Chapter Sixteen

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Confessing To Friends

I smiled like a child as It had been at least a few days before Mean and I made it official. Today was my day off so I decided to spend the day with Mean. I opened the door to the dorm to see Mean sitting on the bed going through his phone. I cleared my throat as Mean looked up and smiled. He stood up and walked over to me as he hugged me before I gave him a small smile. "Hey handsome", said Mean as I chuckled and just held on to him which seemed like forever. I looked up as he lifted up my chin and kissed me as I did the same back. This felt like Hawaii, a wonderful feeling where I felt like I was unstoppable.

"Did you call everyone over?" I asked as he nodded before patting my head. "Now we wait, aren't you a bit scared to tell them?" I asked again as he chuckled before smiling at me. "Who wouldn't be now I'm coming out to everyone as Bisexual and surprise I am dating my enemy". I laughed and hit his chest as I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it to see everyone there. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Perth, Book, Rome, Kang, and Moon. "Hey guys come on in and sit" I proclaimed as they all nodded and sat down as me and Mean sat on the opposing bed.

I was super nervous, even though I didn't have to come out. "Is everything alright? This seemed urgent". Asked Kang as I smiled and nodded. "Everything is fine! We just have something to tell you guys". I said as everyone nodded again but everyone started getting confused. "So I wanted to say that I guess this is my coming out story now. I'm Bisexual but that's not the most important thing on the table." Mean said as everyone was shocked except for Rome. "I told you guys I fucking knew it". Rome said as Moon thumped his head.

"Me and P'Mean are dating", I said as Mean held my hand as Moon stood up and started cheering. "Everyone give me each $50 dollars that I was promised!" Moon said as she held out her hand as everyone started putting money into her hands. "You guys bet on this as well?" I asked as they nodded and groaned. "Well congrats guys, but Mean if your hurt Toy you won't walk out of this building alive." Perth and Book said at the same time as Mean nodded. 

We spent most of the day all together before everyone had to leave to study for the upcoming exam. I groaned as I took off the uncomfortable buttoned shirt and threw it on the other bed. "Someone is uncomfortable sheesh" Mean said as I nodded as he was cooking for me. I grabbed Means shorts and shirt as I changed to get comfortable. I shuffled over to Mean and slid my hands around his waist as my head rested on his shoulder. "Food's almost done, go sit down." Mean said as I shook my head.

"No I'm comfortable here" I said as I pecked his neck as It was comfortable just standing there back hugging the person you love. I started humming as I closed my eyes and just enjoyed myself. "Try the Pad Thai" Mean said as I nodded before letting go of Mean and standing on the side of him. I grabbed a spoon and drank the broth as I gave a thumbs up. It was really good, who knew Mean Kalahan could cook. Mean turned to me and pointed to the apron as I rolled my eyes.

It read "Kiss the chef" Mean being himself he puckered up as he squished his lips together. As I leaned in and gave him a small peck as I continued grabbing a spoonful of soup. Mean pouted with his arms crossed like a child who had just gotten scolded. "What Babe?" I asked as that was the first time I said that to him. He smiled then I looked him right back in the eye again as he pouted. I walked closer to him and stood on my tippy toes before Kissing him as he kissed me back. 

I pulled away and and grabbed another spoonful of soup and I was just enjoying myself. Mean turned off the stove and brought out two bowls before putting everything on the table. I've never ran to a table so fast than I have today. I sat down and looked at Mean as I waited for him to sit down. When he did I started eating, I didn't know how hungry I was until I started eating Mean's food. "Hey are you wearing my clothes?" Mean asked as I nodded before taking another bite. "Good, I like them on you". My face turned red as Mean chuckled. 

"Get used to the compliments". Mean said as he winked as I rolled my eyes and continued eating. I rubbed my eyes as I felt my eyes growing heavier. "Oh no you dont, we haven't even had the best part". Mean said as he got up and went to the freezer then brought out a cake and showed it to me. "Congrats to Mean and Toy" the cake font read as I smiled happily as If I totally forgot that I was tired. Mean started cutting up the cake as I smiled and grabbed a piece but I knew I had to finish the soup first.

So I did, I finished then holy shit did I eyeball the cake. I started eating into it right away. As Mean looked at me and held out a fork with cake on it I went to take a bite as he smirked and put the cake all over my face. I groaned as Mean started laughing. "P'Mean what the heck!" I said as Mean continued laughing like a complete child. 

He handed me a napkin as I wiped it and pouted as I continued eating my cake. By the time we were done I decided to sneak into Mean's bed without him realizing. Since he was washing dishes, I snuggled right up into the covers as Mean chuckled as he shut off the light before heading into the bed. "Someone wanted to sleep next to me" He said as I nodded as I was half asleep and didn't care. I snuggled up next to him as he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Nong". He said before I drifted off to sleep in his arms. 

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