Where are we?

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Yet again, Adam and Barbra found themselves falling through the air and landing on a hard surface, except they were already dead this time. Barbara sat up and looked around the room she and Adam had landed in. It looked like a home movie theatre. It had couches, beanbags, pillows, blankets, big squishy chairs and a huge TV screen. Barbara looked over to where her husband was sitting and made her way over to him

'Hey Honey' he said 'You ok?'

'Yeah, are you?' Adam nodded and Barbara let out a sigh of relief 'Where do you think we are?' Adam started to answer but was cut off by a scream as 3 people fell through the ceiling.

'Lydia?' asked Adam and Barbara in disbelief as the teenager sat up. Lydia looked up at the sound of the ghosts voices and grinned 

'Adam! Barbara! Oh thank god, do you know where we are?' she got up and hugged her two friends. Delia and Charles got up and approached the 2 ghosts and Lydia

'Does anyone have any idea as to where we are?' asked Charles, putting an arm around Delia's shoulders. Again, Adam opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by another figure falling through the ceiling and landing on the floor.

'Beetlejuice?' asked Adam, Barbara, Delia and Charles in disbelief. Lydia stayed silent but cautiously approached the demon and offered him a hand up. Beetlejuice took Lydia's hand and pulled himself up. Then, Lydia did something no one expected her to do, she hugged Beetlejuice

'I missed you too Scarecrow' said Beetlejuice. He awkwardly patted Lydia's head and pulled away from the hug 'A-dog, B-town! Miss me?' He asked, spotting the Maitland's standing together. Barbara and Adam waved at the demon and Adam put an arm around his wife's waist, pulling her closer to him 

'Uh, does anyone know where we are and why we're hear?' asked Delia, speaking up. Once more Adam opened his mouth to answer and, once more, he was cut off by someone.

'Hello!' a door at the back of the room opened and a young woman stepped inside. The young lady had long brown hair, blue eyes and wore glasses. She was wearing a yellow dress with platform boots 'My name is Amelia and I have brought you here to watch a musical called Beetlejuice' 

'There's a musical about me? Ha take that!' exclaimed Beetlejuice, jumping up but Amelia put her hand up to silence him

'In the world I live in, you guys are just fictional characters that everyone loves and somehow I managed to bring you into my world. Just a bit of a backstory for ya, originally there was a movie made in 1988 called Beetlejuice. Then many years later after that, a musical was created with the same name. That musical is now on Broadway and is insanely popular. Today, I am going to show you the musical just because I feel like it. I will leave the room but there are camera's so I can see what you are doing. Enjoy' Amelia waved to them and left the room.

'Well' said Lydia 'Who wants to watch a musical about us?' Everyone settled down on the couches and chairs. Adam and Barbara were on one couch together, Adam had his arm around Barbara and she had her head resting on his chest. Charles and Delia had claimed another couch and Delia had her feet in Charles' lap. Lydia was sitting in a squishy chair next to the Maitlands and was hugging a pillow to her chest. Beetlejuice had gathered all the pillows and blankets he could find and was laying on the floor surrounded by them.

'Ready?' asked Beetlejuice. Everyone nodded and so he pressed play on the first song Prologue: Invisible. 

~AN: I've recently been really into Beetlejuice so I thought why not write a story about it since I've got a lot of time on my hands. I'm sorry if updates a slow, I'm writing another story at the same time as this one. Also, I will only have them reacting to the songs because its so hard getting all the dialogue, sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! ~

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