Chapter Twenty-Three

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Who Would Have Thought
(It Will Still Continue To Be In Perth's P.O.V)

Those words cut me open like a knife. "How could we not be friends?" I asked with a tone of concern as he rolled his eyes at me. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" He asked the words that came out of his mouth made me want to slap him. "Spell it out for me please Rome". I said in a annoyed tone as he made my blood boil. "Who told you that we were friends, it's not that hard to comprehend". Rome said as I rolled my eyes while trying to keep my composure. "Rome, I don't get what the hell is going on with you. Seriously, after whatever happened with us you changed. Not in a good way, you turned into a real dick". I said while staring at him as he looked up and hit tongue poked his cheek. "Me? I changed your really funny Perth". He said while giggling as I knew he didn't care. "So are you not going to admit you may be gay, or I fulfilled your curious fantasies? While drunk". I spoke with a grin on my face.

"I'm the gay one now? Just because I did something with you, doesn't mean I'm gay get over yourself". Rome infuriated me more which in return made me really just want to knock some common sense into him. "Why are you here at my dad's party then?" I asked since Toy's dad is practically my dad. "Your dad's last time I checked this was Toy's dad's party not your dad's party". He said as that kinda hurt me since I haven't gotten the chance for my dad's 50th. "When someone takes you under there wing at the age of 12 you learn new things and know what it is like to have a dad after losing yours". I said as I almost got choked up trying to speak about the touchy subject. 

"So, don't pretend as if you know what is going on. I am here to help you, to figure out what is wrong. Something that I had wished for when I was struggling after losing my father. So now I will ask you what is wrong?" I said as I grew tired of asking and getting it thrown back in my face. "That is none of your concern go back to the party". Rome said as I sighed and nodded. "Okay, then I will head back to the party. But if you ever need anything let me know". I said as I started to walk near the door as I felt his hand grab mine and I froze. 

"Rome?" I questioned as I turned my head. To see him with sad and unfortunate eyes. "Don't go I'm sorry". I fully turned my whole body. "Will you finally tell me what is going on?" I asked as he nodded I could tell this was really bothering him. I let go of his hand and cupped his soft face and gave him a look. Whatever was bothering him really is impacting on how he acts. I had never seen Rome cry before until today. He started crying as I looked at him. "Rome, what's bothering you?" He just sobbed as if the world was ending. "Perth I'm sorry", my eyebrows knitted together as I stared at him. "Hey you don't have to apologize. Whatever is going on i'm here okay". 

I spoke as staring at him hurt me. I let go of his face and gave him a hug. I started playing with his hair and just tried to calm him down. It took quite a while until he told me. "You know how my mom was Ill right?" He asked as I nodded understanding the situation with his mother. "I guess the caregiver for my mother has been having an affair with my father." My eyes widened as he pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "Jesus, Rome why didn't you tell me sooner? This whole time I thought I did something wrong." I said as he shook his head. "It's not you I'm just not coping well. Seeing my Ill mother argue with my cheating father really took a large toll on me." 

I hugged him then kissed his forehead. "You know that we all love you and that if you need to stay with us you can". I said as he nodded. I pulled away, "now lets get cake before Toy and Kang eat it all. I will fucking slap them if they do that". He chuckled as I smiled before bolting out of the room Rome was right behind me. Of course I knew where Kang and Toy would be. I walked up to them as they had sweets on their plate. "You fuckers forgot to make me a plate?" I asked as I gave them a questionable grin. "Whattt we would never," Toy said while smiling. "My gay lie detector is on dumb ass stop lying". I spoke as they saw Rome behind me. They smiled then they looked at my expression.

"Hey, we were hungry". Kang protested as I rolled my eyes. "Eat actual food not junk. Your lucky I'm not calling Mean or Moon on you guys". There eyes widened as I smiled. As Toy smiled back. "I'm not the one with a boyfriend so honestly, you can't call P'Mean on me". Toy said as he pointed finger guns at me and lifted his eyebrows up and down. "But do you forget that dad is here?" I said as he dropped his hands down to his side. "Who would have thought that I would get stuck with you Idiots". I said while looking at Toy and Kang.

"Listen you love us, you also love being right so your a asshole". Kang said as I flipped them off and walked off. I picked up Sorn as she smiled. "Uncle Perth!" I smiled and held her close while listening to the music in the house. 

The night went off semi successfully. At least I thought besides the slip up with me and Rome. But by the end of the night he got wasted along with Mean, and Kang. So I think he will keep this off his mind. hopefully for a while. Wish us luck! 

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