Chapter Eleven

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Memories Lead To Distraught 

(This Now Leads Back Into Toy's P.O.V)

 "Can you guys focus for one fucking second" Moon said with fury and exhaustion since Book along with Kang weren't paying attention. "Sorry P'Moon, but it's just so hard! English is such a hard subject. I should have just learned Korean". Book retorted back to Moon as she thumped Book on the forehead. "Ouch P' what was that for?" Book rubbed her forehead while talking to Moon. "Just pay attention!" Moon said within a quickness, I was studying away while trying  to pronounce said English words while it was rolling off my tongue as if it was a native language to me. 

 "Look at Nong, he is sitting there and studying hard while trying to work on the words. Try doing it like him". Moon told Kang and Book as I looked up briefly before shoving my face within another english text book. "What does this mean?" I asked while pointing at a word. "Ah, the word is Potentially, it means when something may or may not happen".  P'Moon explained to me as she earned a small nod from me. 

 "Why do we need to learn English again?" Kang asked as Moon spoke back to him. "So then you guys can meet my father and speak english with him instead of me translating everything." I gave a thumbs up as I continued reading. Then I heard my phone ringing, I grabbed it to see my moms name pop up on the screen. I smiled and answered it, "Hey Mom!" I said happily as I heard my mom chuckle. "Hello my boy, I just wanted to see how you have been doing lately. Also your dad's special day is coming up soon. He is turning 55 so me Flower and Your grandparents want to throw a party for him." My mother was trying to tell me as a smile crept up on my face.

 "Of course Mom! I'll come help within the next few days. I have to let you go though P'Moon P'Kang, Book and me are all in a English study group. I love you mom".I told her as she said "I love you too". As I hung up before devoting my attention to everyone. "Guys, I'm going to have to leave so then I can start preparing for my dad's 55th surprise party." Moon gave me a small nod before patting me on the head. "Go home, you deserve it. I need to work with these two more before we go any further". I smiled while getting up and packing my things up. I placed my bag on my back. As I was leaving Book grabbed my hand. "Don't leave us here help us". Book said dramatically as I yanked my hand from her grip.

 Before laughing and responding with "No can do, Love you". I said in English as I was walking back to my dorm. Which was only down the hall. I opened the door to the room as I saw Mean sitting on the bed with everything on the floor things ripped to shreds. His head was in his hands as I closed the door quickly before locking it behind me. I swiftly took off my bag before I went next to him and kneeled down to look at his face. "P'Mean, are you okay?" I asked, before he moved his hands away from his face. 

 Mean's face was pale as a ghost before I saw his eyes were all puffy. I cupped his face and wiped away excess tears. "What happened", I said as my heart slowly started to break while looking at him. I felt tears almost welt up within my eyes. " would someone be okay...whe- When someone finds out there getting an arranged marriage." Mean said as my heart dropped. Arranged marriage?!!! "What?!" I yelled out as I looked at Mean as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

 My heart felt weird, it was a weird tingly feeling. "No there is no way", I said as I was essentially lying to myself. Mean looked at me and nodded, "There is a way and this marriage is just for family business. It's not like I get the company anyway my eldest brother owns it as of right now." Mean was trying to explain to me as I had a burst. Something told me to do something. "Just tell your mom were dating or your getting married to P'Heart". I said as it pained me to say Heart within a sentence. But I just couldn't let this happen. "Are you fucking bonkers, I kicked you under the table that night. Due to my parents being homophobic. They hate gays". Mean expressed.

 My eyes widened to shock while I was trying process this all. "So why do you kiss me and tease me if you parents hate gays?" I asked as Mean shook his head. "What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Mean asked me as I was trying to find the answer. "I need to know if any of it meant to you?" I asked but my thoughts also questioned me. I liked mean but at the same time thoughts were troubling me

"How could they mean something to me when I never liked you in the first place?" His words cut through me like a sharp knife. I wiped my eyes as tears fell down my face.  "Maybe I am fucking bonkers, for mistakenly trying to help you. I've been so nice to you but you ruined my life". I said out of anger It was as if something took over me and I couldn't stop myself.

 "Me?! I ruined your life?! You have got to be kidding me Toy!" He said angrily as I could tell that he was getting quite mad. "You have! I don't think that we should do this anymore!" I knew I was going to severely get myself hurt with him getting married and me getting my feelings  played with. "What can you be so done with Toy? Please tell me, because how could something be done if we never had any real relation anyway?" Mean said as another hit to the chest was taken. 

 "Well whatever you want to call this roommate thing is done. I can't sit here and be stressed because you have problems. Or you just want to so call "Fool" around and play with emotions and get angry at anyone just because." I said as I was growing annoyed and tired of his antics. I started packing up my stuff. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked as I ignored him and packed up my things. I've had enough, I didn't want to hurt anymore. "Toy I asked you a question!" Mean yelled out.

"What!" I yelled back as before looking at him. "What the hell are you doing?!" He asked while saying it within a loud tone. "Trying to stay far away from you. I don't want this whole thing anymore. I don't want to stay in this room. Nor look at this trashed room!" I yelled as I grew angry and I couldn't handle it anymore. "I don't want to be friends or associated with you" I spoke again out of anger. I loved him but at the same time I couldn't bare to be in the same room as him right now.

 So I took my things and left, after that nothing was said. I went to where I was comfortable with staying. My parents house. 

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