Extraaaa Stufffff (because you guys deserve more)

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Nope, not buying it, time to die!

'You have no chill' exclaimed Lydia, throwing her hands in the air and looking at the demon 'NO CHILL'

Hold on one damn minute!

'Character. Development.' said Lydia, clapping her hands together between each word then she looked at the screen 'Aww, he's trembling' Adam blushed a little

'I think its adorable' said Barbara, kissing her husband on his pink cheek

Mr Beetlejuice, since we met... you have pinched me... and groped me... and harassed me, sir, and I wanna tell you infront of all these people... that... it... has... worked...

'I am so confused' muttered Emily


'Cover your eyes Sky' advised Delia

'Whats going to happen?' asked Sky innocently, not covering her eyes and turning her full attention to the screen

I want you, Beetlejuice, and I want everyone here to know it

'Sexy... I miss you kissing me like that' said Beetlejuice, crawling on his hands and knees over to Adam and looking up at him, puckering his lips for a kiss

'No Beej' said Adam firmly, putting a finger to the demons lips and pushing him away 'Absolutely not'

How dare you

'I'm sorry-what?' gasped Lydia 'The Barbara Maitland Hit Her Husband?'

oh my god, did I really hit you-

'I still feel bad about that' mumbled Barbara, putting her head next to Adam

'It's fine honey' said Adam 'I know you were just acting'

Maitlands 2.0

'This is so weird' said Sky

Maitlands 2.0- I mean, I'm angry!

'Why is her deep voice so cute?' whispered Sky

'Mood change much?' asked Charles

Because I too, am attracted to Mr Beetlejuice... ugh, we all are!

'I'm sorry, did this actually happen?' asked Emily

'Yup' said Beetlejuice, grinning up at the Maitlands 'every second of it... apart from the fact that I actually got to kiss Babs in real life'

'Eww, Beej, please stop' said Lydia

'I am so confused' said Sky

'Ditto' replied Emily


Adam 3.0

'So, someone made a puppet version of sexy?' asked Beetlejuice 'Thats so unfair! I want a puppet version of me!' he threw himself on the floor like a young child throwing a tantrum 

'I think thats a really funny, sweet, and creative way to leave a show' said Barbara 

'One night they should've just had him come on stage and sing with the puppet' said Delia 'I'd pay to see that'


Curtain Call: Rob's Final (Because I feel like making myself sad) :

When the ensemble came on, everyone cheered and clapped 

'Woo!' called Delia, forgetting she was watching it in a home and not live

'I love their outfits' said Sky 

Then, Maxie, Juno, Otho and Sky came onto bow

'Wow, they all get black and white versions of their costumes' said Charles 'Thats a nice touch'

'The person who plays me is so pretty!' said Sky, looking at Dana Steingold as she did her signature Girl Scout pose

'Wait, did the person who played Maxine also play Juno?' asked Delia, looking closely at the screen 


'They nailed Otho' said Lydia 'Only I wish he'd had a proper song, and not just a cut one'

'Hey, they recognised her for her role of Miss Argentina' said Delia, when Leslie Kritzer and Adam Dannheisser did their bow 'Thats good, she deserves it, that was an impressive song'

'The Maitlands!' cheered Emily

'Wait, why didn't she bow?' asked Barbara, when Kerry Butler just gestured for Rob McClure to bow again 

'This was his last show' said Amelia from the back of the room 

'Thats so sweet' said Emily

'Very Maitlandish' said Lydia. Adam and Barbara raised their eye brows at the word "Maitlandish" 

'THEY SAID MY NAME!' cried Beetlejuice thankfully, flopping onto the floor and throwing his hands in the air 'OH, I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!'

'They come out of the floor? No fair' pouted Sky 'I wanna do this show. Falling through the floor, floating in the air, setting stuff on fire, breaking stuff, fireworks, moving sets. This is awesome!' 

'Sounds a little scary' said Barbara 'But I agree, it'd be extremely fun'

'Woo! Beej and his sparkly suit' said Lydia, when Alex Brightman and Sofia Anne Caruso jumped off the platform in their sparkly outfits 

'I want one' announced Beetlejuice, before cheering loudly when Sophia took her bow 'Lyd gets a sparkly dress too!' 

'Aww, he looks so excited' said Emily, looking at Rob who was grinning like crazy 

'The Sandworm gets a bow!' cheered Beetlejuice 'Ahh! I love these people!' 

'Thats Sandy' said Amelia 

'Aww, they're all so supportive' said Barbara, watching as Alex picked Rob up and everyone hugged him 'Its so sweet'

'He got a lipstick mark from Lyd' said Beetlejuice.

'The way she just pats his back is just so Maitlandish and sweet' said Delia 'Why are they not together in real life?!'

'Because she's 11 years older than him' shrugged Amelia, walking over to the TV and turning the video off 'But I agree, they're adorable'

~AN: Ok, so I know I said the last one was the final one, and it was. But I found an old notebook full of ideas and short stories I had for this, and I chose the best ones and wrote them down for you guys, because you deserve more, and I just felt like it.
NEW STORY UPDATE: I'm either planning on writing an adopted by the Beetlejuice cast story or a story continuing on from this one (about Emily's year with the Deetz/Maitlands). Or maybe I'll do both. Who knows.
Anyway, I miss talking to you guys. So I guess this is goodbye, again. Peace out bros! ~

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