Taking a break

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With Sky and Amelia:

'So, how much time has passed while I've been here?' asked Sky, walking into a room with Amelia 

'When I return you back to your home, it will be like no time has past at all' explained Amelia 'But if you want I can show you this thing I have set up so I can see you guys' 

'Yeah! That sounds cool' said Sky, then her smiled dropped 'But also kinda creepy'

'Don't worry' laughed Amelia, opening her laptop up and logging onto it 'I only use it for this, I am not the type of person to spy on people' she opened a program up on her laptop and showed Sky 'So this is your house, then if I press here, it shows the Deetz/Maitlands house, then theres the Deans, but I don't look at them often. And here is the Netherworld, which I don't like looking at because its all sad, but you'll find out about the Netherworld in act 2' 

'Thats so cool!' said Sky, she sat down next to Amelia 'Can we spy on my friend Sunny?'

With the Deetz, Maitlands and Beetlejuice:

Delia was standing infront of Beetlejuice and Lydia with her hand outstretched 

'Can I have my crystal back?' she asked 

'Manners Delia, honestly' said Lydia

'Please' said Delia

'Now as a full sentence' said Lydia 

'Can I please have my crystal back?' asked Delia, sighing. Reluctantly, Beetlejuice spat the crystal out and handed it to the life coach 'Oh eww... thanks' Delia wiped the crystal on her dress and went back to Charles. Charles was looking through a book that was on the table infront of him. It seemed to be a book of the cast of Beetlejuice: The Musical. He was currently reading about Leslie Kritzer, who played Delia. Over on the other couch, Adam and Barbara were having an enthusiastic discussion. Well, it seemed some what enthusiastic. Barbara was waving her hands around and bouncing up and down in her seat, while Adam just smiled at his energetic wife. 

'Guys!' announced Sky, walking into the room, banging the doors wide open 'I've worked out who else is an amazing singer'

'Who?' asked Charles, putting the book down and looking at Sky 

'Well, Miss Barbara Maitland, of course' said Sky, pointing to the ghost. Lydia and Delia looked questioningly at Barbara but Beetlejuice and Adam smiled

'How'd you guess?' asked Charles 

'I was watching my friends Sunny's house, which is totally not creepy at all... any way-' she was cut off 

'Its actually not that creepy, I do it all the time' said Beetlejuice, shrugging and picking up a blanket 'I was watching the Maitlands for ages before they died' he turned back to his pillow fort, which he was reconstructing 

'You what?' asked Adam 

'Ha! I told you I felt someone watching me' said Barbara, pointing her finger in Adam's face. 'You said I was crazy and that I was imagining things, but no, it was Beetleju-' Adam gently put a finger to her lips and frowned at Beetlejuice, who grinned at the couple

'Yes yes, well' said Sky 'I was watching Sunny's house and she was talking to her brother Zac about how they used to watch musicals together, and that you'd take them to the theatre sometimes, and how you'd both sing to them' Sky smiled at the Maitlands 'Then she got all sad and started crying because she misses you guys, Zac nearly cried too'

'I loved doing that with them' said Barbara. She turned to Adam 'Sunny loved to watch Hairspray, remember?' Adam nodded and smiled sadly. Barbara's smile dropped and she looked sad. Adam wrapped her up in his arms and she gripped his shirt.

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