Chapter Nine

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Book's Confession

 Weeks flew by faster than I knew, but a call was sent out to us last night from Book. It seemed super cryptic but also she seemed scared. Who knows how or why, Book decided to do this. But it is a Saturday and me and Mean were heading to Book's apartment. The radio was on while me and mean were jamming out to music and singing like practical idiots. But this was the time that I enjoyed the most with him. I loved having time with him. "Is this the place?" Mean asked as I looked at the large building as I nodded before grabbing my phone and stuffing it back in my pocket. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car as I saw Moon and Kang standing at the front door. "Moon, Kang?" I said as they turned and looked at me. "Ah your here we we're about to go in I think the others are here."

  Moon said as smiled while Mean came up behind me and stood on the side of me. "Okay lets head in then". I said as we all headed inside. The elevator door opened and we went up. The elevator opened as we headed to room 256 Book's room. We knocked as Perth answered the door. "Come on in" We all walked in as we sat down on the couches. "So everyone is here good, I wanted to say something. Well more like talking to you guys about something." Book said as Rome was the first one to talk after that. "Okay what's going on?"  Rome asked as Perth chimed in.

 "Is this a guessing game? Ohh we're good at those!" Perth said as I mentally facepalmed. "Oo let me guess are you getting a new house?" Moon asked as Book shook her head no. Then everyone made guesses. "Are you pregnant?" Kang asked as Book looked so frustrated. "No I'm Lesbian! I wanted to come out to you guys!" She shouted as everyone stopped talking. "Is this a coming out party?" Perth asked as she nodded as I got up and hugged her. "I kind of figured, you were lesbian. But just know that we all love you. We would always accept you since I'm gay myself-".

 While I was trying to say stuff to book. As Perth interrupted, "I'm gay too so I mean I have no problem accepting anyone". I was shocked at Perth's words as he also just came out to all of us. I let go of Book and looked at Perth. "Your gay?!" Kang yelled out as Perth nodded. "Yea you didn't know? I thought everyone knew?" Perth said as I gave him a look. "Why didn't you say anything when I came out!" I yelled as he sighed. "I just figured everyone knew, I also knew it was your time to take a breather." I just gave a nod to Perth's words as I looked back at Book. 

 "I'm glad you both just came out to us". I smiled at Book and gave her a quick hug before I went to go hug Perth as everyone started ambushing Book for a hug. "Well now I'm glad you kinda blurted it out." I spoke as Perth laughed. Then pulled away from the hug. "Now go sit with Mean before he kills me with him staring at me." I was confused as I looked at Mean staring at us. 

 I walked over to Mean and sat on the couch. Everyone else sat down, "What one eventful day if I do say so myself. Is anyone hungry?" Booked asked while saying as everyone nodded. "Okay then it's set we are ordering food!" Book said while grabbing out her phone and ordering food. 

 By the time we finished the food we were all in a food coma. We were so exhausted so everyone decided to go home and rest. 

 I woke up the next morning on the floor? I looked at Mean who was still asleep in the bed near me. "How the hell did I end up on the floor?" I asked myself as I got up and stretched. I looked at the clock. 6:34 A.M, I silently groaned to myself as I went to go take a shower and freshen up a bit. When I had gotten out of the shower I started trying to get dressed.

 The door opened as my towel dropped and I used my hands to cover my body. "What the hell!" I screamed to Mean as he started laughing. "You are wearing boxers and a t shirt calm it down Toy". I let go and pouted at him as I hit his arm. "Pervert", I said as he gave me a look which I had never seen nor knew what It had meant. "A pervert seriously", he had gotten really close to my face then whispered in my ear. "If I really wanted to do something to you already. I would have, I always get my way". I stepped away from him and looked him in his eye. "Yeah okay buddy don't get too ahead of yourself". I said before grabbing my pants and leaving the bathroom.

 He grabbed my arm and yanked me closed to him as he held my back and I felt nervous. He leaned in and I swear my heart skipped a beat or something I couldn't stop heavy breathing I was freaking out. "I know how you feel right now. Your heart just skipped a beat and your breathing has become unstable. Someone likes this. Unfortunately for you, I don't like this". Mean said as he let me go and I walked back out of the room while shutting the bathroom door behind me.

 Mean knew what he was doing he was toying and playing me like one of this little girlfriends. I was annoyed with him at that point since I kinda expected something out of that. I don't know why or when but I did. I looked at the door and waited for him to come out. I was going to do something. When he walked out, "Teasing someone really isn't nice". I said as he was ten steps ahead of me. As I sat down on my bed he walked over to me and lifted my chin up before kissing me.

 I kissed him back and was shocked as his lips were so soft. I kept kissing him until he had gotten on top of me as he started taking off his shirt. I knew what was going to happen so I pushed him off. "I can't, no I can't" I kept repeating to myself as he looked at me. "Then don't I was teasing you anyway". He laughed and left the room. I wiped my lips and sighed heavily. That man I tell you is so annoying. 

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