Chapter Seventeen

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The Answers Were Right There

Mean was out of town for the day with his family as I sat in my desk chair scrolling through socials. Along with just going through homework and stuff before Christmas break. I was scrolling through TimeBook looking at photos of me and Mean that I have posted. Then a notification popped up on the right corner of the screen. You have got a friend request from Game Saetang. I clicked on the profile and looked it was a older man who looks like someone in their late 50's. I accepted it since I thought it was one of my dad's friends. I looked at the place where they live which is provided on the app. 

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but they are originally from Chiang Mai, Thailand. I thought and thought for a while until I received a message from Game. "Hello!" Said the person as I was so confused. I just left it alone for a bit and tried to ignore it. I continued on with my studies. As I got a call from my sister. I picked up my phone as she was calling through RealFace. I answered and set up my phone. "Hey P'" I said while smiling as she smiled back. "Hello Baby bro, what are you doing?" Flower questioned.

"Just studying and I was also going through socials. What are you doing?" I asked as she smiled and pulled up a test. My eyes widened as I smiled like a child. "Your having a baby?!" I asked in excitement as she nodded and smiled back. "So, I went to the doctors this morning. Mom and dad don't know so it will be a secret for dad's birthday party." I nodded as my sister was explaining everything to me. "But I'm 4 months along, I didn't even know until last week. I had realized that I was getting somewhat larger. But I just thought it was the junk food."

Flower explained as I was shocked. "if your wondering if I know the gender. I will know when I come to Thailand in a few weeks. So be prepared". Flower said as i had gotten another message from Game as I sighed. "Whats wrong? Weren't you just excited?" Flower said as I looked at her and spoke. "No it's not that I am excited! But someone added me today and they just messaged me again". I said as Flower snapped her fingers than spoke. "Game Saetang, he added me as well. But his paragraph seems serious like he is looking for something". I nodded as I read Game's paragraph.

"I'm sorry if this seems alarming. But it says you are a student in a university nearby and me and my wife have been searching for answers for years. I understand that it may not be you but a peer around you. Me and my wife have been looking for our sons for the last 26 years. They were kidnapped 26 years ago in Malaysia." I stopped reading as I took the information in as there was still more to go. "This seems serious P'". She nodded as I continued.

"Our sons were 2 and 6 months so obviously we don't have much on what they could look like as of right now. But our oldest is out of college and our youngest must be in college by now. You have a few photos on your page which stood out to me and my wife." I stopped again before looking at my sister. "I'm not even done reading but what did they say to you?" I asked as she sighed, "I took a picture of you and Mean at the dinner a few months ago. I posted that and they were curious about that photo. Along with the photo I posted that you posted a few days ago of a couple photo. They seemed really set on Mean for some reason". 

Flower said as I continued reading but this time outloud. "The photo with the young boy looks about to be our youngest sons age and looks alot like my wife. I don't know if you know him that well or your relations with him. But If you could text us back with things about him. Our oldest son was born 4/12/1992 and our youngest was born 6/19/1999." I gulped harshly and looked at my computer screen.

"What?" Flower said as I looked at her, "That is P'Mean and P'Kole's date of birth". Flower sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "The answer was right in front of us all along" I said as Flower nodded and sighed. "I mean i would never say that the Kalahan family would have kidnapped Mean or Kole, but with the way it seems. This story is incredibly similar to Mean and Kole." Flower said as I nodded I felt this large pit in my stomach. This didn't sit with me well so i responded.

"You didn't startle me at all, your story and birthdate is quite similar to two boys I know. You wouldn't happen to have a baby picture would you?" I asked first as P'Game responded fast. "We do let me find it on this phone and I'll send it to you". I waited until I got a picture with just the boys as my eyes widened. "You have got to be fucking kidding me". That same picture is hung up in the Kalahan's house in the dining room. I started freaking out, "Calm down now tell me what is going on". Flower said as I looked at her on the phone. "That picture Game just sent is the same picture in the Kalahan's home." I said as Flowers eyes had widened and her face turned red. 

"So your saying that they were kidnapped?!" Flower said as I nodded. What the fuck has my life come to better yet what has Mean's life come to. He was taken from his parents at a young age. So I responded again, "I've seen that picture before when is the quickest that you can fly back to Thailand?" I asked as I waited while fiddling with my thumbs. "2 weeks from now". I nodded and made a mental note. "Contact me when you're here" I said finally as I closed out of the browser. 

The door opened as I turned around Mean came in the door with a few bags. "I'll call you back P'Flower I love you" I hung up as it pained me to try and stay normal and not blurt out this his aunt and uncle are kidnappers. "Is everything okay?" Mean asked as I smiled and nodded. These next two weeks are going to eat me alive.

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