Dead Mom

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'Hey, can you guys please not judge what is said in this song' said Lydia, turning to look around the room 'I was in a bad place and I don't know how accurate this musical is, but it seems pretty accurate so far, so just please don't judge me'

'Lydia, we would never judge you' said Barbara 'We just want to help you'

'Well, you guys have helped me. Everyone in this room, including Beetlejuice, helped me get over and recover from my mums death. I'm all better now and I am very happy with how my life is'

'OK, we promise we won'y judge Lydia' said Adam 'But we want you to know that we love you no matter what' Lydia smiled at everyone and hugged the people 


Hey mom, Dead Mom
I need a little help here

'Lydia, I know this is in the past, but you know you can talk to any of us' said Delia 'And that goes for everyone in this room, if you have any problems we are all here for you to talk to if you need'

'Thanks for that Delia' said Adam 'We'll all take that advice' he looked at Barbara, but Barbara just poked her tongue out at him

I'm prob'ly talking to myself here
But Dead Mom I gotta ask
Are you really in the ground?

'I didn't want to believe that she was gone' admitted Lydia, looking at the ground 'I was in denial and I just couldn't comprehend the fact that my mum was dead'

'We understand Lyds' said Adam. Lydia looked up at him and smiled. She was very happy and lucky to have the loving and kind family that she had, even if it consisted of 2 ghosts and a demon. 

'Cause I feel you all around me
Are you here, Dead Mom?
Dead Mom. 
Dead Mom
I'm tired of trying to iron out my creases

'Did me and your dad make you feel like that Lydia?' asked Delia, looking over at the teen 'because if we did, I am so sorry'

'No its not you' said Lydia. She got up and sat between Delia and her dad. Delia put her arm around Lydia's shoulders and gave the teenager a hug. Lydia smiled and hugged Delia back.

I'm a bunch of broken pieces
It was you who made me whole

Adam and Barbara looked sadly over at the girl they considered their daughter and were glad, for the first time, that they'd died without having kids, because they didn't want them to end up feeling like Lydia had.

Every day dad's staring at me
Like all "hurry up get happy
Move along
Forget about your mom" 

'Lydia, I never-' Charles started but Lydia cut him off

'I know' she said, and he smiled

'Cause daddy's in denial
Daddy doesn't wanna feel
He wants me to smile
And clap like a performing seal
Ignored it for a while
But daddy's lost his mind for real
You won't believe the mess that we've become. 

'We were a bit of a mess weren't we' said Charles, turning to Lydia, who nodded. 

'You were acting the same as any family that lost their mother or wife' said Delia

You're my home
My destination
And I'm your clone
Your strange creation
You held my hand
And life came easy
Now jokes don't land
And no one sees me
Nothing seems to fit
Mamma is this it?
Are you receiving?
I want something to believe in or I'm done. 

'I wonder if I'll ever get to see mum again?' asked Lydia, turning to Charles

'Maybe, someday, you will, but for now, lets focus on the present and live life like she'd want us to' he smiled down at his daughter

'She'd love how we live now' said Lydia 'we're together, living with Delia and 2 ghosts. And sometimes a demon, she'd definitely love our life right now' 

Take me where my soul can run or I'll be in my bedroom
Wake me when I'm twenty one
Daddy's moving forward
Daddy didn't lose a mom. 

'I'm so sorry Lydia, for ignoring you' said Charles 'You just look so much like your mum and it made me sad, but now, thanks to Delia, it makes me happy'

Mamma won't you send a sign?

'Thats why you were so interested in us' said Adam, his eyes widening in realisation 'when you first saw us'

'Yeah' said Lydia 

'Well, maybe it was just meant to happen' said Barbara, smiling at the teenager 'all of this'

'everything happens for a reason' said Delia

I'm running out of hope and time
A plague of mice, a lightning strike
Or drop a nuclear bomb. 
No more playing daddy's game
I'll go insane if things don't change
Whatever it takes to make him say your name
Dead Mom

'That was actually a very good song' said Beetlejuice 'That girl can sing really well' 

'She can' said Lydia. She kissed her dads cheek, hugged Delia and made her way back to her original seat. 

'Next song is Fright of Their Lives' said Charles

~AN: I hope you are enjoying these, I enjoy writing them. I'll update soon! ~

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