Chapter Ten

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Mean Kalahan

(P.O.V Is With Mean This Whole Chapter)

Monday afternoon rolled around as I looked out the dorm window and let out a large yawn as I was waiting for my next class to roll around at some point. It had been few days since the incident I pulled on Nong Toy. "So, when are you going to say something?" I heard Rome ask, as he started playing on his phone. "Say what?" I asked as Rome looked up from his phone and laughed. "Come on, we both know that you like him". rome said as I gave a disgusted face. "What the fuck is wrong with you. I don't like Toy, like that nor am I gay. I'm dating Heart that's just messed up". I said as Rome gave me a look as he gave me such a look.

Definitely wouldn't know how to describe it. A quite disgusted and a look that said "I'm not dumb". I rolled my eyes at Rome as he flicked me on the forehead. "Just admit it, I'm tired of you trying to act all cool and pretend that your straight". Rome told me as a long look was given to him as if he was going to get anything out of me. "Your kidding me right?" I asked Rome as he shook his head no. "Why would I be joking?" He was serious as he was trying to tell me or "Convince" me that I was gay. "If I was gay as you claim me to be. I would be out already". I told Rome as he chuckled.

"Then I'm the Pope, come on I've known you since the start of my childhood." Rome spoke as I shook my head and grabbed my backpack. "Remind me why we are friends again?" I asked him as I heard a long sigh. "If you look me in the eye right now and tell me that you don't have feelings for Nong, I'll believe you". So I stopped within my tracks while trying to fix my bag. I looked into his eyes then I spoke. "I do not like Nong". I said to him as I stared into his eyes the whole time.

"Fine", Rome said before grabbing his bag. We headed out and walked over to the campus. "Hey boys!" I heard heart say as she waved and winked at me. I gave her a fake smile as I kissed her on the cheek. "Good luck with class!" She said as I gave her a nod before continuing walking to said class. The intercom came on as we heard the following. "Good Afternoon students, due to a faculty emergency. We have decided to cancel all classes until the end of the day." The lady said as she repeated it again after as I groaned. "I got out of bed for that shit" I mumbled as Rome rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys!!" I heard before looking up to see Book, Kang, Toy and Moon standing there. "Hey," I mumbled out as I was sleep deprived and wanted to head right back to bed. I looked at Toy who caught my eye. He was trying to avoid eye contact at all costs. Toy started playing with his fingers and wouldn't stop. My phone rang as I grabbed it out of my pocket and walked away for a moment before answering. "Hello?" I said groggily as I heard my mother's voice. "Mean, come by the house tonight me and your father have a few things to chat with you about." my mother said as I knew something bad was going to happen.

"Okay, class just got canceled I will get dressed and be there within the hour." I said then hung up before heading back to my room. Toy was magically right beside me. "Why are you headed back to the dorm?" I asked Toy as he never gave me eye contact or a word out out of his mouth. Did I really mess with him that badly? I questioned and asked myself before I heard a sigh out of Toy's mouth. "Nong, are you okay?" I asked as he pulled out his ear buds. "Huh?" He asked as I felt stupid since I was talking to him while he had headphones on. "Ah, I was asking if you were okay? But I didn't realize that you had headphones in".

Toy chuckled and looked at me  "I'm fine, I have to head back to the dorm to get a few english books and then Me P'Kang and Book are all going to learn english from P'Moon. Do you wanna join us?" He asked with a large smile on his face which made something inside of me feel off and weird. "I can't tonight, My mom called I have to go over to the house to talk to them". I said as he nodded before walking into the dorm. I followed him into the dorm and started going through my draws to find something nice.

I started changing within a hurry as Nong yelled "P'!!! Go in the bathroom and change!!!" He yelled as I started laughing. "Want a slice of this?" I asked while winking at Toy. He threw a text book and it hit me on the side. "Ouch what the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled as I grabbed my side and groaned just to mess around with Toy to think that it hurt. "Shit P' I'm so sorry!" He ran over to me and looked me in my eyes as he said that to me. "I don't throw things at you especially a large textbook". I continued to speak out as he grabbed where my hands were on my side and just held it there. At some point Toy's eyes drew me in and I couldn't stop looking.

Personally myself it felt like looking at a galaxy. Then me being me, I decided to lean in and steal a small kiss just to mess with him. He pushed me away and hit my chest. "You fibber, I'm going to study, fuck you". He flipped me off while swearing at me before grabbing his text books and leaving. Chuckling was the only thing heard as Nong exited the room. I put my bag on my back before leaving to my parents house.

The gates opened to the Kalahan family home, as Mean drove passed the gates and parked.

Golden doors opened as Mean got out of his car then headed inside as he was greeted by servants then by his own parents. "What is going on here?" I asked as a look was given to my parents. "Go sit in the dining room then we can talk". My dad said as I went right to the dining room to obey my parents.

My parents sat down as I did before speaking. "We brought you here today about some issues. Regarding Heart along with marriage." I heard my mother speak out as my jaw dropped. Marriage?! I just turned 21, how the hell am I going to marry someone let alone someone I don't love? "Marriage, what about it and what does Heart have to do with it?" I asked while trying to contain myself. "Have a few bites of food first then we will go over it. Your mother spilled too much to soon".

My father tried telling me as now my appetite was completely gone. I didn't want to eat I wanted to find out what the hell they were trying to tell me. "Who can eat when there parent just blurted out marriage?!" Me being me I spoke loudly. "Fine! You are getting married, within the next two months to Avannlisa Chonobanmanapan, she is a 20 year old college student. Medical major, her parents own the opposing company to our business. Doing this will bring peace to both companies."

My heart sank into my chest as I knew this was something I was going to have to deal with. On my own, along with getting married to a whole new person. "I'm not doing this! Who the hell are you to tell me who I get to marry!" I yelled out as before standing up. Dad slammed his hand on the table and looked me in the eye.

Then yelled while pointing a finger at me before he stood up. "Mean Chittawon Kalahan you have no choice you're doing it now this is final!" That was the last thing he said to me before I stormed out of his house and left.

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