Say My Name

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'If this is actually what I think its about, BJ is gonna get really annoyed' laughed Lydia, looking down at the demon who was still in his pillow fort. Beetlejuice frowned and poked his tongue out at Lydia, who did the same back to him.

You could use a buddy
Don't you want a pal?
(Yes I do! Yes I do!)

'Just like the real BJ' said Lydia 'Annoying'

'That hurt Lyds' said Beetlejuice, putting a hand to where his heart would be

Girl, the way I see it
Your daddy should be leavin'

'Ya know Lyds, we could still get rid of him' said Beetlejuice

'Even if you got rid of me and Delia' said Charles, turning to the demon 'The Maitlands are always in the attic, and I know they'd take care of Lyds for us' he smiled at the ghost couple, who smiled back

'Of course we would' said Adam. Little did Charles know, the small comment had made the Maitlands feel so happy and made them feel like they had a proper family. Barbara was grinning like a crazy person and Adam hugged her closer to his side. 

And you should stick around
(And kill him!)

'I would never kill my father, no matter how mad we got at each other' said Lydia, looking over at her father 


'And just for future reference, I'd never kill Delia or anyone in my family BJ' Lydia went to the Demon's pillow fort and sat inside it

So, Lydia, don't end yourself

'I never will again, I promise' said Lydia to the room at large, making everyone smile happily

Defend yourself
Daddy is the one you should maim
Together we'll exterminate, assassinate


The finer points can wait
But first you gotta say my name

'BJ, I'll never say your name 3 times again ever again' said Lydia 'Thats why your called Beej or BJ'

'Hey! At least I gotta nickname' said Beetlejuice

'Ok, Lawrence' said Barbara, and the Demon groaned

'Wait! Was no one gonna tell me that his name is Lawrence?!' asked Lydia, turning to look around the room

'You're name is Lawrence?' Asked Delia. Beetlejuice nodded and and Delia giggled a bit

'No one mention my first name' said Beetlejuice 'As far as anyone here is concerned, my name is BJ' 

Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him
Here you got a solid plan B option
I can bring your daddy so much pain
All you gotta do is say my name
Girl, just say it three times in a row
Then you won't believe how far I'll go
I'm on the bench, but coach
Just put me in the game

'I'm sorry, but what coach would ever put you in a game?' asked Lydia

'I've played games with dead football teams before, in the Netherworld' said Beetlejuice

'Oh I remember them' said Charles and Lydia nodded in agreement 

All you gotta do is say my name


I don't know your name

'This is gonna be so annoying' muttered Beetlejuice and Lydia smiled, happy that the demon was gonna be annoyed

Well, I can't say it

How 'bout a game of charades?

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