Mama Would

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Mom would take her foot off the gas on the way back home
On the way back home from school
Slip into neutral on top of the hill and away we'd roll
No breaking 'cause breaking was breaking the rules

'God, I miss that' said Lydia 'I wish you'd do that dad'

'No thanks Lydia' said Charles 

I used to do that on my bike
It was terrifying

'I used to do that too' said Barbara 'But then one day I fell off and hurt myself... I've been terrified to go fast on a bike since then' Lydia sighed at Barbara. This is her problem, thought Lydia, she's too terrified of the past to live in the present and it held her back from doing so much stuff. But Lydia didn't tell Barbara this, she just hugged a pillow close to her chest and didn't look at the ghost, still a little annoyed at the Maitlands

Mama could role play like nobody else

Pretend we were birds and make nests in the house
One time she spat chewed up food in my mouth
She was free, she was everything a mother should be
When nobody else believed in me, mama would

I'm sorry did you say she spat in your mouth?

'Oh... that was so fun' said Emily 'I miss having you as my baby girl'

'I miss having you as my mum' said Lydia 

'You guys should've seen her as a baby' said Emily, looking at Delia and the Maitlands 'She was the cutest blonde curly haired baby, and she would always dress up in funny outfits and put on shows for us' she looked at Charles 'Do you still have the videos?'

'Of course, they're in my office, I watch them when I feel stressed' said Charles 'Seeing my little girl makes me happy'

'Can you show us them when we get home?' asked Barbara, gesturing to herself, Adam and Delia 

'No' said Lydia firmly

'Yes' said Charles, avoiding his daughters stare and looking back at the screen 

Yeah cause we were birds!

Oh yeah, that makes sense

Mama would never accept things just the way they were
Mama would always seek so much more
Like the way she'd say "We're being chased by a murderer!"
As she fumbled for the keys to the door

'I hated it when you did that Em' muttered Charles 

'I thought it was funny' laughed Lydia. 

Mama was serious about Halloween
Her costumes could make hardened criminals scream
The dads in our neighbourhood still have bad dreams
She was wild
She knew just what to say to a child
If I ever needed to see her smile
Mama would

'When you died Paul came over one day and said that he'd never forget you because of your clown costume that year' said Charles, looking at his ex/dead wife, who laughed 

'That was such a cool costume' said Lydia 

No matter how awkward or hard, mama would ask
Mama would never presume
When others would hide or pretend
Mom would make friends with the elephants in the room

She'd want us to talk about her
Why doesn't he talk about her?

Lydia looked down, not exactly wanting to have this discussion with her father again, but luckily, he didn't try to talk to her. 

I know, sure as hell, that if the shoe was on the other foot
That mama would

Daddy was never always this imperious
Mama would actually make him laugh
She'd say "Charles, life's too important to be serious"
Then she'd throw his phone in the trash

'Oh, I wish you'd come back and do that sometimes' said Delia, looking at Emily 

'He hasn't changed then' said Emily and Delia shook her head 'Well, just take his phone away and hide it from him, force him to play a board game or something' Charles looked at Emily as if to say Really? But Emily just laughed

'Thanks for the advice, I'll use it' said Delia, glancing at her husband

Mama was positive, mama was pure
Making this darkened dad less insecure
No matter how rough the path mom would endure
She was fun, she was bright and as warm as the sun

'Emily, can I just say that you seemed like the best mother' said Barbara, turning to look at the ghost 'I never got to be a mother, but if I did, I would've hoped that I was exactly like you. Because you and Charles raised a beautiful, kind, caring and excepting daughter and if we'd ever had a daughter, I'd want her to be just like Lydia' 

'Aww, Barbara, thank you' Emily put a hand on her chest and smiled at the ghost couple 'You guys are actually the sweetest people I've ever met, dead or alive. You seem so excepting and kind and the way that you treat Lydia is amazing. It just makes me happy knowing that Lydsie has a proper family again' 

Lydia completely forgot her anger and annoyance at the Maitlands, and threw herself at them in a hug. They were surprised for a second, but hugged the teenager back. Lydia settled back down in Barbara's arms and closed her eyes as Barbara started stroking her hair

Now that I'm seeing you spirit to spirit
What if I left home but mama's still in it?
I've got to find her and you are the sign that I should

'I promise you, that I went straight to the Netherworld' said Emily

Oh, 'cause mama would
Mama would
Mama would

'That was such a good song' said Delia 'Why'd they cut it?'

'I don't know' said Charles, 'I think it gives so much more information on Emily that we didn't originally get in the musical'

'Thats so true' said Adam 'In the musical she's just portrayed as Lydias "dead mom" but there's so much more' then he glanced down at the females on his lap 'uhh, guys... I'm trapped'

'What?' asked Delia, she looked at him and laughed 'This is too good' Lydia and Barbara had both fallen asleep, with their arms around each other. 'Want me to move them?'

'No its fine' said Adam. He looked around the room and realised something was off... and that it was too quiet 'Hey, guys, where'd Beej go?'

~AN: I wrote this instead of writing my english essay thats due tomorrow (i haven't even started it, oops). I love this song so much, and now its stuck in my head, which is kinda annoying but good. I wish they'd kept it in the musical, because its sooo good, and didn't deserve to be cut. I just think that it gives so much information on Emily, Lydia and Charles, and tells us about Lydia's life before the musical.
Also, a question for you guys, when do you think Beetlejuice (the musical) was/is set? Because it seems kinda modern, but the movie is old, so I'm not sure when its set So if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for reading! ~

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