No Reason

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The universe
Is more than just space with no end

'This is just like you Delia' said Lydia, smiling at her life-coach 

'Oh haha' said Delia

Just think of the universe as a female best friend
And you can be like
"Hey, Universe, what's happenin', girl?"
And she'll be like
"Oh, nothin'... just running the world."

'Strange way to see things' said Beetlejuice 

And you'll be like, "What?"
And the universe will be like "I know!
You're on the right track, girl
I got your back, girl
I'm helping you grow"
Think positive
Act positive
You are a child of the earth! 

Life-coaching! Nailing it!

'Did ya though?' asked Lydia

'I'm still here aren't I? And your happy' said Delia 

'Yes, thats because you and my father are engaged and I'm happy because I got a big happy family' said Lydia 'But you're part of that family too Delia'

Time to take command
You dictate the hand
The universe deals
Science makes no sense

'Thats true' muttered Sky and Lydia turned to her 'What, science is hard'

'I agree with that' said Lydia, smiling at the girl

Who needs evidence?
Go with your feels
I'm like a radio
Tuned to the stars
I found my frequency
Crystals speak to me

'And what do they say Delia?' grinned Lydia

Lydia (spoken):
What are they saying?

Everyone laughed at the similarity between what the real Lydia and musical Lydia had said.

Delia (spoken):
Buy more crystals!

'Speaking of that, has anyone seen a package arrive recently? I ordered a crystal lamp and it hasn't come yet' said Delia and everyone shook their heads

Everything, everything happens for a reason

'Does it though?' asked Charles

Be a beacon of light in the world
Put a little "alright" in the world
There are spiritual guides above

'So god?' asked Sky 'Or the gods, depending on what you believe in'

'I dunno actually' said Delia 'Whatever you wanna believe'

Look up and see 'em
Perception is reality
Just listen to the melody the universe sings
'Cause everything, everything happens for a reason

Lydia (spoken):
Gee, I hate to break it to you.

'Ooh, someones gonna break Delia's heart' said Beetlejuice excitedly. He had been very quiet during the song because he found it boring and not as fun as his songs. So he was using a spare chair to build a pillow fort off to the side. 

The universe is just the contents of time, matter and space

Delia (spoken)

Lydia (sung):
Ninety-one billion light-years across
And the Earth's a small place
Where good people die


'Yes actually, many good people die' said Delia, contradicting her screen self 'Many good people die everyday' she smiled sadly at the Maitlands

Lydia (spoken):

In famine and wars
The Pacific Islands are sinking
But negative thinking is hardly the cause
You think life is all unicorns and rainbows
'cause you're bored

'Did the person just whisper that unicorns are scary? asked Beetlejuice, more intrigued by the song now

'Unicorns are scary' muttered Delia and Beetlejuice grinned, knowing he could have some serious fun with that information

And positivity is a luxury that few can afford
We're gonna die
Yes, you and I
In meaninglessness and alone...

'Nice positive mind set Lydia' said Barbara sarcastically, staring at the teen, who grinned back

No no no!
One day you may wake up alone

Lydia (spoken):

'Cause your husband and his boyfriend bought a boat 
And then they sailed away to Rome

'Story of my life' muttered Delia and Charles hugged her tight

Lydia (spoken):

That's specific.

So you cry yourself to sleep in deep despair
Talkin' to the walls 'cause there's no one there
And you have to buy a cat
'Cause that's your last chance to have a family

'Dad, can we get a pet?' asked Lydia randomly 

'Oh I have a dog that recently had puppies' squealed Sky 'You could have one and then we could be friends forever!'

'Yes!' said Lydia, much to everyones surprise 'Thats amazing, can we dad?'

'I'll think about it' said Charles

Take it from me!
That your aging ass will have to believe that-

Everything, everything happens for a reason
Put some more fun in the world
A little "I am still young!!!"  in the world
Be prepared to take your eggs and freeze 'em-

Lydia (spoken):
Is this still about me?

'You really told Lydia that?' asked Barbara

'I- ' started Delia but Lydia cut her off

'Even if she did, it doesn't matter, its in the past' 

'Cause everything, everything happens—

Sounds like terrible things can happen
Because the universe is random

'The universe if SO random, its crazy' said Sky, flopping into the cushions on the couch, making Adam and Barbara smile

Delia (spoken)
Yes, but—

Random for a reason!

No reason!

'Wow, they're talented singers' said Delia. She looked at Charles and smiled up at him 'You're the best person I could ever ask for' she whispered and he hugged her close. Lydia joined Beetlejuice in his now complete pillow fort and they were laughing about something. Sky was looking strangely at the Maitlands, until she clapped her hands together

'I know where I've seen you before' she declared loudly 'You used to baby sit my friend Sunny'

'Sunny and Sky?' whispered Beetlejuice, 'how ironic' Lydia giggled 

'Oh I remember Sunny' said Barbara smiling 'She and her brother Zac were amazing'

'She was really sad when you guys died, she loved to sell cookies to you' said Sky 'and talk to you. She still actually talks about you. Whenever we pass your house she starts talking about all the memories she had in the house or with you guys'

'Didn't we look after you once too?' asked Adam, looking at Sky 

'Yes! We did, do you remember?' asked Barbara 'We took them to the local fair and thats where they saw the girl scout stand and wanted to join'

'Oh I remember that' said Sky. She smiled at the Maitlands, who smiled back, remembering the cute little girl they used to babysit.

'Next song!' announced Charles

~AN: I thought I'd just make Sky be connected with the Maitlands, because 3 of the cutest most adorable Beetlejuice characters deserve to be connected in someway. I hope you enjoyed, love y'all ~

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