Chapter 35

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Bel istirahat SMA Tunas Bangsa telah berbunyi menandakan istirahat. Semua murid pun berhamburan keluar kelas untuk pergi ke kantin untuk mengisi perut mereka.

"Cha ke kantin gak?" tanya Sasha.

"Gak deh Sha, gue lagi males ke kantin" jawab Icha.

"Sama gue juga. Gimana kalau kita ke ruang musik?" usul Sasha.

"Boleh juga tuh, yaudah yuk" kata Icha.

Mereka berdua pun melangkahkan kakinya menuju ruang musik yang berada di antara kelas XI dan XII.

Sesampainya di sana, Icha dan Sasha pun segera masuk ke dalam ruang musik tersebut.

"Udah lama gue gak kesini" ujar Sasha.

"Hooh, gue juga. Gue mau coba main piano deh, udah lama gue gak main" kata Icha.

"Oke kalau gitu gue main drum, terus kita duet gimana?" usul Sasha.

"Oke. Kita nyanyi apa nih?" tanya Icha.

"Gimana kalau kita nyanyi lagu Alan Walker- Faded. " usul Sasha.

"Boleh juga tuh. Yaudah yuk"

"Lo tahu kan chord nya?" tanya Sasha.

"Iya gue tahu kok" jawab Icha.

"Yaudah yuk mulai" kata Sasha.


You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us


Where are you now
Where are you now
Where are you now
Was it all in my fantasy
Where are you now
Were you only imaginary
Where are you now


Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me


I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded


These shallow waters, never met
What I needed
I'm letting go
A deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing

~Sasha & Icha~

Where are you now
Where are you now


Under the bright
But faded lights
You set my heart on fire
Where are you now
Where are you now

~Sasha & Icha~

Where are you now
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded

Possessive Brother's [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang