Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)/Act I Finale

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'So, how do we explain to Maxie and Maxine that ghosts possessed them and now we live with those ghosts and they are our family and theres a musical about our lives?' asked Charles

'Say that' said Amelia 'Or don't say anything at all. Oh, Adam, Barbara, Sky, you might wanna move, because they're gonna land on that couch' advised Amelia. The 3 mentioned people quickly scrambled up and went to stand by Delia and Charles. There was the sound of screaming and 2 figures fell through the ceiling 

'What the hell is going on?' asked Maxie, sitting up 'Oh, I should've known it would involve you' he said, seeing Charles and Delia 

'Hello Maxie' said Charles 'Hello Maxine, you look lovely as always'

'What is going on?' asked Maxine

'Uhh, you see there was a musical made about what happened at the haunted house I moved into, and this song features you two' explained Charles quickly 

'Right, and who the hell are they?' asked Maxie, pointing to the Maitlands, Sky and Amelia 

'This is Sky, she's a local girl scout and new friend of ours' said Charles 'Thats Amelia, the person responsible for us being here and the couple is Adam and Barbara Maitland'

'Didn't those people fall through the floor of their house?' asked Maxie 'I saw it in the paper'

'Yes, they did' said Charles 'They are ghosts'

'What?' shrieked Maxine 

'Listen' said Amelia 'You two can leave if you want to' 

'Yes' said Maxie and Maxine nodded. Amelia smiled and snapped her fingers and they disappeared. 

'Thank you' said Charles, sitting down on the couch 'I don't want to deal with them anymore'

'All good' said Amelia 'Should we watch it?'

'Sure' said Charles. The Maitlands and Sky sat back on the couch. Barbara was curled up into Adam's side when she noticed Sky shivering. Barbara got up and snatched a blanket from Beetlejuice's pillow fort and wrapped it around the young girl. Sky smiled gratefully at Barbara, who smiled back and sat next to Adam, laying her head on his chest. 

Delia (spoken):
Business friends

'Oh Delia, I'm so glad you've changed since then' said Lydia 

'Honestly, I am too' said Delia 

I have only known this amazing
Amazing man and his unique daughter for a few months
I don't even know how many
I'd have to check my pay stubs

'Was I trying too hard?' asked Delia. No one answered and she took that as YES

But, as my guru Otho always says-

'What happened to Otho?' asked Charles 'Or should I say Kevin?'

'We are still good friends' said Delia 


'Why did you chose that song out of all of them?' asked Delia, turning to the Maitlands

'We were brainstorming what to do, and Barb started humming it under her breath and Lydia decided to use it' said Adam 

'What did you guys do?' asked Sky, who had no idea what was going on. Lydia grinned at the young girl, and Sky knew it couldn't be anything good. 


What's going on Delia?
Are you alright?

'This must've been fun to do' said Sky 

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