Chapter Fifteen

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The Moment We Realized

It has been weeks since Mean and I have talked by now It has probably been a month or over a month. I avoided him at all costs family dinners with the Kalahan's. I made sure that I didn't show up or talk to Mean. I had been spending my time at my new job or at my friend's house. Who knew I would work at a cafe, I tried occupying my time away from Mean by doing this. It was relaxing and took all of the unneeded stress away. School had become harder for me too, people looking at me and saying things behind my back. 

As my peers would call it during class I was the "Home Wrecker". But I ignored it like Moon had explained. I had just started my shift as I was talking to my Co-workers. "I heard the boss was going to add a whole new list of things to the menu". Olive explained as I nodded before seeing Mean walk in the cafe. I made a large excuse. "Olive I'll be right back I need to grab something from the back." I had told my manager as she nodded before I went right into the back. As West was clocking in, she was a fellow freshman from the near by college. "West thank god your here!" I exclaimed as West started laughing.

"I'm not going to leave you" She thumped me on my forehead before smiling and putting on her apron and hat. "Mean's here?" Asked West as I nodded as she put her hand on my shoulder, "Don't sweat it okay". West smiled again as I smiled back before she called out. "Coast is clear go out there cowboy". West tipped her hat to me as I chuckled before walking out. Olive's face was beat red as she turned to me. "P' are you okay?" I asked as I felt her forehead as she slapped my hand away. "I'm not sick you idiot, did you see that handsome man who just came and left a note for you?" 

My eyebrows knitted together as I spoke "Pardon a note for me?" I asked as she nodded and handed me a note. Before I opened up the note and read it I informed Olive. "Mean is getting married by the way." I said as Olive's eyes widened as she pouted. "Shoot", she grabbed a scone and started eating it as I chuckled and started reading the note Mean left. It read as the following "Meet me at the room when you are off work. We need to talk". I ripped up the note and threw it in the trash before rolling my eyes. 

I mumbled profanity's underneath my breath. As West walked out from the back and smiled at Olive before greeting her. "So his name is Mean?" Asked Olive as I nodded. "Your talking about him?" Asked West as we both nodded. "Olive had to tell me about her liking to him". West started laughing as she quickly cover her mouth since the cafe was full of customers. "You realize our little brother and future manager in training likes him right". My eyes widened as West told that to Olive as she was shocked. "But Isn't he going to get married? Your gay?" Olive questioned as I sighed.

"Yes, before he was going to get married I was in love with him, I still am. But yes, I'm gay i've been out for like 5-6 maybe 7 months now". I exclaimed as Olive hugged me. "Well I support you and love you but I'm still going to gawk at him from afar." I pushed her off me as I rolled my eyes before turning and serving a customer.

After there order I started making the drink then handed it to the man before grabbing the money. Then the man left as I stared at the packed Cafe with people talking laughing and having fun. "Who knew a Saturday would be so packed".  I said as Olive sighed. "It's normally packed to the brim but it's lunch time. You get off work in the next hour while me, West and Angel with rush hour." Olive explained as I felt bad, but something inside of me told me to go to the dorm. But me being me I wanted to work over time. "No I'm staying here and helping I don't care If I don't care getting paid extra."

I explained as Olive smiled and patted my head. "Okay fine, thank you". Olive said as I smiled back at her and tipped my hat to her. 

Rush hour came and went really fast as it was 7 o clock now and I was so tired I knew I was ready to head home. "Okay, since it's calm now I should really be heading home." The girls nodded and wished me farewell as I smiled. I had gotten to my car as I saw Mean standing there which scared the shit out of me. "What the fuck P'" I said as I sighed heavily. "I told you we needed to talk when you get off work did you really purposely take a longer shift just to ignore me?" Mean said as he was frustrated. "So what if I did, we have nothing to talk about." I told him as I got in my car as he got into the passenger's seat. "Drive to the dorm, we need to talk. That is all I am asking for".

Mean said as I sighed and did as I was told. I knew I couldn't avoid him for long. Once we reached the dorm we walked upstairs as he opened the door to the dorm as I took off my hat and apron as I sat on my old bed. "What?" I asked as he sat on the opposite bed as he sighed. "Slow down", said Mean as he looked into my eyes for a bit. "We need to talk about us" Mean said as I was shocked. "How can we talk about us when you never wanted a 'us' in the first place". I said as he sighed and looked me up and down. Which made me a tad confused.

"But continue what about 'us'?" I asked as he took a bit before starting to talk. "I want us to work", my eyes widened as my jaw dropped. "Us as in a couple?" I asked as I started getting my hopes up as he sighed. "Toy, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He mumbled as I didn't hear him. "What did you say?" I asked as he groaned. "Stop messing with me" Mean said as my eyebrows furrowed together. "I actually didn't hear what you said". I said as Mean took a moment before saying it again. 

"Toy do you want to be my boyfriend?!" He yelled it this time as I couldn't believe it. Tears sprung into my eyes as I let them fall. While smiling like a child. "You dumbass of course" I said as Mean was shocked and smiled back as we both stood up as Mean took it upon himself to kiss me. Of course I kissed him back but I felt like I was on top of the world. He pulled away as I chuckled, "So you are gay" my eyebrows went up and down as he slapped my chest as I smiled.

"I guess you could say I'm gay, but I still like my fair share of women". I thumped his forehead and pouted as I didn't want to hear that. "Okay sorry, sheesh so boyfriends?" Mean asked as I nodded, "Didn't I just say yes?" I explained as he kissed me one last time as he just stood there and hugged me for a while. 

I didn't care how long this would last but I'm dating Mean Kalahan. I'm the luckiest man on earth right now. Nothing would stop me or so I thought for that moment.

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