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'So, this song is called Home?' asked Emily, looking over at Charles, who nodded 

'I think I know what this is about' said Lydia. She hoped that her family wouldn't judge her too much on what was said on this song, if it was accurate. 

Mama, I could use some help here

'Ahh, another song to the good old dead mum' said Beetlejuice. Emily looked at everyone, very confused 

'There were some other songs where Lyds sang about you' explained Barbara 'There was this really sweet song called Dead Mom'

'Is that just how I'm known now Lydsie?' asked Emily. Lydia nodded and Emily hugged her tight

Tired of talking to myself here
Back at home, you don't exist

'Charles?' asked Emily, looking over at her ex-husband 

'You know I'm not good with feelings Em' said Charles. Emily nodded sadly and hugged Lydia tightly 

So here I am in the abyss
Are you really in this place?
It's like the emptiness of space
I could search for all eternity
And never see your face

'Lydsie, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you'd probably never find me in the Netherworld' said Emily, lifting her daughters head up. Lydia nodded sadly and smiled a little

'I know, I tried' she laughed a little 'I've just realised that, me and dad have been to the Netherworld and you two haven't' she pointed to the Maitlands 'Isn't thank kinda funny, cause you two are dead, and should've gone'

'Well, Lydia, if this is you telling us that you don't want us with you anymore, we can go you know' said Barbara 'Ya know, go hang out with your mum, have a fun time, leave you all alone''

'No!' said Lydia frantically shaking her head 'Please no, don't go. I was joking'

'I know you were sweetie' said Barbara, smiling at the teenager. Lydia shook her head and frowned at Barbara

'Not funny' mumbled Lydia, making Barbara and Emily laugh

Help me out
I'm lost without you

Stuck on this impossible road
No idea which way to go
Whichever path I choose
I lose, you know
And I don't know which way's home
I don't know which way's home

Emily hugged Lydia tightly, a feeling of guilt washing over her again as she realised it was her fault her daughter felt like that. No, it wasn't her fault she died, it was the cancers fault. Then, she realised her happy Lydia was now. She seemed so happy living with the Maitlands, her father, Delia and Beetlejuice. Sky also seemed like an extremely nice girl. Emily looked over at Delia and Charles and smiled. Charles had his arm wrapped around Delia and was resting his head on her shoulder. She makes him happy, she thought, thats all that matters. Emily was pulled out of her thoughts by Lydia shifting so she had her head in her mothers lap and her legs by the Maitlands. Emily shook her head at her daughter, glancing at the Maitlands to see if they were ok with that, and saw the ghost couple laughing.

You always saw life as a game
But since you left, it sucks to play
I'm beaten up and bruised
Confused by rules that alter every day
Where to next?

After meeting Emily, and hearing that verse of the song, Delia wondered what Charles was like when Emily was alive. He had changed a lot from the sad man who'd brought his daughter to her for life coaching, however seeing him interact with Emily today gave her an insight into what he might've been like back then. He seemed more relaxed than she'd seen him the whole time they'd been watching the musical. Delia leant closer to him and smiled when he put his head on her shoulder. Delia really liked Emily, she was really nice, didn't care that Charles had moved on, and she didn't hate Delia. Maybe, now that she knew Emily, Delia could help Lydia more when she felt sad. 

You left but I'm still standing
Spinning on this infinite road
Terrified of letting you go
No light above and there's no hope below
And I don't know which way's home
Mom, I've got my heart in my hand
Speak to me and I'll understand
One little word to know I'm not alone
And show me the way back home
Is there a way back home?

Barbara put her hands on Lydia's feet, and looked over at the teenager. Lydia was definitely the happiest she'd been for a long time, and she was actually acting like a regular teenager, laughing and goofing around. Lydia had changed a lot from the teenager Adam and Barbara had met nearly a year ago, but as soon as Emily came into the room, Lydia started acting very different. Barbara could only hope that this new, goofy Lydia stayed once her mother left. Enjoy it while it lasts, thought Barbara.

The nothingness ahead of me
Is this the end you meant for me?
Every living minute
There's no home without you in it
I'm falling
Quit stalling
Your daughter is calling your name
I've burned all my bridges and games

'Lydsie? Is this really how you felt?' asked Emily. Lydia nodded and Emily sighed sadly, brushing Lydia's hair out of her face. 

I don't wanna forget you
I promise
I'm never gonna forget you

'That was a really sweet conversation' said Sky

'Thats actually sort of how our actual conversation was' said Charles

'Adam, Barbara, are you ok with Lydia's feet in your faces?' asked Emily, looking at the ghosts.

'Oh yeah, its fine' said Barbara 'Don't stress, we're fine with it'

'You two are too kind sometimes' said Charles, turning to look at Lydia and the Maitlands 'Lydia, please move your feet out of Barbara's face' Lydia sighed but moved her feet 'Thank you' 

I'm gonna go back home
Adam, Barbara, Delia and Dad

'Oh my gosh' said Sky loudly 'I just figured something out'

'What is it?' asked Delia kindly

'You guys are the first 5 letters of the alphabet' said Sky, pointing to all the adults 'A: Adam, B: Barbara, C: Charles, D: Delia and E: Emily' 

'Thats so cool!' said Delia 

'Then theres the 2 Ls, Lydia and Lawrence' said Barbara. Beetlejuice groaned and hid his face

'Babs, we talked about this' said Beetlejuice

'Why? I think Lawrence is a nice name' said Adam, looking at the demon 

'Sounds good when you say it, sexy' said Beetlejuice. Adam blushed a deep red and Beetlejuice laughed, going back into his pillow fort. Barbara put a comforting arm around Adam and whispered something in his ear, which made him blush a little and kiss her. Lydia glanced at her mother, who was laughing. 

It's messy but they're all that I have
I'll make the best of being flesh and bone

'Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts' said Adam 'Thats my only advice to you'

Mama, I'm going home
Mama, I'm going home
I'm going home!
Mama, I'm going home!

'Wow, those notes at the end' said Delia 'This girl is a really good singer'

'She is' agreed Lydia 

'So, thats where you go when you die?' asked Sky, looking up at Emily and Lydia 'An infinite abyss of nothingness?' 

'Pretty much' said Emily 'Its pretty boring'

'Shall we move onto the next song?' asked Charles 'Its called Creepy Old Guy'

'Oh yes, this is gonna be good' said Beetlejuice

~AN: I have a few assignments due soon (dumb school), so I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I hope that this one was good. All of your comments make me smile a lot. Usually your comments are the first things I see in the morning, or what I see once I get back from school and they make me cheerful and happy for the whole day. So thank you for making me smile! ~

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