Saying goodbye

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'I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to cut this viewing short' said Amelia sadly 

'Oh, whats up?' asked Delia

'My parents have come back early from their holiday, and they'll freak if they see you guys in this room' she sadly looked around the room 'I just wanted to say that meeting you guys is a dream come true. I've never got to see the musical when it was on Broadway, and its made me really sad, but this made it all a little better'

'Aww, Amelia, it was awesome meeting you, and seeing a musical about ourselves is amazing' said Barbara, getting up and hugging Amelia tightly 'So thank you for this'

'Thank you for not freaking out' laughed Amelia, hugging Barbara 'You're honestly kinder and sweeter than I could ever imagine'

'Aww, honey' said Barbara, hugging her tighter. Slowly, Amelia made her way around the room to everyone and said goodbye, then she left them to have 5 minutes to say goodbye to Emily. Lydia clung onto Emily and refused to let go

'It was so nice meeting all of you' said Emily, looking around the room at everyone 

'It was lovely to meet you too' said Delia, smiling at Emily 

'Just remember to take Charlies phone when he starts being too serious or is working too much, and force him to play a game' said Emily, looking at Delia. She gently unhooked Lydia's arms from around her and hugged Delia. Lydia stood sulkily by the Maitlands, who each put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort the teenager

'I'm miss you so much' said Charles, pulling Emily into a tight hug 'It's gonna be hard to say goodbye again' 

'You'll be ok' said Emily 'You've got a great family, and a beautiful fiance or wife- wait' she pulled away from the hug and looked at Charles and Delia 'are you two married?'

'We got married a month ago' said Charles 

'Congratulations!' said Emily, pulling the two of them into a tight hug 'I'm so happy for both of you, you're so good together'

'Thanks Em' said Charles, hugging her again before letting her talk to the Maitlands. Adam put his hands on Lydia's shoulders and kept her near him while Barbara and Emily talked 

'Hey, my ghost gal!' Emily and Barbara high-fived before bursting into a fit of giggles and hugging each other 'I'm gonna miss you so much, even though we only met today'

'Same' said Barbara 'It was so nice getting to meet you though, I never thought I'd get to meet Lydia's mum, so this was a real treat'

'I never thought Lydsie would move in with real ghosts' laughed Emily and she hugged Barbara again 'Hopefully I'll see you one day in the future'

'C'mere Lyd' said Barbara, gesturing for Lydia to move away from Adam, Lydia walked over to Barbara and leant against her, still frowning. 

'Thank you so much for looking after Lydia' said Emily, embracing Adam 'I really appreciate it'

'No problem Emily, we love her' said Adam, hugging Emily quickly before letting her say goodbye to Beetlejuice and Lydia

'Beej, will you come visit me in the Netherworld?' asked Emily, looking at the demon 

'Of course' said Beetlejuice, he and Emily quickly high-fived and Emily turned to look at her daughter, who had tears welling up in her eyes. Lydia ran and hugged Emily tightly, crying into her mothers shoulder. Emily rubbed Lydia's back and laid her head on-top of Lydia's. Eventually, Lydia pulled away and looked at her mother

'Do you have to go?' sniffed Lydia, wiping at her eyes with her sleeve

'I'm afraid so' said Emily, reaching out and gently brushing a piece of Lydia's hair out of her face 

'I don't ever want to be without you again' said Lydia 

'I don't want to leave you either Lydia, but remember I'm always with you' said Emily, placing her hand on-top of Lydia's chest 'In here'

'B-but its so unfair' said Lydia, crying again 'I don't wanna lose you again'

'Lydsie, I know this may be hard, but I promise that you'll be fine' Lydia shook her head and Emily sighed 'You have an amazing family. Delia and your father and looking after you and raising you properly. The Maitlands love you with all their hearts and would die, again, for you. You and Beej seem like absolute chaos, you are perfect with each other and seem to have so much fun. Do you really want to leave all this behind?' 

'N-no' sniffed Lydia, smiling slightly 'I don't'

'Good girl' said Emily 'You're my brave girl and I'm so proud of you, and maybe sometime, we'll meet again, but I hope its not for many years. You deserve a long happy life, and Beej will keep me updated on you'

'I love you so much mummy' said Lydia, hugging her mother tightly again 'to the moon and back'

'I love you two cupcake' said Emily, using Lydia's childhood nickname and she and her father had given her

'You guys haven't used that forever' giggled Lydia, looking between her parents 'I've forgotten how much I like it'

'Maybe your father will start using it again' said Emily, she kissed Lydia on the cheek and squeezed her tightly, only letting go when Amelia entered the room again 

'Sorry guys' she said 'But I gotta take Emily'

'NO!' sobbed Lydia, completely loosing her cool and clinging onto her mother for dear life 'No, please, no, not again' 

'Come on Lydia' said Charles, he and Beetlejuice moving forward but Lydia shook her head

'NO!' she screamed 'Never again. I'm not leaving her ever again'

'Lydia' Barbara approached the teenager and bent down so she was eye level with Lydia 'Sweetheart, you have got to let go'

'No' said Lydia quietly 'no... no...'

'Please Lydia' said Barbara 'You have to be brave'

'No...' Lydia hugged her mother tightly 

'Come on Lydsie' said Emily, she unhooked her daughters arms and looked at Barbara 'You want her?'

'Come here Lydia' said Barbara, she held Lydia tightly and led her over to Adam

'Goodbye baby girl' said Emily, kissing Lydia lightly on the nose and walking over to Amelia. She looked around the room at everyone. Lydia was crying her eyes out, but gave her mother a small smile goodbye. Barbara and Adam waved goodbye to her, and smiled. Delia and Charles had their arms around each other and smiled at her. Beetlejuice blew her a kiss and Emily giggled 'Bye' 

As soon as Amelia led her out of the room, Lydia collapsed against Adam and started bawling her eyes out. Adam gently lifted Lydia into his arms and let her cry into his shoulder. Charles was looking down sadly and Delia whispered something in his ear. He nodded and Delia wrapped her arms around him. He buried his face in her neck and Delia comfortingly rubbed his back. Barbara looked at Beetlejuice and the two of them shared a look that clearly said "How are we gonna cheer the Deetz up?"

'Hey guys, ready to go back?' asked Amelia, entering the room and seeing the sad family before her. 

'Yeah, we'll go back' said Barbara, she gently moved everyone in the room towards the doorway and they looked at Amelia. 

'Ok, as soon as you go out this door, you're gonna be transported back to your world, back to what you were doing when I summoned you here' said Amelia, she stepped aside and gestured for them to go through. Barbara smiled at her and led her family through the door. Just as she went through, Lydia lifted her head off Adam's shoulder and waved goodbye to Amelia. 

~AN: Next chapters the last one, sorry! I'm really stressed out by school at the moment and I have lost motivation to write this story, but I appreciate you all so much, more than you'll ever know. I have a dance concert tomorrow night, and I also have a fake interview thing so I'm stressing about both those things, as well as all the assignments I have due, so I feel extremely stressed, but reading your comments makes me calm down a little. Thank you all so much for your continued support, it means the world to me ~

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