That Beautiful Sound

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Beetlejuice (spoken):
Do you hear that sound

*Girl Scout Screams*

'Oh, so this is what you guys got up to' said Charles. Neither Lydia or Beetlejuice said anything and they both remained hidden in the pillow fort

Lydia (spoken):
That beautiful sound


That is the sound, of clean, white, shorts turning brown
Torture and pain

'How do these actors scream every-night?' asked Sky 'I mean, its gotta affect your voice somehow, and also, the guy who's doing BJ's voice has gotta be doing his voice some damage, right?'

'Um, usually actors are trained to scream so they don't damage their voices' said Barbara 'and as for Beej's actor, well I'd think he and the person who play Lydia would be professionally trained to sing like that so they don't damage their voices' 

'Oh, that makes a lot of sense' said Sky grinning 'Thanks' 

*Girl Scout Screams*

Beetlejuice (Girl Scout, spoken):
Breaking a brain (This is so weird!)
A sound that says
"I will never sleep well again"

'Wait, so your favourite sound is a scream?' asked Sky

'Yeah' said Lydia 'Its so much fun scaring people' Beetlejuice crawled out of the tent and looked at Delia, hiding something behind his back

'Hey Delia, CATCH!' he threw a toy unicorn at her. Delia screamed and jumped onto Charles lap. Beetlejuice and Lydia were rolling around laughing, but the Maitlands were looking at them sternly 

'Lydia, Beej, apologise to Delia' said Barbara, putting on her "mom voice" as Lydia liked to call it 

'Sorry Delia' mumbled Lydia and Beetlejuice, trying to hide their smiles. Then the two of them crawled into the fort and started rolling around laughing. Charles rubbed Delia's arm and threw the toy unicorn behind them, to the corner of the room. 

The sound of a scream, is music to me
A sound that says fifteen years full-time therapy

'So, thats what I should've done to make you feel better?' wondered Delia 

'Um, it would've been funny watching you doing it' said Lydia

Trauma and fear, it sings in my ear

Beetlejuice and Lydia:

Ain't it the sweetest noise around, that beautiful sound

Beetlejuice (spoken):
Ooh! Someone's at the door

'Oh, I forgot all those people who used to come to our house' said Barbara 'Do you remember Adam, the neighbours would always come round, and then there were all the sales people and whatnot'

'That was really annoying' said Adam 'I would've hoped that it would've stopped for you guys'

'It has' said Lydia and Barbara raised an eyebrow 'Beej and I scared them all away'

'Hmm, not sure if that was the way to get them to go away' said Adam, frowning

'It worked' said Lydia

Lydia (spoken):
You wanna answer it this time?

Beetlejuice (spoken):

More than anything!

Lydia (spoken):

Don't oversell it, act natural

Beetlejuice (spoken):

Come on, you're giving me advice?

'You were having a lot of fun weren't you' said Delia 'Because people could finally see you'

'YES, DUH!' exclaimed Beetlejuice, 'I hadn't been seen by people for so long, and then I'm scaring people with my best friend, whats not to love?' 

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