Dead Mom (reprise)

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'BJ?' asked Delia, and Adam nodded 'No, is he not here?'

'If he is, this is the quietest he's ever been in his life/death' said Adam 

'True' said Delia, she got up and looked in the pillow fort 'Yeah, its empty... where'd that demon go?'

'BOO!' shouted Beetlejuice, appearing behind Delia in a cloud of green smoke. Delia screamed and turned around, only to see Beetlejuice and scream again, running to the back of the room. Beetlejuice fell to the ground and started rolling around laughing. The demon had appeared back in the room, dressed in a unicorn onesie.  It'd certainly given the life coach the fright of her life, and she was standing in the far corner of the room, breathing heavily

'Whats goin on?' Lydia sleepily asked, opening her eyes and looking around 'Beej? Why're you dressed as a unicorn?'

'Oh, I just scared Diana' grinned Beetlejuice, wiping his eyes and sitting up 

'Apologise' mumbled Barbara, not opening her eyes

'But Babs-' started Beetlejuice 

'Now Beej' said Barbara, opening one of her eyes and looking at the demon 'With her real name'

'Sorry Delia' said Beetlejuice, snapping his fingers making the onesie turn to his classic striped suit. 

'Its alright Beej, I forgive you' said Delia, moving back to the couch and sitting next to Emily

'Whats next? asked Emily 

'Nap time' mumbled Lydia, lying back down and hugging Barbara, who'd already gone back to sleep

'More cut songs' said Charles, smiling slightly at his sleeping daughter 

'I wonder what this one is' said Emily, looking at the screen with interest. Adam gently shook Barbara and Lydia awake, not wanting them to miss anything else. The two females were very grumpy to be woken up, but stayed awake and looked at the screen.  

Mom, it's me, your daughter
Calling to you from afar

'Ahh, another song about the dead mum' said Beetlejuice, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Adam 'How many of these are there?'

'Who knows' said Adam 'Lydia really misses her "dead mum" so...' he shrugged 

'Well, if they made a song for every-time I thought about mum, they'd have 50 musicals at least, probably more' said Lydia, she looked over at Emily 'I really miss you mum, we both do'

'I miss you guys too' said Emily 'More than you'll ever know' 

A fish stuck out of waters
Reaching out across the stars

'Oh, is this a reprise of the... dead mom... song?' asked Charles 

'Dead mum?' asked Emily 'What was that like?'

'I would offer to sing it to you, but it'd probably kill you again' said Lydia, laughing slightly 

'I'm sure you have a beautiful singing voice Lydia' said Barbara 

'Hey...' said Lydia, turning her head slowly 'you can sing it for us, I wanna hear you sing'

'I don't remember it' said Barbara 'Well, sort of the end but not really...' she trailed off 

'Think, and sing for us at the end' said Lydia, patting Barbara on the shoulder

Buried in these pages
There's a way into your arms

'Handbook for the recently deceased?' guessed Beetlejuice 

'Never reading anything from that book aloud ever again' said Lydia 

'What happened?' asked Emily 

'I nearly exorcised Barb' said Lydia. Emily looked at her daughter in shock, and then at Barbara with a questioning look. Barbara just nodded sadly in response 

'I forgave Lydia a long time ago for that' said Barbara, putting an arm around Lydia and squeezing her tightly

Open up, let's take a ride
To see you on the other side
All the pain will fade and we'll be one

Oh, come on

'That was so good' said Emily 'I really wish I could hear the dead mum song, even if the name is a little weird'

'Barb?' asked Lydia, looking at the ghost, who sighed

'I guess I could try to sing the end of it' said Barbara 'But I'm warning you, I haven't sung for at least 2 years'

'Thats fine' said Lydia 'Just sing, please?' Barbara took a deep breath and her sweet voice filled the room 

"Take me where my soul can run or I'll be in my bedroom
Wake me when I'm twenty one
Daddy's moving forward
Daddy didn't lose a mom

Mama won't you send a sign?
I'm running out of hope and time
A plague of mice, a lightning strike
Or drop a nuclear bomb

No more playing daddy's game
I'll go insane if things don't change
Whatever it takes to make him say your name
Dead mom"

'Wow' said Lydia, looking at Barbara 'You sound exactly like the person who plays you in this'

'Lydia, that is the nicest compliment someone has ever given me' said Barbara 'Being told I sound like Kerry Butler is literally the best, thank you' she hugged Lydia tightly 

'Babs, I didn't know you could sing that well' said Beetlejuice 'Like, everyone said you could sing, and I thought you'd, like, be average, but you're really good'

'Thanks Beej' said Barbara, smiling shyly at the demon 

'Thats my wife everyone!' said Adam loudly, throwing his arms around Barbara and kissing her cheek. Barbara kissed him and looked at Emily 

'So, thats just the end, but what do you think?' she asked 'Of course, I sound very different to the person who actually sings it, but it gives you an idea'

'Sounds like an amazing song, and you have an incredible voice' said Emily

'So, we all agree Barbara can sing, right' said Delia, and everyone nodded in agreement 'Right, so when we get home, Barb, your singing more for us'

'Uhh... ok?' said Barbara, although it sounded like a question 

'Good' said Delia 'Shall we move on?'

'Sure thing Donna' said Beetlejuice 

'How...?' asked Charles, looking at Beetlejuice 'How did you get Donna from Delia? Is it just any name that starts with D now?'

'Correct Chucky boy' said Beetlejuice, doing finger guns at him and settling down infront of the couch, near Adam. 

~AN: So I only heard the reprise a couple of days ago, but its so good, and her voice is so soft compared to the other songs, and it just shows sadness and its so beautiful. Also, I kinda really wanna hear Kerry Butler sing Dead Mom or one of Lydia's songs, because it'd be so cool. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a good day/night/afternoon ~

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