Chapter Four

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The Lion That Roar's Back

I woke up and groaned as my head was killing me. I held my head from the intense pain as I looked on the side to me. Only to find a empty bed, I sighed as I sat up slowly. I couldn't remember anything except for that accidental kiss last night. I then heard a loud knock on the door which had scared the shit out of me as I got up to see who was there. I opened the door to see P'Perth and he smiled at me. "Your finally up, don't worry about Mean. He had to cool down so he decided to head to one of the girls room". He said to me as a part of me was disgusted and the other part of me was hurt.

I smiled back and wondered to myself why I was so hurt by it. "Your head probably hurts right? Take this". I grabbed the bag out of Perth's hands and grabbed a water as I took the medication when I finished taking it I put everything down on the table. "Thank you P'Perth", I said to him as I yawned and covered my mouth. "Go brush your teeth, take a shower and get ready. I'll be waiting here for you". Perth told me as I nodded and did as I was told.

When I got out of the bathroom fully clothed and feeling somewhat better I saw Perth and Kang standing there talking. "Hey," I said as I yawned then smiled. They both had smiled back and stopped talking. "Were doing challenges today, so be prepared." Perth said as I wasn't ready to do anything for that matter. I could barley survive a day in Gym never mind doing a challenge.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I looked down at my clothes to see if they were going to be good enough to do challenges. Which they were sadly, to my expense being an engineer major never really had to mean that we were going to end up doing challenges. I knew I should have gone against my parents wishes and became a music major.

The day had gone on as the challenges had started. I knew this wasn't going to end well no matter how hard I tried to stay level headed. We were doing stuff that people in the military do. My whole body ached from such an intense work out. Along with a massive hangover that I didn't know what to do with. "Students! This is the last challenge of the day. This will determine if you can get your engineering gear or not." Mean had said while pacing back and forth.

P'Mean took a while to explain the last challenge. We had to go into the woods and find things that were hidden by the upperclassmen. With a partner, then there I was choosing something out a box. I walked away then unfolded the crumpled up piece of paper. I had gotten a weird location with a small picture of a key, labeled #24. I had looked around for my partner as I saw Mean standing there with the piece of paper in his hand. He walked over to me, "Well I guess were together" Mean said as I nodded and smiled.

We adventured through the woods to find this certain key. This was an area where you knew someone was most likely to get lost. I just trusted my own intuition and kept going. "Can we talk about what happened in the hotel room the other day?" I heard Mean ask as I stopped in my tracks to turn around and look at him. "Why would we talk about something that accidentally happened, you didn't seem to be bothered with whatever girl you were with last night". I said to him as it was a matter that didn't need to be discussed.

"I was just asking and how the hell do you know that I was with someone last night?" He asked as his tone of voice had deepened with anger. "People told me do I really need to tell you?" I responded back with as I got cocky with P'. He scoffed heavily, as he looked at me dead in the eye as if he was a lion about to roar. "Listen Toy I just wanted to talk about what happened no need to be a dick". He said as I was shocked he was calm. He was holding back a lot, "Being a dick? Seriously?" I said as my tone of voice changed. I sighed heavily to myself and just kept walking as Mean was trying to talk to me.

"It was a accidental kiss! I didn't want to kiss you but you had my book in your own hands and put it out of my reach!" I finally yelled back, as I was done hearing him trying to talk to me about it. "Just because we're roommates and I'm gay doesn't mean that I like you!" I responded with while continuing from my other sentence. I was furious, he had gotten me so annoyed to the point where I didn't even want to live with him anymore. Along with him just being a utter and complete asshole I mumbled profanity's underneath my breath.

Then Mean has finally responded back, "Fine do this shit without me! When I moved in I didn't expect the nice and sweet parents would have such a twisted arrogant fucking son!" Mean said as he stormed of into the woods somewhere, as I was there alone. In the middle of god knows where. I continued to look for the key, I had to get that gear to prove that I am a real engineer student. No matter what major I wanted to be.

While walking I saw a small box in the distance I bolted as fast as I could. Plop I fell face first in a pot hole. I luckily caught myself before hitting my face but just my luck with my foot now in excruciating pain. I sat up as I looked at my foot and groaned loudly. There was no one around so who was I going to turn too. So I tried to get up but then I had fallen back down. I groaned again from the pain as I dropped back down. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket then realized that I couldn't get service.

I started crawling to the box when I reached the box I opened it to see the key that I needed. Number #24, I tried to get back up. I had tried to not put all of my weight on it. As I limped back to the beach.

By the time I reached the beach I saw students standing there and getting there gears. P'Kang had ran over to me and helped me walk. "What happened? Where is Mean?" He asked many questions as I sighed. "Me and Mean had gotten into a argument. When I found the box with the key I bolted and ended up falling in a hole. Causing my ankle to twist". I responded back with as Kang started to worry I could see it in his face.

"Nong Toy please take care of yourself! Mean will come out soon." Kang had to kind of reassure himself that Mean was coming back. While I just nodded and sighed.

There I was finally getting my gear after so long, I was happy in pain and had no idea were P'Mean was. It's a wonderful combo. A student had come running as he looked at all of us. "P'Mean hasn't come back yet he's the only one still in there! We have to go look for him". He said as I sighed heavily.

Where the hell did he go I thought to myself.

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