Sky the Girl Scout

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'So, think we should hide us and Beetlejuice from this girl scout?' asked Adam 'I mean, we're ghosts and he's a demon and she may be terrified'

'Well, Beetlejuice and I may or may not have scared a girl scout a while ago, and it may be this one' said Lydia 

'Lydia' sighed Charles

'Sorry dad' said Lydia

'Right well, Lydia and Beetlejuice, maybe don't talk or show yourselves to the girl until we explain why we're here' said Delia 

'And us?' asked Adam 

'Can she see you?' asked Delia 

'Yes' said Amelia, poking her head inside the door again and then leaving 

'Right well, you guys stay and just don't mention the fact that your actually dead' said Delia. Then there was a scream and a small girl sat up, breathing heavily. The 4 adults in the room stood still, looking at the girl as she clutched her heart, breathing heavily and counting. Delia leant forward and shoved Barbara towards the girl. The ghost glared at the life coach, but slowly walked over to the girl and knelt down next to her

'Hey, are you ok?' she asked gently. The girl scout looked up and smiled, taking her hand away from her heart

'Yeah, I am' she looked around the room 'where am I? And who are you, you look familiar'

'I'm Barbara, and we're in a home theatre' Barbara smiled at the girls confused look 'This girl Amelia some how managed to bring us into her world and we're here to watch a musical in which you and i and everyone in the room features' 

'I'm in a musical?' she asked

'Yes, can you tell me your name?' asked Barbara gently, offering the girl a hand up

'I'm Sky, and woah, your hands are cold' she said, accepting Barbara's hand up. She looked around the room and saw Adam, Delia and Charles 'who are they?' she whispered to Barbara

'Right, sorry' Barbara smiled 'Thats Adam, my husband. Delia and her fiance Charles' the 3 adults approached Sky and smiled at her. She touched Adams hand and grinned 

'You're hands cold too, thats why you too are together' she grinned at the Maitlands and then her eyes widened 'I know who you are! You're the couple who fell through the floorboards in the house. I thought you guys were dead, because I went to that house to sell cookies and was scared out of my mind by this goth girl and demon' Barbara gripped Adams hand tightly and smiled sadly at Sky

'Don't freak out, but we are that couple that fell through the floor and died' Sky's eyes widened and she took a step back, moving closer to Delia and Charles

'T-then how are you here?' asked Sky 'Am I dead? Did my heart finally give in?' she started breathing heavily and Adam took a cautious step forward

'You're not dead Sky, we are' he reached out and grabbed Barbara's hand 'We're ghosts and we're stuck in the house that you got scared in'

'Wait, everyone here is dead?' asked Sky

'No, only me and Barbara' said Adam. Sky smiled in relief and looked around the room happily

'There's one other dead person' said a voice echoing around the room. Sky recognised the voice and screamed.

'Beetlejuice! Stop that right now!' shouted Barbara, putting her hands on her hips and looking up at the ceiling, where the the demon was floating. Beetlejuice frowned and dropped to the floor. Sky screamed again, and tried to run away but she just ran into Adam. Adam put a hand on the girls shoulder and turned her around so she could see the demon properly 

'Sky, this is Beetlejuice' said Adam 'he's a demon and I'm guessing he's the one who scared you before, am I right?'

'Yeah' said Sky shakily. Beetlejuice grinned creepily at the scout and Barbara sighed 

'Beetlejuice, apologise to Sky' she looked at the demon and Beetlejuice crossed his arms and pouted

'Sorry for scaring you Sky' he mumbled 

'Very good' said Barbara. Then Charles appeared next to them, holding a very grumpy Lydia's hand

'I-its you' said Sky, trying to back away from Lydia. Lydia smiled gently at the girl scout and Sky stopped

'I'm sorry for scaring you Sky, it won't happen again' Sky smiled 'And I enjoyed the cookies a lot'

'Thank you' said Sky, grinning. 

'Wait, who taught Lydia to apologise?' asked Delia 'Charles and I have been trying for ages' Lydia grinned and pointed to the Maitlands. Delia sighed and turned to Sky 'So, you know why we're here?' Sky nodded. Delia explained the best she could what had happened while Sky wasn't there and then they sat down to watch. At first Sky didn't know where to sit, she didn't know any of the people there, and Beetlejuice and Lydia still scared her, so she stood awkwardly there until the Maitlands invited her to sit with them. She gladly excepted their offer and sat as far as she could from the demon. 

'Ok, next song is No Reason' announced Charles

~AN: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading this story. Your support means everything to me and it inspires me to write this story better than ever. 
If there are any cut songs you would like to see included, could you please leave the name of them in the comments, so I know what songs you wanna see.
Thank you so much for reading! ~

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