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Sky landed back on her bed, and was immediately jumped on by one of her puppies. She giggled as the small dog licked her face and soon, more of the puppies woke up and started licking her face too. Sky was laughing and rolling around, trying to escape the dogs, but was failing. None of the dogs had proper names and Sky knew exactly what she was going to name them. There were 6 puppies, 3 boys and 3 girls, and she decided to name them after the Beetlejuice musical cast. There were the 3 girls Kerry, Sophia and Leslie, and the three boys, Rob, Alex and Adam. 

'Mum!' she called, picking up Kerry and Alex, her two favourites and running downstairs with the rest of them running after her 'I named the puppies!'

Beetlejuice appeared on the roof of their neighbours house and laughed, rubbing his hands together. He could finally continue with his prank. He started to set up all the buckets of water and flour, but stopped when he looked over at the Deetz/Maitlands house. Lydia needs me, he thought placing the buckets on the ground, pranking can wait. And with that, he teleported himself into his friends bedroom, hoping to get the girl to smile. 

Charles and Delia:
The two of them appeared back in their house and Charles sighed, sitting down heavily on their bed. Delia sat next to Charles and put her arm around his shoulders

'Are you ok?' she asked

'I'll be fine' said Charles 'I just feel so bad for Lydia. She didn't scream like that when Emily died, it was just quiet sobbing. I've never heard her scream like that before, it was so gut-wrenching and heartfelt and I just wonder if she'll ever be ok'

'I'm sure she'll be fine' said Delia 'But it may take time. She just got her mother back, only to have her taken away from her again. She'll need time to get over it, but I hope that me, Adam and Barb may be able to help her more, because we've actually met Emily'

'You're incredible' said Charles, he turned to Delia and lent in to kiss her 'I love you so much'

'I love you too' said Delia and she closed the space between them. They broke apart and smiled at each other 'Hey! You promised to show us the videos of baby Lydia' said Delia 

'Well, lets go find them and get the Maitlands and Beej' said Charles, taking her hand and walking out of the bedroom

Lydia appeared in her bedroom and immediately collapsed onto her bed, crying her eyes out. Just as she'd got her mother back, she was ripped away from her again. Why was life so cruel sometimes? Lydia sat up and, still with tears streaming down her face, she went to her wardrobe and grabbed her pile of photo albums. The one on-top was an album full of photos of her when she was a baby and toddler. Lydia sat cross legged on her bed and flicked through the album, smiling at every photo of her mother. The next album was her parents engagement and wedding album. She would never admit it infront of her father, but looking at the photos of her parents made her so happy and reminded her that love was real. 

'Whatcha looking at?' asked a deep voice and Lydia jumped. She turned around and saw Beetlejuice standing behind her

'Oh, hi Beej' she said sadly 'Just some old photo albums, you can look too if you want'

'Sweet' said Beetlejuice, jumping onto the bed and grabbing one of the albums 'Aww, baby Lyd' he said, looking at the photo 'You were a cute kid Lydia' Lydia smiled slightly and went back to looking at the photos of her mother

Adam and Barbara:
The Maitlands landed in the attic, luckily on an old couch and not the hard floor. Adam got up and offered Barbara a hand up. As soon as she was on her feet, Barbara pulled Adam into a hug and laid her head on his shoulder, relishing the feeling of his familiar embrace. Adam wrapped his arms around her thin frame and resting his head on top of hers. 

'For once, I'm glad we didn't have kids' said Barbara quietly, after some time

'What do you mean honey?' asked Adam 

'Well, I would've felt so guilty about leaving them alone, and without both parents, that'd be so hard' she lifted her head off his shoulder and looked at him 'I'm glad I'm with you though'

'I'll never leave you' said Adam, running his thumb over her cheek bone and kissing her lightly 'I promise'

'We'd better go check on Lydia' said Barbara, and Adam nodded in agreement. The two of them walked downstairs, hand in hand and swinging their arms. On their way down, they met Charles and Delia, who told them they were going to watch videos of Lydia and asked them to tell Lydia and Beetlejuice. 

'Do we have to?' asked Lydia, putting the photo album down and looking up at Adam and Barbara, who nodded 'This is going to be super embarrassing'

'Oh come on' said Adam 'I'll give you a piggyback downstairs'

'Deal' said Lydia, she jumped onto Adam's back and looked at Barbara and Beetlejuice 'Come on, we'll have a race'

'Hope on Babs' said Beetlejuice. Barbara looked hesitant, but got onto Beetlejuice's back and held on tight. 




Adam and Beetlejuice started running and tried to push each other out the way. Lydia and Barbara were screaming and laughing the whole way downstairs, and they reached Charles and Delia at the same time

'Good game' said Lydia, offering her hand to Barbara, who shook it 

'I demand a re-match' whispered Barbara, as they walked over to the couches 'You and me against the boys'

'Deal' said Lydia, cheering up a little. The family of 6 settled down on the couches and started to watch old videos of Lydia when she was a baby

Emily appeared back in the Netherworld, and remembered what Miss Argentina had told her. She quickly made her way to the beauty queens office and knocked on the door

'Come in' called Miss Argentina and Emily pushed the door open 'Ahh, yes, take a seat. I have good news for you, but you cannot tell anyone what I am letting you do' 

'What's up?' asked Emily, sitting down opposite the head of the Netherworld 

'I saw how much your family missed you, and I have decided that once a month, for a year, I will allow you to go and visit them' Emily's mouth dropped open 'However, you must help me train the ghosts in a song and dance number in return'

'Deal' said Emily, shaking Miss Argentina's hand 'Thank you so much'

'It is ok' said Miss Argentina, smiling. She got up and drew a door on her office wall 'You have 24 hours there, then you must return. You cannot leave the house, or let anyone else see you, ok?'

'Got it' said Emily 

'Good' said Miss Argentina, she knocked on the door three times and it opened. Emily waved goodbye to Miss Argentina and stepped through the door, entering the Maitlands/Deetz family room. 

'Mum?' asked Lydia in disbelief, looking up from her spot in between Barbara and her father 'What are you-'

'Miss Argentina' said Emily simply, going to sit next to Beetlejuice 'I'll explain later' she saw the video that was on the screen 'I want to watch this first'

'Please no' said Lydia, hiding her face in Barbara's shoulder, making everyone laugh and the teenager groan. 

~AN: Its over! 
Thank you all so much for reading this book. Looking back at the first few chapters, they're extremely badly written and I am so glad you stuck with me through them. When I started writing this book, I was very new to the Beetlejuice fandom and I didn't have a deep understanding of the characters, but writing this book has certainly given me a better understanding. I hope that you all enjoyed this book, and I hope you have a great day/night. Bye! ~

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