Chapter Twenty-Five

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  "Shit", I said as I felt his breath on my neck I shuddered. As this was a feeling that had felt so normal but yet so foreign. He was inches away from my face and I was panicking. Pull yourself together I said in my head repeating it as if it was going to change anything. Then my cockiness got the best of me. "How could you be mad at me? Especially since we are not dating. You don't own me." I said as Mean sighed and leaned in closer to my face.

"I don't have to own you to know how you make me feel". Mean responded back as I pushed him back with my hands on his chest. He was still towering over me but to not lose focus on the topic I can't have him that close to me. "How do I make you feel? Answer that for me please, especially since you obviously seem cozy enough with P'Heart". I said back as it hurt me to say it but I hate when he acts like it's only him who was victimized.

"That is none of your concern", Mean said to me as I looked at him in disbelief. "The real question is here if you will truly figure out your feelings? Or who you want to be with. Me or her, I'm tired of going on this merry go round I just got you back. From a almost marriage". I said as every word was hitting and striking me in the heart as I looked away from him. "Give me time", Mean said as I snapped.

"Time?!! Fucking time?!! Mean I have given you all of my time! My undivided attention has being always given to you! I don't have time for friends family. It's all gone to you! Make up your fucking mind I'm so tired Mean!" I kept shouting and yelling as Mean was looking at me. "Are you done?" Mean says coldly. "Wow, now I know where you stand". I said before pushing mean harshly off me. I started walking away. As then I felt him grab my hand. "Let go" I said in a low tone as I tried to get away from his grip. He pulled me harshly close to him as he held my face and then kissed me. I kissed him back as he pulled me closer while holding my back. But I knew this was wrong.

So I pulled away and pushed him back. "Don't try and fix this. Until she's gone for good". I said as I ran away this time so he wouldn't get me. I turned a corner and held my chest as I felt my heart beat. It felt like at any moment It word burst out of my chest. He made me want to hit him, at one moment but at the next moment I wanted to just kiss him and tell him I love him. I was conflicted. I didn't want to be in the middle of something I wasn't apart of.

Especially being that thing that ruined or had potential to ruin a relationship. Not again, Book walked up to me and looked at me with wide eyes. "What's wrong Toy?" She asked as I had no words. "Just taking a break before I get the drinks." I said as I didn't want to burden Book. "Oh hush don't lie to me I'm also gay my lie detector is always on". I chuckled before looking at her lean against the wall beside me. "You and Perth really love saying that". I said as she smiled, "Of course! We're all happy one way or another". I smiled back and patted her head. "Just ignore Mean he is going through his man period". I started laughing as she chuckled along with me.

"Jesus his man period must last for a long time". Perth interjected. As the laughter continued. "Ya know what fuck it let's get drunk tonight". I said as Book and Perth looked at me as if I was crazy. I looked at them back with like a 'what?' Face, "I mean sure, I could never say no to a nice drink out with my stupid family". Perth said as he put arms around me and Book's shoulders. "Moon and Kang will join us then. Rome will probably play video games or come up with some fucking stupid excuse". Book said while we headed back down to the beach as everyone was smiling and acting crazy. "Let's go dumb asses we're going to get fucked up tonight!" I said as Moons eyes widened. "I'm sorry what?" Moon said almost choking on air. "Let's go get a beer or something" I said as Moon was still in shock. "I'll pass". Rome said as we nodded since we already knew his answer.

"Yea let's get a beer, I have nothing else better to do". Kang says as he grabs his girlfriends hand. We all started walking to god knows where until we found a place we could get something to drink at. Of course I was underaged. So I needed to drink outside of a bar or just back at the Beach. So Kang had gotten us beers and different beverages. Then we came and sat back down at the beach as we started drinking. Of course the teachers didn't care they were out partying themselves.

We started drinking and doing stupid things on the beach. Of course me being a light weight I was drunk by the third bottle. I was slurring my words. "Let me take you back to your hotel room your too fucked up". This person said my vision was super blurry so I couldn't tell who it was. I nodded as I held my hands up like a toddler. They lifted me up, "Holy shit you are way to fucking heavy". The person said as I stuck my tongue out at them. "Your acting like a baby", they said while carrying me to into the hotel. "Nooo I'm not!" I protested as we got into the elevator and headed up to the room. "A baby can't do this" I said before grabbing the persons face and kissing them. They kissed me back to my surprise.

They pulled away before breathing heavily and their breaths were very unstable. "Toy you are drunk don't do that again." The voice said as I did it again. I didn't care I was drunk and needed attention. They had still kissed me back. So why would they have said that then? The elevator beeped as we stopped kissing they carried me through the hall and into the hotel room. They tried putting me down on the bed and I started clinging to them like a koala. "Toy I have to go", they said as I shook my head and held on to them. "Toy let me go" they said again until I kissed their nose. I felt the person tense up.

"You are just asking for something to happen". They said as I shook my head no. I just held on to them. They tried to put me down one more time but I wouldn't budge. Then I was bold enough to kiss them again. Let's just say in the morning I would really have a heart attack.

I woke up with my head pounding and a cold breeze coming into the room. I sat up and realized that I did something. My eyes widened and looked to see if I was wearing anything I was only wearing my underwear. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" I repeated over and over again as I felt so ashamed of myself. Until I looked up and saw someone standing on the balcony. "Hello?" I called out as they turned around. My heart had dropped while my eyes widened heavily. "P'Perth?!!!!" I said as he looked at me with a serious expression. "We need to talk". Was the last thing I heard before freaking out.

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