The Whole "Being Dead" Thing (part 4)

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'How many of there are there?' asked Delia 

'I dunno, many more would be amazing, because they're amazing' said Beetlejuice 

'I hope that there aren't too many' said Barbara, shuddering slightly at the memory of her being exorcised. 

Hey guys, awesome seance 
Lots of good old-fashioned chaos

'You are chaos' said Delia 

'Thank you' said Beetlejuice 

You lose — in your faces!
'Cause look who's holding all the aces

Hey, it's great that you ate up my plan

'You were mean Beej' said Lydia, frowning at the demon, who was half laying out of the fort, so he could see everyone else in the room

'I just wanted a friend' said Beetlejuice

'Well, you've changed a lot' said Delia 'In a good way'

'What did he used to be like?' asked Sky, genuinely curious 

'Watch the song and you'll see' said Lydia

The pooch has been screwed 
And shit's hit the fan!
You wanted me gone-

'This is so accurate!' said Beetlejuice 'Its exactly how I felt'

Lydia (spoken):
I don't have a choice

You wanted your mom

'Wittle baby Lyds wanted her mama' said Beetlejuice in a baby voice, Lydia just stuck the finger up at him in response 

Lydia (spoken):
Its my fault she's dying!

'Aww Lyds' Barbara hugged Lydia tightly 'It wasn't entirely your fault'

'It was' said Lydia 'and I'm so so so sorry' Barbara kissed Lydia's head and gave her a small squeeze

You messed with the wrong book - now look what you've done!

'Haha, thats actually cool' said Charles 'Good link'

*Barbara screams*

'How do they get her to float?' asked Sky 'Its awesome'

'Well, I think I know, but I won't spoil the magic for you' said Charles, looking closely at the screen. Barbara and Adam nodded in agreement, but Sky, Delia, Lydia and Beetlejuice looked confused.

Lydia (spoken):
Okay! I'll do it, I'll marry you!

'Oooh, thats exactly what happened' said Lydia 'Then he did a little happy dance'

'A happy dance?' asked Sky, holding back her laughter 

'Yeah, you got a problem with that?' asked Beetlejuice, sitting up a little

'N-no' said Sky, shrinking back a little into the couch and bringing the blanket a little higher 

'Good' said Beetlejuice 

'Beej, leave her alone' said Adam, looking at the demon 'She was just curious, do you want us to get mad at you whenever you ask us a question?' he raised an eyebrow 

'No' mumbled Beetlejuice 'Sorry dad'

'Shall we move on?' asked Charles, and everyone nodded in agreement

~AN: Ok, real short chapter there, but its a really short song. Next chapter, I'll bring in Miss Argentina, so y'all have something to look forward too! Thanks for the continued support, it means a lot to me. ~

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