Chapter Thirteen

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Love Or Friendship?

There they were Kang and Mean standing there. Toy looked at them as Mean spoke up. "Toy what are you doing?" Mean asked Toy as no response came out of Toy's mouth. But tears striking Toy's eyes he was lost and couldn't speak his feelings. "I'm good! Flower just called! I didn't want to interrupt your speech". Toy spoke as Mean nodded and went back inside as Toy turned back around and sat down in the front lawn of the Kalahan's house. Kang walked over and sat next to Toy on the grass. "Don't lie to me, you don't look okay". Kang proceed to say as tears fell from Toy's face.

"I just didn't want a audience, so I had to lie to Mean". Toy retorted back as Kang patted his friends back. "You realize that you have to go back into that house right?" Kang asked Toy as a small nod was given to Kang. Before Toy wiped his tears away as he got up and wiped his black pants down with his hands to get any dirt or grass off. "Fine, I'll head back in" Toy said as he held a hand out to Kang. Toy helped up his friend as they headed back inside. I took a large deep breath before walking over the threshold of the door. Mean and whoever that girl was were still talking on stage. 

The night went on and eventually we went home. I laid in my bed as I received a call I grabbed my phone I answered the call. To see Means face pop up, I turned on my light. "Are you okay?" I asked as he shook his head yes and no. "Mean It's 1 am what seems to be the issue". I asked again as Mean bit his lip out of nervousness. "Can you come back to the dorm for a bit we need to talk". Mean asked me as I nodded. "Sure, just give me a bit". I said before hanging up and grabbing a few things. This was going to be so weird I was in gray sweatpants and a white tank top. 

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door and straight to the dorm. When I arrived I opened the door to the lighted room. Mean was pacing back and forth. Toy closed the door behind him as Mean didn't notice him. "What's up?" Toy asked which gave Mean a fright. "Shit, don't scare me like that". Mean said as Toy chuckled. "So what did you want to talk about?" Toy asked as he sat down on his old bed. "So..Uh, I wanted to ask.." Mean stumbled and fumbled over words as if he was drunk.  "Spit it out P'Mean, it's almost 2am and I'm exhausted". Toy responded back with as he grew frustrated.

"I want you to be my best man at my wedding". Mean said as Toy looked at him as his eyes widened and he was shocked by the sudden request. "No fucking way in hell Mean" Toy said as he knew in his heart something would happen at the wedding if he was there. "Why not?" Mean questioned Toy as he groaned loudly. "I'm not going to your wedding, I don't want to be there nor want to be your best man". Toy exclaimed as Mean looked shocked and puzzled. "Say what now!? Nong Toy please I am begging you. Our families are really good friends. I thought we were friends too?" 

Mean continued to question Toy until he has had enough. "P' stop please just stop, I'm not going thats final". Toy explained as Mean started pouting. "That's not going to work". Toy exclaimed, as Mean kept pouting at him. "P'Mean stop it". Mean continued after Toy repeatedly asked to stop as Toy found Mean's pout adorable. Toy smiled like a small child in a candy shop. "Please!! I'm not asking for much!" Mean had started again as Toy's smile faded. "Mean you ask for too much that's the issue. But I'm not going to budge, unless you do something crazy to make me happy". 

Toy spoke out again to Mean before Mean sat there and thought for a while before getting a idea. He started dancing crazily as Toy held in his laughter. As much as possible as Mean looked like a child at a middle school dance. Mean finally had stopped as Toy could breathe normally again. "You wont get me to budge" said Toy as Mean plopped on the bed and groaned loudly. "Just get Rome to do it", Toy explained as He sat up and stuck his tongue out at Toy.

"Don't you think I already asked his sorry ass He said no". Toy laughed at Means response and childish behaviour. "Listen I don't want to be at your wedding" Toy reiterated again as Mean sighed heavily before grabbing a pillow and stuffing it in his face. Before screaming in the pillow. "And I thought I screamed like a girl." Toy said to Mean as a pillow was thrown at Toy. So Toy being himself he threw it right back at Mean. "Don't throw a pillow at me!" He exclaimed as Mean sat up and threw the pillow right at him. 

They continued to throw the pillow at eachother like coin toss. "So be my best man?" Mean asks again before winking cheesily. "No as much as I love you no I really don't want to go". Toy had said before realizing what he said. "Wait you love me?" Mean said as he dragged out the love me part. "No! I meant I love you like a friend! Just because I'm gay-" Toy tried to talk as Mean cut him off. "Doesn't mean I'm attracted to you Yeah Yeah I get it". Mean said as Toy rolled his eyes.

Mean had thrown a pillow at Toy again as Toy felt fed up and grabbed the pillow and got on the bed that Mean was laying down on. Toy climbed on top of Mean and put the pillow to his face for a few seconds. As Mean stopped moving so Toy started freaking out. He took the pillow off his face. he tried slapping Mean shaking him but then he tried to give mouth to mouth. As he felt Mean kiss him as it was almost a instant before Toy kissed him back. 

Without realizing Toy stopped kissing mean. "Your an asshole, you had me scared shitless!" Toy hit him with the pillow again before throwing it back on the side of his bed. "I'm sorry it was just for a joke, but I got a kiss out of it". Mean said while lifting his eyebrows up and down. While looking at Toy who was on top of Mean. 

Toy's face was inches from Mean's face. But with a quickness Mean flipped Toy so then Mean could become the top. "Mean knock it off", Toy said as his face was turning red and knew that this wasn't going to end well. "Why? I'm having fun!" Mean said as he smirked ridiculously. Before they both knew it. Their lips were clashed with each others, clothes flying everywhere. They became reckless.

Toy had woken up the next morning as he opened his eyes he looked up at a sleeping Mean who was wearing nothing but his shorts. Toy started freaking out and remembered last night's hookup session. Toy flipped out as he knew what would happen if anyone found this out. He panicked as Mean opened his eyes. "Morning" Mean said as Toy then knew what to do.

 Toy had to choose between Love or Friendship. What would he choose?

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