Chapter Twelve

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Confessions, Are Better Left Unsaid

 The doors opened to my parents house as I dropped my things and sighed. "Honey your home already?" I heard my mother call out. "It's Toy." I called back out to my mother as I closed the door behind me. Quick footsteps were heard. "Baby, what's going on?" My mom said worryingly as I sighed since I knew this was going to be a long conversation. "I decided to move out of my dorm and find my own place." Speaking to my mother was never the easiest thing. "Why, you and Mean were getting along just fine!" My mom tried to reassure me by speaking to me. "Ma, what you see between me and P'Mean isn't what happens in the dorm." I tried to explain this to my mother."W-What?!" My mother stuttered as I nodded and started walking to my old room. 

My mother followed behind me, "Me and Him had gotten into a argument." I continued to tell my mother as her facial expression said it all. She was completely concerned, "Shit I was warned about this". Mom spoke as I looked at her. "Warned about what? It was just a argument". I tried explaining to Mom. "No, it's not just that. Mrs. Kalahan warned me about his behaviour. Along with informed me about his past". I walked into my room and put my things down as I turned to look at mom.

"What kind of past? He is just a ass when he wants to be." I tried telling mom but she wouldn't hear it. "Toy, sweetie believe me when I say this. Mean has issues, that he needs to take care of". Mom tried explaining to me as I didn't want to hear what she had to say. "What could be such the big deal that he has to take care of?" Toy spoke to his mother as he heard a loud sigh come from his mother's mouth. 

"Baby, Mean was involved with some pretty crazy things I don't know the details so don't ask. But he lost his parents but him and his brother, were adopted by his Aunt and Uncle." Mom told me as my eyes widened. "Mean doesn't know that Mrs and Mr Kalahan are not his parents, so don't say anything son". Mom informed me as she earned a small nod from me. "His parents aren't dead if that's what you're wondering but they gave up both children". 

Who knew what kind of feeling this was? I was so in shock I didn't know what to do I couldn't speak couldn't talk. Guilt and sad thoughts were now filled in my head. I messed up completely, "Should I go back and apologize?" I asked as mom shook her head no. "Son he needs time to himself, you need to cool off as well". I sighed heavily before looking at my mom. 

"Do you know about him getting an arranged marriage?" I asked as mom's head nodded slowly. "Of course, we have to attend the wedding. So Mrs. Kalahan informed me before hand". Mom told me as I looked my mother in the eyes. "Mom, there is no way I can sit there and watch him get married".  Toy retorted back to his mother as her brows furrowed. "Toy what do you mean?" His mother asked in a confused state about her son's recent comment. "Why not? This is very important". His mother spoke up as Toy spoke "Mom, I'm in love with Mrs. Kalahan's son". I then spoke out to my mother as her eyes widened. 

"Toy honey, I didn't know at all. Then don't go mom and dad will say you are sick or something." My mom told me as she kissed my forehead and hugged me. "Stop growing up my boy".  Mom said as I chuckled before hugging her back. "I told your father we should have had a third one". My eyes started tearing up from the constant laughter. "To raise another kid again would be fun. Also just another excuse to have baby clothes".  My mother was just saying things left and right as I continued to laugh. 

Moms phone went off as she stopped hugging me picked up the phone. "Color! So nice of you to call". Mom spoke as I sat on the bed and listened to the conversation that my mom and Mrs. Kalahan were having. "A party for 5 pm tonight, sure our family will be there". Mom said before hanging up. Toy looked at her sideways. "Party tonight, at the Kalahan's all of your friends were invited as well. Get dressed freshen up. We are going". Mom explained somewhat of the conversation on the phone as I started going through my clothes. I had no idea what to wear. So I did the most logical Idea. My mom had left the room prior but I had to call her back in. "Mom! I need help".

Before any of us knew it 5 o'clock rolled around and I was nervous. Me and my family walked in. Moon, and Kang immediately noticed me. They both came up to my family and I. "Nice to see you Mom and dad". Moon said with a large smile on their face. My parents were like their parents, vise versa. "Nice to see you both as well, as much as we would love to talk Mrs, and Mr Kalahan must be looking for us. Have fun you guys". My dad said as we all nodded before my parents disappeared. "Perth, Book and Rome should be here any minute. Mean is already here".

Toy nodded at the response of Kang as he already spotted Mean in the corner talking to some rich folk. "Look there are the late birds now" Moon exclaimed as I turned around to see them walk in. "Took you long enough" Kang said as Perth rolled his eyes. "Listen i was stuck with these two lady's for the last four hours". Rome explained as we all started laughing as Perth hit Rome in the chest. "Oww my ego how could you hurt me". We continued to laugh as we starting talking and got into the night.

 Then a microphone was being turned on as Mrs. Kalahan was on the stage. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the Engagement Party of Mean Kalahan and Avannlisa Chonobanmanapan". I tensed up severely, as Moon and Book's jaw dropped. They both came up on stage as Mean looked forced but happy? I just felt like the next stop would be to Tokyo and I would be getting off the plane and I would be out of here and out of this dream. But I wasn't I was standing there looking at how beautiful they looked together. 

I was just a boy who was in love with someone's son. "We wanted to announce that they will be getting married in the next few weeks. Invitations have been sent out. I want to thank everyone's family for being here. Now a few words from the soon to be newlyweds." Mrs Kalahan said as I felt sick. I wanted to throw up, the couple started talking as I had to get out of there. I meanuvered my way through the crowd.

Then walked out of the door as I heard people following me out. By the time I turned around I saw Kang and Mean standing there. If I knew things were going to go downhill from here I should have stayed inside that night. 

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