Chapter Two

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She Knew

We had looked all over as time was ticking slowly but surely. We had finally found the last word as we were out of breath. It took us so long just to find stuff that was practical about our faculty. We had bolted straight to the upper class men and showed them our pictures. They nodded and gave us two passes. "Good work I'm shocked you are the first one's to find all three." P'Kang praised us as we nodded and thanked the seniors. As we headed to the lunch room to put something in our empty stomachs.

"The most annoying thing I have had to do in my 18 years of living". Book said as I agreed. We had received our food then sat at a table and started eating our food like wild animals. We were both starving so the food tasted so much better. Then my phone had gone off as I grabbed it and answered it. "Hello?" I said as I heard her voice again. "Baby! What are you doing? I need you". I sighed heavily at Lena's voice. "I'm at school why?" I asked her as I felt someone rap there hands around my neck. "That's why!" I heard her voice not only on the phone but right at my ear.

Book had greeted Lena, "Nice to meet you". Lena sat next to me, "Nice to meet you I'm Toy's girlfriend!" She was surprisingly being super nice to Book. "She's a friend from class," I spoke to Lena as she nodded. "So I heard that there is a party tonight for you guys. You don't mind if I tag along right?" She asked as Book smiled at her. "I don't mind the more the merrier." Book responded with as we heard girls scream. I looked behind me as the upper class men were back. But it was just P'Kang and some other people I don't know.

They had received there food and sat down at our table. Kang had given Lena a look when she wasn't looking. Kang had never liked Lena at all. So he would make any comments or looks when she wasn't looking. "The party is at 8 tonight, so don't be late". Kang had said, before starting to eat his lunch. "I'm coming as well P'Kang" Lena said as Kang had just nodded. due to him really not wanting to talk to her.

Then before I knew it there we were getting out of the taxi and looking at a expensive house. It was more than anything that my family could afford. I got out of the car and fixed my clothes. I was wearing something that a heterosexual man would wear. I hated wearing the annoying button ups with slacks. I just wanted to wear some overall shorts and a crop top. I want to be who I really am but I am not out and don't plan on being out for a while.

I walked in with Lena on my arm as I took everything in at once. There were people dancing, people drinking. As I felt overwhelmed. "I'm gonna go get a drink want one?" Lena asked as I shook my head no I hated drinking. "No thank you, but go enjoy yourself babe". I said which almost made me cringe as she walked away smiling. Then I walked away to find my friends. I found P'Kang in a corner alone drinking. So I approached him as he smiled. "Your here welcome!" He said to me as I smiled back. "Thank you", I said almost immediately.

I waited and waited for Lena, but she never showed. So I figured I should go to the bathroom now. "I'll be right back P". I told him as I went to find the bathroom. I opened a door and there I was standing in the door speechless.

Lena was underneath non other that my own roommate P'Mean. She was almost fully naked while giggling as Mean kissed her all over. "We're over, what the hell is wrong with you?" I said as I stormed down the stairs and out of the house. As I heard in the distance "Toy wait!" It was hurtful but I just let it go as I was calling for a finding a car service that would take me home. "Toy! It's not what you think". Lena said as I smiled at her, "Oh so being underneath my roommate and chucking as he is kissing you all over is not what I think." I chuckled and then that's when I heard everything that would change my life.

"It's not like you care anyway, or give me affection. Your gay, there I've known all along!" My smile dropped as P'Mean had walked out and everyone on the front lawn stopped and stared at me. I just felt like crying in my room. "How could I be gay if I'm dating you? Or was dating you, I don't want to be with someone who cheated on me." Every word that left my mouth hurt me more and more. "Prove to me that your not gay". She said to me "How?" I asked as she looked me up and down. "Sleep with me and I know that your not gay". She responded with as I looked at her as if she was bonkers.

Then there I was at 18 going to come out on the first day of college with tons of regrets. "I'm not going to sleep with someone like you because I am gay. I like boys that's how It's always been for me. Just because my parents set me up with you doesn't mean I like you". After saying that I stormed off and just started walking. As I heard in the distance "You fucking asshole!!!" I sighed heavily as I was living a lie for so long. It hurt a lot that I couldn't come out on my terms. But I did it finally, a big wave of emotions came over me causing me to cry on the way home.

Then I heard a car follow behind me, as I wiped my tears before it pulled up beside me. I looked to see P'Kang in the car with the window rolled down. "Get in the car Nong Toy. I won't judge you". That just made me cry more, I've never seen Kang get out of car so fast. He walked up to me and hugged me. "Nong don't cry, please don't I'll take you home and get you something to eat okay?" He said to me as I sniffled and nodded as he took me to the passengers side of the car opened the door as I got in sobbing. He shut the door and came around to the drivers side.

He got into the car and started driving. "Toy why didn't you tell me about this there was nothing to be afraid of." He said as I looked at the town in front of us. "I couldn't tell anyone, even now I wasn't ready to come out on my terms". I said back to him as turned my head to look out the window while still crying. "There is nothing to be afraid of if anything you are who you are meant to be." Kang had told me as I just didn't feel like talking.

I was back at the dorm soon enough. With food in bed eating alone. I just needed the time to myself, but that was before. A call had gone to my phone as I answered it. "Toymanakit Chvaritaron, why did you not tell us this?!" I heard my mom on the phone as I couldn't handle what was going on. "I'm sorry" that was the only thing I managed to say. As I heard my mom on the other line sob. "No, were sorry Toy, we are your parents and we couldn't even tell that you were gay. But there was nothing to be afraid of we love you". My mom said as I just sat there and sobbed while talking.

I was glad my parents accepted me but that one person who lived in the same house as me came back and I was nervous. What if he hated gays who knew. I hung up the phone on my mom as he just started walking in unfazed. "Listen I'm glad you figured out that your homosexual. But I don't need to apologize for trying to hook up with your girlfriend, my bad ex girlfriend". He said to me as he had no care in his eyes. "Okay", was the only thing I said before throwing food in the trash.

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