance, your father had made you take dancing lessons when you were younger, but you did not like dancing one bit. Sword fighting was your expertise.

The guards asked no questions about your departure. The massive wooden doors groaned and creaked as they were open. You made your way to the garden that was down the hall, one you had previously visited with your father and the late King of Gondor.

You had walked far away from the castle when you felt someone behind you. You quickly grabbed the daggers that were hidden in the waist of your dress and spun around.

"Sorry," the startled Prince said, holding his hands out in front of him, "I did not mean to scare you. I solely wanted to accompany you," he finished. You chuckled nervously, a bad habit you had at the most inappropriate times.

"You should announce your presence first," you said, tucking the daggers into your dress. You stared in horror for having spoken to a prince that way. Where were your manners?

The Prince's toothy grin made you smile. He tilted his head to the side, inspecting you.

"May I?" he asked.

"May you what?" you heard yourself question, your eyes lingering across his handsome face.

"Accompany you?" he added with a light tone as if wanting to laugh.

"Oh! Of course," you answered, baffled. Warmth radiated to your cheeks once more. The Prince made you incredibly shy.

That night you both sat under the starry sky conversing with one another.

+ + +

As you lay in bed, you smiled at the memory. You began coughing in a fit again and breathed through your nose when the fit stopped. You had been lying in bed sick with the cold for three days. If you had known you would get sick, you would not have gone in the river to swim with Lady Arwen. She had invited you to walk alongside the river in an attempt to keep your mind off of Legolas. You both had had too much fun and ended in the water unplanned.

Legolas had gone to Mirkwood to attend to some issues seven moon falls ago and was not returning for another day. You spent the next day and a half waiting eagerly for his arrival from Gondor.

As you began falling asleep, someone barged through the door of your chamber. Legolas ran into the room, kneeling next to your bed. He grabbed your hand and kissed it.

"If I had known you were sick, I would have returned sooner," he said as he swept the hair that had fallen on your forehead.

"It's okay," you whispered to him. "I am glad you are back."

He smiled, his warm palm cupping your cheek. You turned your head away as another fit of coughing racked your body. When you finished, you turned toward Legolas, embarrassed. He looked at you with worry causing you to place your palm on his face also. He leaned toward the warmth and closed his eyes.

"I will be fine," you reassured him. "We of the race of man get ill regularly." He nodded stiffly, not satisfied with the reassurance.

"Can I do anything to make you feel better? Can I get you anything?" Legolas asked in a light voice.

"I have wanted soup," you told him sheepishly. He looked confused.

"Soup?" he asked. You could not help but laugh. Sometimes you forgot about the differences between mortals and elves. His face turned a little red at your outburst, and you smiled. He always made you laugh, even when he wasn't trying to.

"Forget the soup. Just lay here with me," you told him as you scooted to make room for him. He got under the covers to lie beside you, draping a protective arm over you. You knew elves did not sleep, but you still wanted to be in his company. As you lay your head on his chest, you focused on the sound of his heartbeat and light breathing. Soon enough, you felt your eyes grow heavy. With a kiss to the forehead, you fell asleep contentedly in his arms, finally getting good rest after seven night falls of not being able to.

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Did you know that I not only wrote a series of Legolas fanfiction but also a series of Thranduil fanfiction? Head over to my Wattpad profile to check it out!

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