Chapter Twenty-One

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You Think That I Liked It
(This will be in Perth's P.O.V)

The unfamiliar sent of the room took me off. I opened my eyes as my eyes widened and I practically gasped. As I smelt a scent a cologne and a cinnamon candle. What the fuck happened? I thought to myself as I looked down at torso and I didn't have a shirt on. I swore in my head over and over again. Did you really do something? What the hell did you do? I kept questioning myself. As I was in my dorm room. There was a note on the bedside. I picked it up and read it, "don't think I left, something came up this morning -R". My eyes widened as my heart dropped. Then everything from last night replayed. Me and he had gone to get drinks last night.

The loud music echoed throughout the club as there we were sitting at the bar taking shots like foolish adults. "Do you want to go home?" The guy asked as I nodded. I was beyond tired and didn't want to be here anymore. When I had finally reached my dorm he opened the door and took. Me over to the bed, I sighed heavily and groaned as I lied back. He took off my shoes and socks as he started covering me with a blanket. As he reached near my face I really got a good look at his eyes as I just smiled. "Have a goodnight Nong". As I pulled his arm while he was walking away. "Hey can you stay with me, I don't want to be alone". I spoke out as he nodded before sitting on the bed right where I was laying.

"Do you ever just feel like there is something's better left unsaid?" I asked as he looked at me with confused brows. "What do you mean by that?" He asked me as I looked into his eyes. "I mean like have you ever just liked someone so much that it would be best not to say anything?" I asked him as he nodded and looked out the window that showed the beautiful night sky. "Of course who hasn't?" He asked, as I sighed. "Not sure? Normal people". We both chuckled until he looked at me. I was lost in his dark brown eyes. I couldn't handle it. The overwhelming feeling came right over me as he leaned in and started kissing me. Of course I kissed him back how else was I going to hide my feelings for him.

One thing lead to another then surely enough. It happened.

My eyes widened "Rome is gay!?!" I started freaking out, I got dressed as fast as I could. Before pacing back and forth in my dorm room. "Rome is fucking gay?" I said over and over again as I tried to process it as it was almost like a voice in my head said. "Of course you idiot, he wouldn't have had sex with you if he wasn't". I said out loud as I kept pacing before I got a call I ran and grabbed my phone only to see Book's name I groaned loudly. As I answered "Hello?" I said as I was very annoyed. "Jesus someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I was calling to ask if you have seen P'Rome? He didn't come back to the dorm last night." My eyes opened as my throat went dry. "I haven't seen him since we went out drinking. I thought he went home?" I said as I was completely lying to my best friend.

Since Rome and Book shared a co-Ed dorm together. I knew something was up. I knew she was going to call me and ask. "Okay, I love you! Have a good day P!" She said before hanging up. I threw my phone on the bed until I wanted to figure this out myself. I walked over and picked up my phone before trying to call Rome. It rang and it rang I think at least four times before someone answered. "Hello?" The voice sounded voice sounded very feminine and it obviously wasn't Rome. My heart had dropped to my stomach and I felt sick. "Hello! Sorry if I interrupted anything. But I am Rome's friend I was just wondering if he wanted to come over". I said as it took everything in me not to do anything. "Of course! Baby!!! Shoot he's in the shower right now do you want me to have him call you back?" My eyes widened as my phone almost slipped through my hands. "Sure" I said before hanging up and groaning loudly before pacing back and forth again. Then I heard a loud knock on the door. I opened it as Rome walked through the door. He didn't even say hi or anything.

I furrowed my eye brows as he ran his hands through his hair. "Last night was a mistake". Was the first thing that came out of Rome's mouth. "Hold on what the hell did you just say?" I said as I closed the dorm door and looked at Rome who was now pacing back and forth. "Last night was a mistake", he repeated as I held the bridge of my nose and sighed. "You really could have just called me to say that". I said as I didn't want to waste the time and the hurt that was rolling over me like a crashing wave that just hit a surfer. "No not when she was there". My eyebrows knitted together as I was confused. "She?" I asked as he nodded. "Okay Rome you really need to be more specific".

I said as I stared at him, "Her P'Sai, just because we hooked up this morning-" my eyes bulged out of my head as I looked at him. "Hold the fuck on. We're not going to skip past that like you didn't just say that. You hooked up with someone else?" I said out of disbelief my heart just kept dropping. I was hurt, how could you do something like that. "So that is what was so urgent?" I questioned as my blood boiled. I didn't know either to cry or hurt someone. "Listen last night was never supposed to happen. It was something that happened. I don't know if you know or not. But I don't like men like you do." Rome said with pure cockiness within his low subtitle voice.

"Then why are you here if it was such a mistake and that you aren't gay? Why did you enunciate something while I was drunk? What the hell is wrong with you Rome?" I said as frustrations took over me and I was just done. Who the hell does something like that. "So your telling me that you didn't like or even relatively enjoy last night?"
I asked as I was curious. He shook his head "You think that I liked it?" He chuckled as I scoffed. "Then just get the fuck out of my room. I don't even want to see you right now". I said as I was fuming inside. I hated this. He walked out the door and slammed the dorm door as I screamed out in frustration. I sat down on my bed before running my hands through my hair. Why was Rome acting like this? This isn't like him.

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