Chapter Eight

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Just The Five Of Us Or So I Thought

"Wake up!" I abruptly opened my eyes to see Book, Kang, Perth and Moon standing around my bed. "What is going on?" I asked while sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Did you really forget on what we discussed in class a few days ago?" Kang said as I was trying to remember what happened in class. But the last thing I really could remember from that day was Me and Mean getting into a argument. "No I really don't remember I must have zoned out my apologies". I said as Kang sighed, "Well brush your teeth and take a shower, We will wait here for you". Perth said as I did as I was told.

Eventually I finished and walked right out to my friend's as they all smiled. "Now let's go we don't need to be late for the bus to the beach". Moon said as I nodded and grabbed my bag quickly as we headed straight to the bus. When we got on the bus we all piled into one section together.

Time passed where we were all sitting and talking while trying not to burst out laughing on the almost full bus. "So you and P'Mean what happened that day?" Book asked as I looked up at her as I looked out the bus window. "I really don't know what happened either. He started picking a fight with me and before I knew it he grabbed my face and started saying stuff". I said while trying to sum up Wednesday's night trauma. "Has he been home since?" Moon asked as she looked really concerned. "No, I haven't seen him since that night. Has he been showing up to classes Perth?"

I asked worryingly as he shook his head no. I nodded and looked back out the window. "You should call him". My head turned towards Kang as I was shocked as something like that came out of his mouth. "I'd like to see you do it after someone scared the shit out of you Kang". I rolled my eyes after saying it as Moon patted my back. "You know that's not what he meant. Maybe his home life isn't great try talking to him okay?" I looked at her then back and Kang. "Sorry, It's just I'm nervous and scared, but I want to know that he is safe and sound". I said.

As Kang smiled "Everyone pay up" Kang said while holding out his hand waiting for money. "What the hell did you bet on?" I asked as "Kang made a bet that you liked Mean, so we all bet $20 bucks and he won". Perth sighed as he handed him his money. "Hold on here I never said I liked him don't go that far". I said as Kang laughed while counting the money.

"You just don't care for a jerk out of the blue come on now". Kang said with a smile on his face. As that was the smile that got me in highschool. I smiled back then looked at Perth. "It just happened okay, It's not like I told him or anything. He kissed me". I blurted out as I covered my mouth as I looked at the floor in front of me. "He what now?!" Book whispered yelled as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Shit" I said as I sighed since now I had to explain what happened. "When P'Flower came into town my family and his family had a dinner. Me and Mean had to drive P'Heart home. When she got dropped off we started talking and then he kissed me." I said as Moon smiled at me since she started to notice how red my cheeks were getting.

I fiddled with my fingers as i felt myself tense up. "We're Here" a lady over the loudspeaker said. I grabbed my bag quickly before heading off the train.

My bag almost dropped to the floor when I saw Mean standing with some of our other school mates. "Oh shit we forgot to mention Mean was coming with us". I looked at Perth and punched his arm harshly. I looked at Kang as he looked away from me. "Was this a setup or something?" I asked as I looked at everyone. Moon was shocked herself but Book, Perth and Kang all knew. "So you would invite a guy that I am terrified of along with the guy that I'm secretly in love with?"

A sigh was the only thing heard until I saw Perth wave at Mean as I just adjusted my bag. I walked away from them and straight out of the bus with Book and Moon following in suit. Book grabbed my arm while she was out of breath. "It has been a decision for quite a while we weren't just going to un-invite him Toy". Book said, "You guys couldn't have woken me up for that. I won't even let that guy touch me with a ten foot pole". I said while trying to not lose my cool more than I already had.

"I know I'm sorry, but lets just get you to the beach. Kang also ordered your favorite food so when we get there you will have something good to eat". Book told me as I smiled. How could food change my mind so easily? Book and Moon took me over to the beach. I sat down in the sand and started eating food as I could get P'Mean's image out of my head. When I saw him after I got off the bus. He had a open floral shirt with a tight tank tee. Which shaped his abs out perfectly. He was wearing white shorts which accented him perfectly.

My thoughts subsided when I heard Kang call my name. "Huh?" I looked over at Kang who looked at me and smiled. "Are you In La La Land?" He asked me as I shook my head no and ate a bite of my rice cake. He chuckled and looked at me. "I'm sorry, for not informing you about Mean". He said as I shrugged as I finished my bite. "The food you purchased was your apology." I smiled at him and took another bite.

"Nong Toy", I heard his voice as I looked up at P'Mean. "May I help you?" I asked as I finished my bite of food. "Can we talk?" He asked me as I got up and grabbed my food. "I guess, I have nothing else better to do". I said as me and him walked away from everyone. "I wanted to apologize to you". I looked at him and made a puzzled face. Mean Kalahan was apologizing to me? What now?

"Am I hearing you correctly. Your apologizing to me because you became a asshole and disappeared on me?" I said to him as a apology wasn't enough. Mean's jaw clenched as he looked away with a saddening look. "I get it you hate apologizing. But you don't realize how much it hurt me to get grabbed like that and also getting shouted at. After you picked a fight."

"Especially when I li-". I shut my mouth as Mean looked at me. "Why did you stop talking?". He asked me as I realized that I was going to almost confess to Mean. "P' I was going to say something I would have regretted". I told him as Mean nodded. Something snapped inside of me to be polite and not lecture him since he apologized. "So friends?" I asked as he nodded and smiled at me as I smiled like a idiot back.

We walked back to where out friends were. "Wanna try?" I asked as I held up my cup and small fork. "No", he said as I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. I grabbed the fork and got food on it. I put it close to his mouth and smiled. "You are going to try it, or I will take back the apology". He opened his mouth quickly as he ate the piece of rice cake. "Ehh, It's alright". He said as I gasped.

"It is so good what is wrong with you!!!" I said as I told him about why it was my favorite food on the way back to our friends.

Bonding with him made me really happy. I needed this I'm glad we resolved our issues. But it wouldn't be us if it wasn't the end of this now was it.

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