Chapter Three

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The Accidental Kiss

The school week had continued as if nothing happened. But the next 2 month's after had gotten rough, me and P'Mean's relationship had improved at the slightest pace. After all we were roommates so that meant that we needed to get somewhat closer. But after that day I still didn't know what happened. I don't even remember my own nightmare. "Toy, what is the answer for number 4?" I heard Book say as I looked at her, "17 add those two subtract the 9 then there is your answer." I said back to Book as she nodded and thanked me. As we continued on with the class there he was walking through the door. As the teacher left all of the upper class men greeted us at the front of the room.

"Since it is only two month in this is when we start our first learning vacation. It will not be a fun vacation at all. You will work hard and learn what it means to be a true engineer student". P'Mean had said to all of us as all of us were excited.

I smiled but before I knew it there we were on a nice vacation along a beautiful beach. Provided by our school, I was wearing a floral button up with black pants. I was enjoying it I've never seen something so beautiful. "Tonight were going to bring it back old school and play truth or dare by the bon fire". P'Kang had said while directing the groups to there rooms. The girls were staying on the 8th floor as we were going to be placed on the 7th floor. I was sharing a room with P'Mean as Kang was sharing a room with another senior P'Ram.

It was quite crazy if you think about it sharing a room with P'Mean even though we have already shared a room before. I opened the room and walked in with my suitcase. My eyes widened as there was a queen sized bed that would have to fit me and P'Mean. "You have got to be fucking kidding me". The voice had belonged to P'Mean. I sat on the bed as my suitcase was beside me. "It's just a bed just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm going to hug you or do anything. No offense but your not my type." I said to him as I took in the view of the beach from the bed.

"Then what's your type?" He asked me as I was shocked that he had asked. "Someone who is masculine but isn't a complete jerk. Someone that can admit to being gay and happy with me. A guy that who can just love me for me." I said to him as I was not telling the exact answer that he needed. I sugar coated it a lot.

"Oh uh alright then, I'll see you later I'm heading out with Kang." I nodded as Mean had took off while I had the place to myself. I had gone outside and explored the beach area as I had sat down in the sand as Book approached me. I smiled at her as she did the same. "Look at you wearing such a cute outfit." I chuckled as I looked at the beautiful sea. "Imagine living at such a beautiful place like this." Book spoke as I nodded.

"It would be nice it's like an oasis." I responded back to her as I took everything in. There were people swimming in the seas as seniors were messing with the freshman. Then Book's phone went off. "Shoot I'll be back my grandma is calling me. She always calls me around this time everyday." I smiled let her go as she answered the phone and walked away.

Night fall came faster than expected I was back in the hotel room until P'Mean picked a fight with me. "I'm not going to the stupid truth or dare bonfire whatever thing!" I had yelled as P'Mean was trying to get me to go. "You are not going to waste your time with some annoying romance novel!" He had shouted back at me as I was annoyed. "Listen you are not going to tell me what to do, leave me be!" I yelled back to him as I continued to read until the book was snatched from my hands. I was beyond pissed off at that moment. I hadn't touched a single thing of his once.

He had smirked as he was sitting on the couch with the book behind his back. "I'm not going, give it back!" I said as I got off the bed and went straight to him. "No" he said back to me as I jumped on the couch and tried getting the book from him as he now had the book hanging over the edge of the couch where his arm was up the air. So I climbed on top of him and tried to reach for the book.

I couldn't reach it because of my small arms. I swore underneath my breath as he made a sudden movement which changed the direction of where the book was. It was behind his head with his arm fully stretched out. I sighed heavily as I tried one more time. I had grabbed it but there it was. My lips were planted on his. I mentally started freaking out, he shouldn't have done that or else that wouldn't have been my first guy kiss. I pushed my self away from him as I went to sit back on the bed. As I wiped my lips, "I told you to give it back". I said as I heard a long sigh from him as he just stormed out of the Hotel room.

I looked down to the floor as I was still in a state of shock. I sighed heavily as I knew this wasn't going to go over well. But I needed to get my mind off this so I decided to actually join the truth or dare bonfire get together. I got off the bed then headed down to the beach. People were listening to loud music along with people hooking up and having fun. Then there was the big bonfire with people sitting in a circle near it. I walked over to the group and sat down on a bench. Right next to P'Kang, he smiled at me.

"Welcome!" Kang had spoken in a soft tone which made me smile. Then I had looked across to see P'Mean sitting there and downing a drink. I had looked away, "So now that were all here, lets start." Book had handed me a beer, as I looked at the bottle and drank it. I hated drinking but I needed to get my mind off this. I had stopped sipping the bottle as the game started playing.

While people were playing I couldn't help but feel someone glaring at me the whole time. But that belonged to none other than P'Mean. "Truth or dare Toy", Mean had said to me as I responded back. "Dare", as I looked directly into his eyes as I was trying to read on what he was thinking. But it was just a cold blank expression. "Down the rest of your beer and down another whole one." P'Kang's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Don't do it Toy" Kang had tried to tell me but before I could say anything there I was downing the rest of the bottle of beer.

I knew how fucked up I would get after this but I didn't care a dare is a dare. When I was finished chugging the first beer I felt the nasty aftertaste as I grabbed the next beer out of Book's hands and chugged that as well. By the time I finished I felt everything slowly starting to hit me. I hated myself for doing that, I knew I was going to regret it in the morning. I smiled as Kang had visibly gotten angry. "Why did you make him do that?!" Kang had yelled out as the other people on the bench were shocked.

"Kang, it was your idea to play truth or dare I was just playing. No need to shout". He responded back with as everyone else left which it had just left us with me, Book, Kang, and Mean. "But still you knew that he doesn't drink!" Kang's voice had become louder as I couldn't do anything since I was buzzed. "What do you like him or something, two cute homo lovers". Mean had bounced back with. While I saw Kang scoff at him. "Homo lovers seriously, I'm just protecting my Bestfriend". He had tried to calm down as he sighed heavily.

I tried to get up just to prevent Kang from getting any little anger burst out on Mean. "Let's just go", I said while slurring my words heavily before falling to the floor since the beer really hit me. "Woah how did I get down here?"
I started laughing hysterically, as Kang had picked me up. "Woah, I'm flying Book!" I said while smiling with my eyes closed. "I'm taking him back to the room you share. I will loose my cool if I stand there and look at you so go dance with Book." Kang said as he brought me back to the room.

He laid me down on the bed and took off my shoes as he unbuttoned some of my shirt. As he covered me with the blanket. "Good night get some rest". He said as I nodded and closed my eyes while falling asleep easily.

I am so going to regret this in the morning.

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