Fright of Their Lives

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Listen up, I'm not gonna lie
Right now, you couldn't frighten a fly
Or scare a seagull off of a fry

'Is this whole song just gonna be telling the whole world how not scary we are?' asked Adam

'You guys can be scary' said Lydia 'Like the time I was going through boxes in the attic and I was opening one and you shouted at me to close it and never open it again, that was scary'

'Sorry about that Lydia' said Adam 'That box was private'

'I know, I forgave you Adam, but I'm still curious'

'Maybe we'll show you when we get home' said Barbara, smiling at the teenager

'That is why you guys aren't scary' said Beetlejuice 'You're too polite and nice'

'Well I'm sorry for having good manners' said Barbara, getting defensive. Beetlejuice stuck his tongue out at her and threw a pillow at her, and she threw it back, hitting him hard in the head

'Ow!' said Beetlejuice 'Barbara, that hurt'

'Oh grow up' muttered Barbara, turning her attention back on the screen

You ever stop to ask yourselves "why?" Both of you are super polite
Middle class, suburban, and white
Well, all of that is finished tonight
Except for the white part

'This is all just insulting us isn't it' said Adam 

'I love it' said Beetlejuice

'You would' muttered Barbara

Obviously. Take your places
I want scary faces
Now go!
Bigger, further, harder
Not bad.

'These two people are adorable' said Lydia 

Sever a head
Preferably someone you know

Barbara: Look at me, I'm so scary

'Why is there a head in the attic?' asked Charles

'We didn't put it there' said Barbara

'I did' said Beetlejuice 

'Wait- there is actually a severed head in our attic at home?' asked Delia. Beetlejuice smiled evilly and winked at Delia. 'Yuck' exclaimed Delia 'Thats gross, we live in that house, the Maitlands stay in the attic' Beetlejuice grinned and turned back to the screen


Don't be so vanilla
Would a little anger kill ya?
C'mon, drop your panties
I'm trying to fill you

'This is so wrong in so many ways' said Adam

With wisdom and skill
And the instinct to kill

Adam: Again, we do not want to kill anyone

'BJ, did you really think you could get the sweet, innocent Maitlands to kill someone?' asked Lydia, looking at the demon

'It was worth a try' shrugged Beetlejuice 'And they're not so innocent anymore'


But somehow, someway
You gotta make 'em see ya'
I'm talkin' jump-scares
The jerky Japanese ghost-walk, plus:
Learn to throw your voice
Fool your friends
Fun at parties

Adam: Now THAT is cool! I wanna do that!

'Can you do that now Adam?' asked Lydia 

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