Running Away

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Mama, I could use some wisdom
Gotta make a big decision
Go back where you don't exist
Or onwards into the abyss

'Is this a different version of Home?' asked Lydia

'Probably... yeah' said Emily 'sounds like it'

I risked so much to come this far
Behind the dark inside the stars
Now there's a line to cross, a heavy cost
From here to where you are

'You did a lot to make it to the Netherworld Lyds' said Barbara 'I'll give you that'

'She's always been stubborn' said Charles 'Even when she was a tiny baby'

'You could've told me that when I started life-coaching her' said Delia, looking at her husband 'Because it was impossible getting her to talk'

Help me out
I'm lost without you standing
Stuck on this impossible road
No idea which way to go
Whichever path I choose I lose, you know
And I don't know which way's home

'Oh...' said Lydia 'I see what they did, they took elements and lines from this song and put it into the final version, thats smart'

'Its interesting to see how the song has developed' said Delia

Daddy ran away from his pain
Do you think I'm doing the same?
You won't believe what I'm about to say
But maybe I'm running away, oh
Have I been running away? Oh

'You two are both too stubborn' sighed Emily, shaking her head 

'They are' agreed Delia 

You always saw life as a game
But since you left it sucks to play
I'm beaten up and bruised
Confused by rules that alter every day

'I've heard that before' mumbled Beetlejuice, he looked up at Adam and Barbara 'Where have I heard that before?'

'You're serious?' asked Lydia, looking at the demon who was deep in thought 

'It's from the song Home, that we heard a while ago' said Barbara kindly 

'Oh, yeah' said Beetlejuice, blushing slightly and looking down, embarrassed 'duh'

'It's alright Beej' said Adam, he put a hand on the demons shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly, making him smile slightly 

I've been through things you won't believe
Invisible inside my dream
I had to drag my dad through hell and back
But finally, he sees
Where to next?
You left but I'm still standing

'You did drag me through hell' said Charles 'Ha, I can tell everyone I've been to hell and back'

'Man, I was born in hell' said Beetlejuice 

'That explains a lot' mumbled Lydia 

'Oi, shut up' said Beetlejuice 

'Stop fighting' said Barbara, stopping the fight

Scared I'll never see you again
Amazed we're finally saying your name
Can you believe how far your daughter came?

'I am so proud of you Lydia' said Emily 'Please never forget that' Lydia nodded and smiled at her mother. Hearing her mum say that was everything she needed to know that she was still appreciated and needed in life

But this is the wrong damn way
Ma, I got my heart in my hand
Maybe this was part of your plan
To show my daddy I will be okay
And maybe I'm just running away, oh
Am I just running away? Oh

'I don't blame you for running away from your feelings' said Barbara 'either of you'

Nothingness in front of us
Is not what she would want for us

'You are correct, my loves' said Emily 

Charles and Lydia:
We'll raise her up
I'll never stop saying her name
Again and again and again

'Wow, these 2 needed to sing more together' said Delia 'Also, you deserved your own song Charles'

'Its not really like me' said Charles 'I'm not exactly a singing type'

'So they made your character pretty accurate then?' said Adam and Charles nodded

Lydia (spoken):
Let's go home.

Charles (spoken):
That demon with the stupid hair, he's waiting for us. What are we gonna do?

'Chuck, my hair is beautiful' said Beetlejuice 

'It's a mood-ring' said Lydia 'We can all tell how you feel' 

'Shut up' said Beetlejuice, his hair turning purple

'Aw, Lydia, you made him sad' said Barbara, she leant over Adam and ran her fingers through the demons hair. Beetlejuice immediately relaxed 

'Babs, don't stop' mumbled Beetlejuice, closing his eyes and smiling. Barbara laughed and kept running her hand through the demons hair, leaning against Adam

Lydia (spoken):
Well, he's a con man. And the way to con a con man is... you give him what he wants.

Charles (spoken):
You mean marry him? But you'll be-

Lydia (spoken):
-bound to him for a lifetime. Yeah. One lifetime.

Charles (spoken):
Oh... Ohhh!

Lydia (spoken):
He thinks he's the ghost with the most? Let's make him think he's right.
Dad... Promise we can talk about her?

Charles (spoken):
Anytime you want

'Pretty much how our conversation went down' said Charles 

'I'm glad you changed your mind' said Emily 'It seems to have made Lydsie a lot happier'

I'm gonna go back home!
Mama, I'm letting go
Screaming yes, into a world unknown
I'm tired of running away
I was the invisible girl
But now I see myself in the world
I know you understand why I can't stay
Momma no more running away, yeah!
Momma no more running away, no
I'm gonna go back home!
Mom, no more running away!

'This song was good, but I like Home more' said Delia

'I agree, I just wish that Charles and Lydia got to sing together more' said Emily 'It was so sweet'

'Are you saying that because we were singing about you mum?' asked Lydia, looking at her mother with a smirk

'What? No' said Emily 'Its just sweet hearing a father and daughter sing'

'Sure, keep believing that mum' said Lydia. Emily frowned playfully at her daughter and Lydia laughed 'I love you mummy' she said sweetly

'Love you too baby' said Emily, blowing Lydia a kiss

'Guys' the door swung open and Amelia poked her head inside 'I got some bad news' 

~AN: I feel like these stories and reactions are getting worse and less entertaining. Thank you all for sticking with me through this story, I appreciate you all so much and every read, comment and vote means the world to me. I think the next chapter will be the last (maybe another after that). So I'm sorry for cutting this story short, but I am just not happy with how these are turning out. I may start another BJ story after this though. Thank you so so so much for reading! ❤️~

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