Chapter One

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Meeting P'Mean

I looked at the room that I would be staying in for the rest of the semester and just soaked it all in. The interior the way that the blue drapes looked. The way that my bed was nicely made. It felt like a match made in heaven. The only issue is I have no idea who I am meeting. It was more of my parents setting this up. I had no say in what was going on. I just went along with it, for the sake of my parents. Then I heard a door bust open as I was scared half to death. I held my chest from the sudden scare.

"Oh my bad, I'm Mean your roommate". I was almost star struck by the guy. His dashingly beautiful short hair, his brown eyes. How his clothes were worn messily. He was a giant I give him that. But he was an attractive guy. That's coming from an closeted gay man. "Uh, no that's alright! My name is Toy". I said back to him as I let my hand fall from where it was positioned at my chest. "Your bed is right there". I said as if I was continuing on from my last sentence.

"Okay thanks," he was stand-off-ish and you could tell. There was no denying that. "What do you major in?" I asked him as if I really ever expected a response back. "Engineering and you?" He asked me as I was slightly shocked but ended up responded back with "I'm an engineering student as well". I said back to him as I sat down on my bed and grabbed out a book from the night stand. "So your a freshman I'm guessing". He asked me as I nodded. "So then your my senior. My bad P'Mean". I had to show my respect even though he didn't mention that he was older than me.

"No need to apologize , I don't like apologies." He had told me with a stern tone as he was unpacking. "Oh, uh alright!" I retorted back to him as I started reading my book in silence. Since reading was a hobby that I picked up in Middle school. Then there was my phone ringing off the hook. I picked up without checking who was calling.

"Babe! How is moving in going?" I had heard the girl as I sighed. My parents had set me up with this girl. It was hard since I have to pretend that I'm not gay. Which I clearly am, but just not out of the closet yet. "P'Lena It's going great, this is not the best time can I call you later?" I asked her as I didn't want to speak to her. "Of course love you!" She said as I hung up and let out a long groan. "Jeez you okay?" P'Mean had said to me as I nodded. "Of course! I'm fine It's just my girlfriend". I hated the words that had come out of my mouth.

It was as if I was cursed with a clingy girl who never leaves me alone. "Oh I know how those are that's why I don't date girls I just do the deed and goodbye." He said back to me as I then realized that he either has commitment issue's or is just an asshole. "Oh, I mean she's nice and all but my phone gets blown up all the time by her. She thinks I'm cheating on her or something". It was weirdly okay to open up to P'Mean. I had no idea but when I started talking I couldn't stop. It was as If I was comfortable with him already. "So are you cheating on her?" He asked me as I sat up from my bed and gave him a look and shook my head no. "God no, of course not. I'm not mean like that". I said back to him.

As a mumble came out of his mouth while unpacking. "What was that P'?" I asked him as he shook his head as if it wasn't anything. "Ah shit, I'm gonna be late for class bye P'!" I yelled before getting up so fast and slipped on my shoes. While grabbing my backpack and bolting to my next class. I ran into someone and I apologized so fast. "My apologies!" I said as I looked up and saw a girl standing there looking at me. "No, It's alright!" She said back to me as I saw that her books dropped on the floor. I helped her pick them up and handed her books to her.

"My name is Book and yours?" Book asked me as I responded back quickly. "My name is Toy nice to meet you. My bad but I have to go to class I will catch you later!" I said as I booked it to the Engineering building. While getting in there in just enough time. I was out of breath as I saw my friends. "P'Perth!" I said as he looked over and ran over to me. "Nong Toy why are you out of breath class doesn't start for the next 15 minutes." He said to me as I groaned again. "I was early so I didn't have to run?" I asked P'Perth as he shook his head yes. "I've never even seen you run." Perth exclaimed as I hit his arm. Perth enjoyed teasing me. 

"Wait Nong Toy ran here?" I heard another familiar voice I looked up to see my senior Kang. "P'Kang, yes I did my alarm failed me. I guarantee it was P'Lena". I said before sighing heavily and stand up straight. "I wouldn't doubt it, she's cray to the zy." I nodded at Kang's words before hearing the bell go off and there was me again bolting to class. I had made it inside as the teacher was right behind me. I sat down in a unpopulated spot in the back. I took out my books and just started.

"Turn to page 267 read the chapter and fill out a work sheet that your peers will pass around." The teacher said as I good a good look at him. He was quite older he had wrinkles all over with his circle glasses planted on his face. He looked like he was going to put you in your place if he had to. The class was going so well until I got scared half to death. The door bursted open to see a group of engineer students walking in. The person leading the group was none other than P'Mean.

The teacher had left as the engineer upper class men took over. "Good morning freshman students!" The loud voice had made me flinch then I realized it was coming from P'Kang. I stared right at P'Kang along with P'Mean. I didn't understand what this was. "Welcome to engineering!" P'Mean yelled as he slammed a book on the table. What the hell this guy is so harsh! I had flinched again since I hated loud noises.

I should have become a doctor, I thought to myself as the door opened again and reviled Book. "So whoever you are come down here and explain why you are late!" P'Mean had looked furious as she walked down to the front of the classroom. She stood in front of them. "My name is Book, I was late because I couldn't find the class." A glare was made at Mean when she was speaking. Not by me but none other than Book. She had an attitude. She left without being dismissed and sat in the back of the class next to me.

"Toy it's you" She whispered to me as I smiled and nodded. "He is so annoying, I just couldn't find my class". She said as she pulled her stuff out. "We are going to hand you something if you cant finish this by the end of the school day. You are not a true engineer student!" Someone raised there hand and stood up. "So you are saying that we are not a real student if we don't go through with your test?" They asked as I sighed heavily.

"Yes exactly what I just said you can see yourself out now". P'Kang said as I have never seen this side of him especially since we have been friends since we were kids. "I said leave the class if you don't think you can do it!" The yelling had just progressed. The poor girl had grabbed her stuff and left the class almost balling her eyes out.

"Who ever passes tonight will get to go to a party hosted by us". P'Mean exclaimed as we all got excited except for me. I've never been to a party like this let alone going alone. I bet P'Lena will find a way to come with me. "Now you will have to find at least 3 things that truly mean our engineering facility by the end of the day. When you finish that meet us in front of this building." Kang spoke while standing up straight. "Good luck you are free to go". Mean told us as we stood up and started putting our stuff ready. "P'Book, do you want to come with me?" I asked her as she chuckled and nodded. "Sure, but just call me Book since were in the same year alright?" She asked as I nodded before seeing all of the upper class men walk out.

But I got a long stare from Mean. It kind of intimidated me, I looked down and put my bag over my shoulder. "Are you alright your face is red?" Book asked as I shook my head yes. "I'm getting over a cold, my apologies". I said to her as we ended up teaming with each other.

I hope we find this.

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