Children We Didn't Have

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Adam (spoken):
Barbara, maybe we should go. I could open the door again. I mean, we've already lost so much

'Would you guys ever leave us?' asked Lydia, gesturing around the room 'I mean, if you want you can, but I dunno what I'd do without you guys'

'We'll stay as long as you want us to stay' said Adam 

Barbara (spoken):
Adam, we never got the chance to lose anything

Adam hugged Barbara close and she buried her face in his chest. Delia and Charles were also hugging each other close, and Sky was curled up under her blanket again. You could see the gears turning in Lydia's head as she tried to work out what the Maitlands weren't telling her. Beetlejuice was just decorating his pillow fort. He had summoned fairy lights out of nowhere and was hanging them up round the fort. 

Children we didn't have don't call
Their heights aren't marked in pencil on the wall
They don't ride bikes, cry out at night
Or fall and graze a knee
And their arms will never reach
For the mother I never got to be

Beetlejuice was now arranging the pillows around the edge of the fort and was summoning more. Lydia was watching the demon strangely, trying to work out why he was doing it, and soon decided to go sit with him. Beetlejuice summoned a couple of darker coloured pillows, for Lydia, and arranged them in one corner of the fort. Then he summoned a sign that read "Lyds space" and hung it up above the dark pillows. Lydia smiled and settled down in her area. 

Children we didn't have press in
Remind me that we couldn't just begin
They laugh on swings, wish for things I'm not supposed to know
And they never stop to see, the mother that never was
That's me

This verse hit Barbara hard. It was everything she thought about constantly. It reminded her of all her fears. How she was always too scared of the future and the unknown and how she and Adam constantly felt unready. But death ruined everything, it always did. She didn't know if they would've actually ever had kids if they had lived, but she'd never even get to find that out. She closed her eyes and felt Adams arms wrap around her tighter and she smiled slightly, at least they were still together, even in death.

Think about all the children we didn't have
Picture them playing in our life
Look at them deep in thought
Think of their face when caught doing something naughty
Now picturing them three or four
Picture them walking out the door
Picture them twenty or thirty or forty

Delia had never had the chance to have kids, but she felt so sorry for the Maitlands. Delia had never particularly wanted kids, and she was so grateful that she had a step-daughter like Lydia. But it seemed like the Maitlands really wanted kids, but had never had the chance. She hadn't really ever realised, because both of them, especially Barbara, had always been so cheerful, it was hard to think that they'd ever had a hard time. She glanced over at the couple, and saw Barbara curled up against Adam's chest and Adam with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Delia smiled at the 2 ghosts and turned back to the screen. 

Or maybe fifteen, I think you know who I mean

Lydia glanced at the Maitlands, and couldn't help but smile. Even during this sad song, they still considered her as their daughter. Carefully, she put the spider lights, that Beetlejuice had summoned for her, down and crawled over to the Maitlands. She climbed up onto the couch and hugged them both. Barbara smiled a little and opened her arms up. Lydia curled up in Barbara's arms and Adam wrapped his arms around both the females.

A daughter we didn't have, moved in
Smart and sad, uneasy in her skin
Far too young to lose a mom
Or take the path she's travelling on
If I could whisper in her ear, I'd tell her
"Daughter we didn't have, I'm here"

'Well, I didn't expect that to be so sad' said Delia, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. Sky nodded in agreement, the young girl was also crying. Lydia looked up at the Maitlands and snuggled closer to Barbara, seeing how sad the ghost looked. Barbara smiled a little more and hugged Lydia tighter. Beetlejuice had finished putting Lydia's lights up and was now sitting happily in his fort, trying to decide what to do next. 

'All right' said Amelia, coming loudly into the room and startling everyone 'Next song is more upbeat and cheerful. This is called Girl Scout and its the song that starts act 2, enjoy!'

~AN: Hi, I finally updated! I absolutely love this song, but it makes me cry every time I listen to it. I dunno why I made Beej make a pillow fort and decorate it with fairy lights, I just felt like it. I have so many assignments due this week, and I haven't started a lot of them, so I dunno how much time I'll get to update this. I hope y'all enjoyed anyway ~

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