Chapter Twenty-Eight

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If You Only Knew How I Felt

I stared at Rome in shock as Mean was shocked as well but the anger blinded him. I held my face in my hands and sighed before looking back up. "Rome I love you, I do but are you not processing what is going on here!" I yelled at him before my mom said something. "This is sick and twisted, Perth we let you into our home we fed you when your mother couldn't. I gave you a roof, I gave you clothes, I gave you a home! This is how you repay us! By hurting my son!" My mom yelled as I was surprised P'Flower looked at me with the same look. Even when me and Flower were young, she never yelled at us when she scolded us she talked calmly.

"I'm really sorry Toy I don't think he would do something like that". Rome spoke as Book looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "If you only knew how I felt and considered that we wouldn't be here right now" Perth said as my eyes widened. As I let out a scoff. "I considered how you felt. I am in love with Mean, I can't all of a sudden fall in love with you because you said so!" I yelled as he has literally gone bonkers.

"But you couldn't accept that what happened that night wasn't something special". Perth said as I flayed my arms in the air before sighing. "What happened that night?" Mean said as I gulped harshly. "Tell him Toy, of do you need me to say it". Perth said as I looked at Mean. "Mom dad P'Flower cover your ears" I said as they didn't listen and just stood there. "I had sex with Perth after getting drunk okay! My vision was blurry and I thought it was you". Mean's facial expression changed as he looked betrayed and hurt. But it wasn't like I was dating him. He was with Heart right? I questioned as Mean walked out of the room and slammed the hospital door.

"How could something be special when I was plastered drunk. I fucking hate you". I said as some part of me wanted to run after Mean but I couldn't. I had to fight this out. "Perth you are crazy, I never liked you. I don't know if that fake proposal put something into your head but you finally lost your fucking marbles". I said as Perth started walking towards me as I started backing up until Kang and my dad got into the middle of us. As Book, Moon, and Flower were all standing next to me.

"Get out, before I admit you into the psych ward. Get the fuck out and never come back. If I see you next to my son or scaring my son like this ever again this won't be pretty". My dad said as he practically towered over Perth. "Dad.." Perth called out. "Dad I'm sorr-" My dad cut Perth off. "You were never my son, don't call me dad like that will change. You see these kids right here." he said pointing to Me, Moon, Flower, Book and Kang. "These are my kids, Moon, Kang, Flower, Book, and Toy. I may have not made some of them that's alright. But at least they wouldn't betray my son."

I stared at my dads back as I heard the words he said which almost brought me into tears. "I will say this nicely one last time, get the fuck out of this room!" My dad yelled as Perth ran out crying. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I let out a shaky breath.

My sister patted my back as my dad turned to me he walked over to me as I broke down. I hugged him and cried into his chest. "It's okay my son", he said as he patted my back as Rome exited the room as the room fell silent. "Hunny don't cry please" my mom said. As she walked up to me as I couldn't stop crying.

She patted my back, as I stopped hugging my dad and wiped my tears. "I have to go talk to P'Mean." I said as my sister, looked at me. "Toy, you can't do that right now you need to calm down". Flower said as I looked at her and shook my head. "I have to, I don't care about how I am". I said, as Flower looked at me with sorrowful eyes before sighing. "Go then, be back soon the nurses will need to give you some meds and food". I nodded as I walked out of the room with my hospital gown on I started waking through the place until I stumbled upon Mean.

He was in a dead end part of the hospital. Where no one was not even the nurses or patients. This part looked abandoned. I walked over to him as he just sat in a chair with his hands covering his face. I stood in front of him before crouching in front of him. "That didn't mean anything to me I hope you know that". I said as Mean looked up at me with a hurt look. He looked mad, sad, and hurt.

"You hurt me Toy", he said as I looked at him and my heart broke. "I'm sorry, we weren't together and I was drunk. If I could take back my actions I would". I said before wiping a tear that escaped his eye. "It doesn't matter you knew how much I loved you". Mean said as my heart just dropped. "But you have been with Heart this whole time how do you think that effected me too?" I said as he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Are you really that selfish? Is that all you are thinking about. You slept with him for god sales Toy". He said as I looked down on the ground before standing up and fixing my hospital gown. "I'm selfish? How about when you cheated on Heart with me? When I was the one who was in your bed while you were still fucking her but I didn't say anything."

I said as my blood started to boil. He looked up at me. "So what, that has nothing to do what we have". He said as my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Oh so your telling me while we were dating you fucked her?" I said as my breath became shaky. "No what the fuck that's just wrong". He said as I scoffed. "Oh so dating hear but messing with me isnt?" I said while crossing my arms and sighing. "I don't know what you want from me anymore". I said as he looked at me. "I told you what I wanted".

He said as I rolled my eyes, "you told me that I was selfish so what is it that you want." I said as he groaned softly. "Yes you are selfish and don't care about other's feelings."

He told me as I just stood there in shock. "You don't have the right to call me those things when you are the biggest hypocrite I know".

I explained before he sighed.

"Listen, I'm not the hypocrite. Just know where you stand". Mean said before walking away as my eyes just widened. What the fuck is going on?

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