Chapter Twenty-Four

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Class Trip!

(POV Is Back To Toy)

 Everyone was lined up for the class trip as we all stood there after exhausting exams. I massaged my temples and groaned on the bus. As Perth sat next to me smiling as if he had just won the lottery. "Why are you smiling? I asked as my eyebrows stitched together. "I can't be happy to leave the campus?" He asked as I chuckled "That's not what I meant you just look awfully happy". 

I said as he nodded before the bus took off. Mean and I haven't really spoke to each other. I think he has girls on his agenda anyway. Not that I care or anything. But It kinda hurts at the same time I was the one who said I wanted to go slow. I think in a sense that our slow is lets see other people at this point.

The more I saw Heart with him the more I wanted to hit him upside the head. I ignored it as I saw Book and Jax getting comfortable with each other. I chuckled then looked at Perth, "Look how comfortable they are with each other. Imagine us having someone like that". I said as Perth patted my head, "The option is still on the table to marry me". He winked as I slapped him upside the head. "We were 5 when we said that!" I whisper yelled at him as he smirked. "Five year old and eight year old us made the best decisions".

I rolled my eyes at Perth's comment. "I would rather kiss a homeless man's foot then date you". I said as he winked "Kinky I like it". I hit his arm as he held it and winced in pain. "Ouch what the hell". I smiled at him then spoke "Karma is a real bitch". He flipped me off as I chuckled and looked out the window.

"I'm going to catch you!" Perth said as he was chasing me around in my backyard. "You won't get me!" I yelled back while running as fast as I could. "If I catch you right now, we will get married!" Perth yelled back at me as I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened as Perth tapped my shoulder. "You lost now you have to marry me!" He said as I couldn't say anything. "We can't get married were both boys". I said as he shook his head. "My mom and dad said boys can marry boys and girls can marry girls." 

Perth explained as I turned my head to the side. "Really?" Perth nodded as I was amazed. "So why do you want to get married to me?" I asked as my head was still tilted to the side. "I don't know, I just want to marry you". Perth said as I chuckled. "We are kids maybe when were grown up ask me again okay?"  I said as he hugged me. "Okay! But will you say yes?" He asked as he let go and looked at me. "Not sure?" I said.

The flash back snapped me right out of my thoughts. "Holy shit were you serious back then about asking me to marry you?" I asked as I turned to look at Perth and he sighed before patting my head. "I knew I was gay when I wanted to marry you". My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Shit Perth I'm sorry I didn't know!". He chuckled and smiled before looking at me. "Don't worry it's not like I'm going to ask you now. But if you and Mean never work out call me". He winked as we both laughed together. 

"When we get to the beach wanna fool everyone?" He asked as I tilted my head. "Stop tilting your head your not a lost dog or 5. But I bought a ring right before this. Not for anyone but I wanted to give this to my mom. But want to pretend like I'm proposing to you?" I started laughing at he was saying. I held my hand out "Yes sir". I smiled as we both chuckled he took my hand and interlocked his fingers. "I don't remember the last time I held your hand". I said as he chuckled. "I don't know either but your fucking hands are sweaty". I thumped his forehead with my other hand and sighed. 

"Moon is going to lose her shit" I said as he shrugged. "You shouldn't worry about Moon when Mean may kill me but I enjoy watching the fucker get angry". I rolled my eyes and chuckled again. "He is with Heart honestly I don't care". I said as Perth was now the one tilting his head. "My gaydar lie detector is on there is no way in hell that you still don't have feelings for him and that you truly do care. Don't lie to me". He said as I just looked at the Bus floor and sighed. 

"I'm trying to get over him like he got over me. I don't want to be suck in a loop anymore". I said as he sighed at me then put his head on my shoulder. "Why do you think I'm fake proposing to you dumbass". I let his head rest on my shoulder as I leaned my head on his softly. "Wouldn't that just be putting him into a trap?" I asked as Perth chuckled softly. "Not exactly I just want to mess with him. Anyway you owe me, I caught you that day. Just because we won't get married a fake proposal never hurt now did it?" He said as I shook my head. 

"You will never let that go will you?" I asked "No way" he responded as we both drifted off to sleep. We woke up to the a teacher talking. "Welcome To Heart Ship Cove! Behav, have fun and lastly Be yourself!" The teacher said before exiting. 

We all got out and put our luggages away before the sunset came.

Most other student's hung out in the more popular area at the far, far end of the beach. Kang, me, Perth, Moon, Jax, Mean, Rome, and Book all relaxed together. Perth whispered in my ear. "We are not gonna kiss right?" He asked as I turned my head to look at him with widened eyes. "Of course not idiot".  I looked at the beach and smiled. 

Mean had walked away to answer a call so we figured when he was walking back we were going to do it. So we waited then he started to walk back. "Guys! Pull out your phones and pay attention this is really special to the both of us". Perth said as I pretended to be clueless. Perth got up and grabbed my hands as I stood up he took me down to the front of the beach. I turned to see everyone's faces everyone was confused. 

Perth got on one knee as Book and Moon started fangirling and everyone was shocked. He pulled out a ring and smiled. I smiled back Rome and Mean looked pissed. I could see it on there faces. We fucked up big time. 

"This may come as a shock to everyone here. But I have wanted to marry him since we were kids. So it's only appropriate I ask now. Toy will you marry me?" Perth said as I held out my hand and he slipped the ring on my finger. 

He got up and hugged me until he whispered. "Now lets tell them". We stopped hugging and started dying laughing as all of there expressions changed they were confused. "What's wrong?" Moon said as I smiled. We continued to laugh as I gave the ring back to him. "It was a joke, we planned this all on the bus". Perth said as Book threw her shoe at us. "Hey, Hey calm down!" I said as I dodged away from the shoe.

"You got us though" Kang said while smiling. "For context, Perth asked caught me in a game of tag when we are younger. He caught me and asked me to marry him. I told him maybe when we are older. Then here we are today just a small joke." I said and did finger guns and smiled. 

"I told him I would rather kiss a homeless' man's foot before I married him" I said as everyone started laughing except Rome and Mean. "Now for the inconvenience of our small joke I will get us all drinks!" I said as I walked away and started moving my way through the Hotel. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Mean. He was mad furious for that matter. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me to the wall before looking me up and down then his eyes fixated on his lips. "Do you enjoy pissing me off?" he asked as his tongue pushed to inside of his cheek. 

"Shit" I mumbled to myself since I knew what I was going to get myself into. 

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