Reunions and Tears

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'Oh, I'm bringing someone else in' said Amelia 'She's someone that 2 people in here know her extremely well, and miss dearly' Lydia lifted her head off Adam's chest and looked at Amelia

'You don't mean...' she trailed off when a woman walked into the room. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, was wearing black jeans, a hoodie, and had a gentle smile on her face 'mum?' Lydia looked up in disbelief at the woman 

'Lydia?' Emily Deetz looked at her daughter. Lydia released herself from Barbara's gentle embrace and ran to hug her mother. Emily wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her close . Lydia sniffled a little and pulled away from the hug to look up at her mother

'What are you doing here?' asked Lydia, wiping her eyes a little 

'Apparently I'm here to watch a musical about you and your life after I died' said Emily, she brushed Lydia's short hair out of her face 'Why'd you cut your hair baby? And dye it?' Lydia didn't answer and looked at the ground 'Its fine, it suits you, makes you look older' she looked around the room and saw Charles looking at her 'Charles?'

'Hey Em' he waved at her. Delia gently shoved him off the couch and towards Emily. Lydia moved away to let her parents have some time alone 'I- I've missed you' he said, standing awkwardly infront of her

'I miss you guys too' said Emily. She pulled Charles into a hug and put her head on his shoulder. Charles played with her hair and wondered what she'd think of Delia 'So,' Emily pulled away, wiping her eyes 'care to introduce me to everyone here? I've been watching the past few songs with Amelia, but I don't actually know anyone personally, apart from Miss Argentina'

'Well, there are the Maitlands, Adam and Barbara' said Charles, pointing to Adam and Barbara, who waved at Emily 'They are the couple that died in the house that we moved into, so we all live together now'

'Wait you guys are ghosts?' asked Emily, she looked at Lydia, who was sitting on the back of the couch 'You live with ghosts? Lydsie, thats so cool' then she walked over to Adam and Barbara 'Ghost buddies!' Barbara high-fived Emily and the two women laughed

'Right, next is Sky, she's our neighbour' said Charles 'We've only properly met her today, but she is really nice and might be giving us a puppy' Sky smiled at Emily and Emily smiled back 'This is Delia, she's my... uh...' he trialed off 

'Charles, its fine that you've moved on' said Emily, putting a hand on his shoulder 'I'm glad that you've moved on and not spent your days in mourning. I can see that Delia makes you happy, and its good that Lydia has a mother again' she smiled at Delia 'Its a pleasure to meet you'

'I've heard so much about you' said Delia, standing up and shaking Emily's hand 

'Good things I hope' laughed Emily and Delia joined in. 

'Oi, Beej, c'mere' said Charles. The demon got up from his spot on the floor and walked over to Charles. 'Em, this is Beej'

'Hi... Beej' said Emily, smiling at the demon 'How are you?'

'Its a true honour to meet you' said Beetlejuice, taking Emily's hand and kissing it. Emily blushed a little and Lydia groaned 

'Beej, do NOT flirt with my mother' she said, grabbing the demon and dragging him away from Emily 'Its bad enough that you keep torturing Adam and Barbara, I don't need you doing it to my mother too'

'But Lyds' said Beetlejuice, frowning at Lydia 'I can't help it if they're all so damn sexy' Emily raised an eyebrow at Charles, who smiled 

'Welcome to my life' said Charles 'Its a little crazy, we live with 2 ghosts and a demon, but we love it' 

Beetlejuice settled down in his fort with Sky, now determined to make the girl scout his best friend. Miss Argentina was sitting on a couch with Delia and Charles, the 3 of them talking. Lydia was curled up in her mothers lap next to the Maitlands, who were enjoying getting to know Lydia's mother

'So, mum, I actually have 3 mothers and 2 fathers' said Lydia. 'I got my dead mum, my ghost mum and my step-mum. Then I got dad and my ghost dad and my chaotic demon brother Beej'

'Wow' said Emily, she turned to the Maitlands 'Thank you for looking out for her, I really appreciate it. I was so scared when I found out I was going to die, because I didn't know what would happen to Lydsie or Charlie. But I think that their lives are just fine, you two and Delia, and Beej seem to have helped them a lot, and I know that Charles appreciates it more than he shows it'

'We love Lydia' said Barbara 'She feels like our daughter, and we wouldn't want our lives any other way' 

'I saw how you 3 were when I came in' said Emily 'For a second I didn't recognise Lydsie with this short black hair, and I thought you 3 looked like a perfect family. You know, Lydia used to have long blonde hair, before I died?'

'Really? Wow, Lyd you gotta show me photos' Barbara smiled at Emily and Lydia. The 2 women talked a little more about stuff, the two of them bonding immediately. Adam and Lydia exchanged a look that clearly said they're never gonna shut up, are they and what have we got ourselves into? 

'Sorry to break up this cute family time' said Amelia, surprising everyone 'But we gotta start watching this again, because there are still a fair few songs to go' 

Everyone nodded and settled down to watch the next song

~AN: So, Emily's here! I hope her character is ok, I think that if she was alive when Lydia and Charles moved into the Maitlands house, she and Barbara would've gotten along very well. Hope you enjoyed ~

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