Good Old Fashioned Wedding

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There's gonna be a-
Good old-fashioned wedding

'Oh, so this is a happy dance' said Sky, laughing at the screen

'Its actually pretty much what he did' said Lydia 'Although it looks a lot cuter on stage'

'Am I not cute Lyds?' asked Beetlejuice, showing his big puppy dog eyes to Lydia 

'Depends' said Lydia

With some dancing and un-deading

'I'm using that again' said Beetlejuice, pointing to the screen 'Un-deading is officially my new favourite word'

With a cover-band is cranking
And the age gap is upsetting

'This composer literally thought of everything' said Charles 'Even mentioning the age gap'

When I finally say "I do"
I'll be alive and born anew
And I'll be boring just like you

'Like who?' asked Delia 

'Everyone' said Beetlejuice 'But especially Babs and Sexypants'

'Sexypants?' spluttered Adam, his face bright red 

'You know it' said Beetlejuice 

Oh boy, I'm on my way!

Being dead sucks
Rent me a tux
I wanna look like a million bucks
BJ's getting married-

'I'm sorry, but can I just say that the people playing the Maitlands are adorable' said Delia 'Like, how are they not together in real life?'

'Wait, who did you say played me?' asked Barbara, then she giggled adorably 'that sounds weird

'Um, Kerry Butler' said Charles, looking at the program 

'Oh my gosh' said Barbara, she looked up at Adam 'Isn't she the person who we saw play Penny in Hairspray on Broadway, in like 2002? Hasn't she been in like a gazillion broadway shows?'

'Yes' said Adam slowly, nodding 'Thats so cool' Barbara nodded and the smile on her face was huge. Lydia turned her head to look at Barbara, and hugged her tightly when she saw how happy she was. 

Lydia (spoken):
Hey Beetlejuice, I'm going to the Netherworld!

'Oh, I forgot this was gonna be in here' said Lydia 'I wanted it to show what you guys did while we were there'

'We did nothing' said Delia 'Beej tied us up and kept on calling Adam sexy, thats about it' then she looked at the screen 'Hey, where's my character gone?'

Beetlejuice (spoken):

Lydia (spoken):
Classic bait and switch!
Oldest trick in the book!

'Damn, Lydia's stealing BJ's lines' said Sky 

Charles (spoken):
Lydia! No!

'Like father like daughter' said Delia, grinning at her lover 


'Now that, actually happened' said Beetlejuice, pointing to the screen 'Smexypants did actually scream like that, sounding that heart felt an all' Lydia patted Adam's head, unable to hug him because she was being hugged to death by Barbara, who didn't like the thought of Lydia going to the Netherworld 

Beetlejuice (spoken):
Why does everyone keep leaving me?

'Who left you?' asked Sky 

'Well lets see' said Beetlejuice, counting on his fingers 'My mum, I dunno who my dad is, Adam and Babs, Lyds, technically Chuck, and Darla just didn't really do anything' 

'I've never left you' said Sky 'You scared me away' 

'You're my new best friend!' said Beetlejuice, he grabbed Sky's hand and dragged her off the couch and pulled her into a hug 

'No offence mister, but you smell awful' said Sky, but she hugged Beetlejuice back 'But you actually give really good hugs' Beetlejuice grinned and squeezed Sky tighter

Okay, new plan:
You're all gonna die

'That poor audience' said Delia 

'I wish I could see this show live' said Barbara 'It seems so cool'

'HEY GUYS!' the door banged open and Amelia walked in. Causing everyone to jump Barbara to scream a little and grip Lydia tightly in fright. 'Sorry, but I'm bringing Miss Argentina in, I've already explained to her whats going on' she gestured to someone behind her and a green skinned ghost/zombie walked in

'Hi' said Barbara, releasing Lydia from the death grip 

'Ok, Miss Argentina, this is Charles, Delia, Adam, Barbara, Sky and Beej' said Amelia, pointing to everyone in turn. Miss Argentina smiled at them all in return. Delia gestured for the beauty queen to come and sit next to her and Charles.

'Woah' said Lydia, looking at the two of them next to each other 'You look exactly the same'

~AN: Miss Argentina's here! I'll probably only keep her for What I Know Now, and maybe Home. I just had an idea, should I bring in Lydia's dead mom? Random thought, but I'd actually love explore how she'd interact with everyone and how they'd all react. Just a random thought, but what do y'all think? Thanks for the continued support! Also (shameless self promo) I published a new story about the Maitlands, so if you want, you can go check it out! (if ya can't tell, they're my favourite characters and I want them to adopt me!)~

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