Chapter Seven

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Days passed and feelings towards Mean we're getting much stronger. I avoided Mean as much as possible. When we were in the same room I was either sleeping or studying. When he kissed me and told me he was just teasing me it hurt me a lot. Due to me realizing that I liked him. Way to much for comfort.

"Snap out of it Toy", I heard Perth say as I stopped and looked at him. "Is your head in the clouds? Me, Kang and Moon have been calling your name for the last 5 minutes". Perth said as I apologized "I'm so sorry I was just thinking about today's work." I said back as I was partially lying to them. They didn't need to know that I liked Mean. At least not yet.

"There is another party today". Kang said as I shook my head no. "You guys are not getting me to go this time. I'm done with parties for a while". I said back to them as Moon looked at me "Think about it, you need to have more fun and let loose. What happened to the crazy wild Toy?" She asked as I just looked at her and sighed. "Fine I'll go," I said as I looked at the classroom we were approaching. Moon smiled at me and patted my head I smiled back at her as we all headed inside the lecture hall. Students were chatting away together.

I looked over to see if we could find Book. But of course someone else caught my eye. None other than Mean sitting there talking to Heart. My thoughts were flooded by the words Mean said that night. I'm going to break up with Heart. She has become needy, I just would rather just do and screw. It just continued to replay in my mind as I sat down in my seat next to my friends. "Good morning students, before we start off today's class we have a new student joining us." I heard our professor say as I saw the new student walking right behind the professor. When he had gotten to the front of the class.

"Hello, my name is Rome Panya." Rome greeted the class then he sat down in the back of the class.

Before we knew it the day was over. I was walking back to my dorm when I stumbled into Rome. I greeted him, "Your Rome right?" I asked as he nodded and smiled at me. "Yea, I'm Rome nice to meet you". I smiled back at him, "nice to meet you as well my name is Toy by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier". I told Rome as he nodded. I looked at my dorm building as we both walked in. "You live here as well?" I asked as he gave me a thumbs up. "Yup! Me and my roommate Book live here". I stopped abruptly as I heard Book's name. "You and her live in the same room?"

He gave me a weird look and slowly nodded. "Yea since there were no more dorms available for men, they stuck me into a girls dorm." He said while chuckling. "You live with Mean right?" He said as I was quite shocked again at his words. "Yea how did you know?" I asked him before he patted my head. "Don't worry I'm not a creep. Me and Mean are friends, have been friends for the last few years. Our family's know each other". He exclaimed as I gave him a reassuring smile. "Ahh okay!" I stopped in front of my dorm and gave a small smile.

"Thank you for chatting with me!" Rome said as I nodded and walked into my dorm room before closing the door. I turned around to see Mean standing there which scared me half to death. "Jesus don't scare me like that" I said as he looked mad at me. "I scared you seriously?" He said as I just gave a small nod and looked at the ground and went straight to my bed. "You know what is going on with you? You have been ignoring me for quite a while now. What's your issue with me?" He said as I just ignored him and sighed.

"Toy I'm talking to you!" He yelled so loudly as I turned my head to look at him. "I don't know where you got this crazy fucking idea from. I'm not ignoring you, I have things to do. I'm a busy person I don't need to keep an eye on you or talk to you like a child." I paused since I was now annoyed by him. "Unless I'm going to start treating you like a child Mean. I can tuck you in, make you food, drive you to school, read you a bedtime story and dress you." After I said that.

I knew that things were not going to go over well. Due to the visible anger going through his body. "A child seriously Toy", the low tone within his voice scared the shit out of me. More than I knew, more than I knew I could handle. "A child I don't need to communicate to you. Should I ask you how school went? Should I ask you what girl has sparked your interest?" I said with every last bit of confidence I had.

The dead silence Mean gave made me know that I messed up. He walked right over to me with his fists clenched he started walking closer and closer as I started taking steps backwards. I eventually fell on my bed as he grabbed my face harshly I was shaking in fear. "Don't you dare ever talk about me that way do you hear me! You don't know shit about me!" He yelled loudly in my face as I just looked down, "Why?" He looked at me as I continued to look down. "What?" His voice was still quite loud while speaking to me.

"Why do you act this way? Why are you gripping my face like I just killed your family? Why are you doing this?" I said as it was like something snapped within him. As he let go of my face and just walked right out of the dorm room. I sat up and just stared at the dorm door.

I stared at the door for what felt like hours. Just reflecting on what just happened.

Hours ended up passing but no sign of Mean. Why?

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