What comes next?

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'Well... I have some options for you guys' said Amelia, clapping her hands together and looking around the room 'I could just send you guys all straight back home, or I could show you guys some songs that were cut before the show made it to Broadway, just like the Children We Didn't Have song. So, whatcha wanna do?'

'No offence' said Sky, standing up 'But I kinda wanna get back home, is that ok Amelia?' 

'Of course Sky' said Amelia, she gestured for the young girl to say goodbye to everyone. Sky quickly hugged Barbara again, before waving to everyone else and walking over to Amelia. 'Ok, you guys do whatever you want while I send her back, then we'll make a choice' Amelia left the room with Sky following her, after waving a final goodbye to everyone

'I want to listen to the cut songs' said Lydia immediately 

'Same, the one we listened to was good' said Barbara 

'Think we scared Sky?' asked Adam

'What?' asked Charles and Delia, looking at the ghost 

'She wanted to leave, do you think we scared her?' asked Adam

'No, you guys are just a really close, tight-knit family' said Emily 'She probably felt as though she was intruding on something'

'Oh' said Adam 'Is that ok?'

'Totally' said Emily 'I think its really sweet, and I'm so happy that you guys are all so close'

'I don't want you to go' said Lydia, hugging Emily tightly 'Do you have to go again after this?' 

'I'm afraid so Lydia' said Emily 'But I promise that you'll be just fine without me'

'No' said Lydia, shaking her head and feeling tears welling in her eyes 

'Lydsie, please, listen to me' said Emily 'You have an amazing family, and you are just fine without me. If, when I go, you start acting all sad again, I'll just go now, but I'll stay if you promise to be normal, and not mourn me any more, ok?' she stroked her daughters cheek

'But...' Lydia started to protest but stopped when she saw the look on her mothers face 'Ok'

'Good girl' said Emily. She kissed Lydia's forehead and moved to go sit with Charles and Delia 

'What? Where are you going?' asked Lydia

'Getting to know Delia' said Emily 'You've still got Adam and Barbara, and Beej' she smiled and turned to Delia. Lydia sighed and looked at the Maitlands sadly. She just couldn't understand why they got to stay as ghosts but not her mum. It sort of made her angry, but she pushed that feeling away, knowing that she shouldn't get mad at them with 3 of her 5 parents watching.

'Need a hug?' asked Barbara. Lydia shook her head and looked around the room 'Well, offers always there' said Barbara

'Thanks Babs' said Beetlejuice, jumping onto the Maitlands and hugging them tightly. For once, the ghost couple didn't protest and just hugged the demon back 'This is nice' commented Beetlejuice 'We should do this more often' 

'Sure Beej' said Barbara

'Really?' asked Beetlejuice, pulling away and sitting up 'Like for real?'

'Definitely' said Adam

'Thanks Sexy' said Beetlejuice, hugging both of the Maitlands again 'You guys are the best' he paused for a few moments before adding 'I like hugs' quietly, so only the 2 ghosts heard. They smiled at each other and hugged the demon extra tightly. 

'So... we made a decision?' asked Amelia, walking into the room 

'We'd like to listen to the cut songs' said Delia 

'Sweet, I'll get that set up' said Amelia 'make yourselves comfy, first song is Mamma Would' 

~AN: Sorry that I took forever to update, I had no idea how to continue this. (and, yes, that is a Hamilton song title as the chapter title). I got a few big assignments to do, so updates will be slow, but thanks for sticking with me. Have a great day/night!
~ also, I was watching old curtain calls (because I was sad and Beetlejuice cheers me up) and I saw that Leslie and Adam do that to each other, and its just too cute, thats all ~

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