Ready, Set (reprise)

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That needy pervert was right. If we want our house back, we have to fight for it!

'Pervert?' asked Delia

'He kissed both of us and was trying to steal Adam from me' said Barbara cooly, sliding at arm around Adam's shoulders and pulling him close

'Maybe I haven't stopped' said Beetlejuice

'Back off, he's mine' growled Barbara

Well, how? No one can see us!

We're ghosts, damn it! Let's... haunt this bitch!

'And that my friends, is what you call character development' said Lydia 


'They're the cutest people ever' exclaimed Delia 

Oblivion calls
So we might as well walk through some walls
I'm sure we can haunt our own halls
'Cause Adam we're ready as we'll ever get

'So this is a call back to our first song?' asked Barbara 'Showing that because we're dead we're ready as ever?' 

'Probably, but don't over think it' said Adam

If we wanna win back our home
I gotta get right outside my comfort zone

'So did ya win your house back after all that?' asked Beetlejuice 

'No, we got something much better' said Barbara 

'Whats that?' asked Beetlejuice 'A goth girl, life coach and Charles?'

'Yes' said Barbara, smiling at everyone in the room 'A family' 

We'll rattle chains and
I don't know!

'Chains in our house?' asked Charles 'I've never seen chains near our house'

'No, its just classic stuff you see in haunted houses' said Barbara

Just wail and moan until they go
Are you willing to take the next step?


'Character development!' exclaimed Lydia 

Ready, set-

Ready, set-

Adam and Barbara:
Ready, set, let's-
*ghost noises*

'These people are adorable' sighed Delia 

'Can I just say' said Lydia, turning to the Maitlands 'When you were alive, and before you changed, you seemed like extremely boring people and I like you a lot better as the people you are now'

'Thanks Lydia' said Adam 'Now that I look back on it, we were extremely boring and I can see why people found us boring at first'

'So your not offended?' asked Lydia 

'No' smiled Barbara. The door opened and Amelia poked her head inside 

'Hey guys, good to see that your enjoying the musical so far' she smiled 'I just wanted to say, that I'm gonna send through a couple more people who feature in the musical, I'm sorry but I can't send Maxie and Maxine Dean in yet, but I'm sending a girl scout in, she doesn't appear until act 2, but she looks bored in your world, so I'll send her in. Thats all, bye!' she closed the door and left the people in the room silent

'well, looks like we'll have to wait to watch the next song until this girl scout comes' said Charles

~AN: I think I may do 2 chapters today, because this is a short one. ~

Watching Beetlejuice: The MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now