Jump In The Line

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Shake shake shake senora

Shake your body line
Shake shake shake senora
Shake it all the time

'Yes! I love this song!' said Emily, sitting up straighter and mouthing along to the words

Lydia, Barbara and Delia:
Work work work senora

Work your body line

'They look like such a happy family!' said Sky, she turned to the family sitting on the couches 'I want to see you guys act this out in real life'

'Umm... sure' said Lydia, surprising everyone 'What? Mum loves this song, and I wanna see Dad dance again' she smirked evilly at her father

Lydia, Barbara, Delia and Adam:
Work work work senora

Work it all the time

My girls name is Senora

'Finally Chuck!' said Beetlejuice 

'What?' asked Charles

'You finally sung in the musical' said Beetlejuice 

'I sung when Adam and Barb possessed us' said Charles 'I did in real life too'

'No, that was possession, this is real' said Beetlejuice

I tell you friends I adore her

'You look like a real mother and daughter' said Emily, looking from Barbara to her daughter 'Its really sweet, I'm happy that Lydsie has parental figures in her life still'

'We'll always look out for her' said Barbara. Adam and Delia nodded in agreement 

And when she dances, oh brother

'Sorry, Adam, I have to say this' said Lydia, looking at the male ghost 'You dress like every awkward, goofy dad ever' Adam laughed 'I think its cute though, and the fact that you two died wearing matching outfits is adorable'

'We didn't usually match' said Barbara 'Definitely not'

She's a hurricane in all kinds of weather

'Wow, that dress is amazing' sighed Delia, looking at the dress her onstage self was wearing 'I wish I had a dress like that in real life'

'Hold on, when did they get changed?' asked Sky, looking closely at the characters on the screen. 'Adam's and Barbara's clothes changed to black and white, and Delia's dress changed, when did that happen?' 

'Uhh... during the dance break in the previous song' said Emily 

Barbara, Delia, Adam and Charles:
Jump in the line

Rock your body in time

'I'm forcing you guys to learn this dance' announced Beetlejuice 

Ok I believe you

Barbara, Delia, Adam and Charles:
Jump in line

Rock your body in time

Ok I believe you

Shake shake shake senora


'WHAT?' exclaimed Sky loudly when Lydia started floating 'THAT IS SO COOL!' she looked at the Maitlands 'Can you actually do that?'

'Yup' said Adam proudly

'Can you do it to me?' asked Sky, bouncing up and down 

'Once the song finishes' said Barbara. Sky nodded and continued grinning excitedly 

Shake your body line

Work work work senora


'WOAH' said Beetlejuice 'She can sing'

'Wanna try that Delia?' asked Lydia, smirking at her step-mother

'If I tried, I'd sound like a dying cat, so no thank you' said Delia 'I'll leave it to the proffesionals'

Work it all the time

Lydia (ensemble):
Mama if you're listening
Doesn't this blow your mind

'Honestly, your family does blow my mind' said Emily 'Its so unique, and unusual, and I love it' 

'I love our Strange and Unusual family' said Lydia

(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
I was on a mission
This is what I left behind

'What mission?' asked Beetlejuice 

'You're an idiot' muttered Lydia 

'Be nice Lydia' said Barbara 

'Sorry Beej' muttered Lydia 'But my mission was trying to find my dead mum'

'Oh... duh' said Beetlejuice, hitting his head 'Sorry'

(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
I'll miss you everyday
Seek a little strange and usual

And you will find

'I'm glad you've stopped completely obsessing over death' said Delia, smiling at her step-daughter 'I am actually proud of you Lydia, you've changed and grown a lot as a person in the last few months, and its amazing to see the person you're becoming' 

(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
Life, beyond all comprehension

'And a little bit of death' Beetlejuice whispered to Sky, who laughed

(Shake shake shake shake Senora)
A mess in multipul dimensions
A little unconventional 
I know

'I think its the best family in the world' said Emily 'I wish I'd lived with ghosts'

(Shake, Shake)
But mama I'm home
(Daylight come and me wanna go home)
(Daylight come and me wanna go home)
I'm home
(Daylight come and me wanna go home)

Shake shake shake senora

I'm home

Sky and Beetlejuice burst into applause, and everyone soon joined in. Emily was so happy that her daughter and husband had found such a kind a kind, loving and accepting family, even if it consisted of 2 ghosts, a demon and a life coach. She squeezed Lydia tightly and kissed her head. 

'Guys, can you make me float?' asked Sky, looking at the Maitlands. They nodded and the young girl scrambled to her feet. She ran over to behind the couch and the Maitlands stood either side of her. And, just like in the musical, they possessed her and made her fly through the air. The look of pure joy and excitement on Sky's face was making everyone smile. Slowly the Maitlands lowered her to the ground again and Sky ran to hug Barbara 'Thank you so much! That was awesome'

'You're welcome Sky' said Barbara, hugging her back. Lydia stood up and came over with Beetlejuice 

'Wanna go flying together?' she asked, offering Sky her hand. Sky nodded and the two held each others hands. Adam and Barbara lifted the pair off the ground, and Beetlejuice floated up next to them. Lydia, Sky and Beetlejuice started laughing and playing hand clapping games in mid air, having the time of their lives (death in BJ's case)

'Is this how everyday is for you?' asked Emily, turning to look at Charles and Delia 

'What? Beej and Lydia doing stupid stuff and floating in the air?' asked Charles 'Yeah, pretty much'

'I love it' said Emily. The 3 adults watched as the Maitlands lowered the trio to the ground again, and watched Sky tackle Barbara in a hug again. They all started talking again and the door opened

'Well, congratulations' said Amelia, walking into the room 'You finished Beetlejuice: The Musical!'

~AN: I'm getting really sad because there are only a few more chapters to go :( Thanks for sticking with me! I have a 4 day weekend so hopefully I'll be able to write a few more chapters. I dunno how I feel about this chapter, I like the end, but I dunno about their reactions to the song. Anyway... Thanks for reading! ~

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