Chapter Five

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The Drenched And Shivering P'Mean

I was trying to find P'Mean in the woods with everyone else. I was genuinely worried for wherever he was. The day was already practically over, along with it starting to rain so trying to look for him with a flashlight made it even worse for me. "Mean!!!" I shouted again as Kang walked over to the group. "There are way to many people together lets spread out. Toy go that way, Perth head this way, Book search north and I will go with Yuna, and Kat. Everyone else make break away." Kang said as I went on my own with my ankle bothering me.

I searched and searched desperately trying to find Mean. I was running out of options, until I saw him sitting in the woods drenched and shivering. I walked over to him as I desperately wanted to run but I couldn't. When I was behind him I sat down and hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry", I said as I felt so bad for arguing with him. I could hear his teeth chattering, I held him for what felt like for a while. He turned towards me and looked me in the eye, "Nong Toy please get me back to the hotel".

I got up and helped him up we headed back as Mean stopped and looked at me. "What happened to your ankle?" A concerned look on his face was now there he looked me in the eyes. "I uh..kinda fell after our argument". I told him as we continued since it wasn't best to both be drenched.

We arrived back at the hotel as everyone had stood there and were happy while in relief that Mean is back. They didn't keep us long thank god since we were both soaked by the rain water. Click that was the sound of us unlocking the hotel door. "Go take a hot shower," I ordered P'Mean as he did what he was told. I just started taking off my wet clothes and then I heard Mean. "Shit I'm sorry Nong". I turned to see Mean there staring directly into my eyes. He was flustered so I put on my shirt. "Don't worry about it, I was wearing underwear you didn't see anything". I responded back with before putting on shorts as he went to go take a shower.

Plop there I was plopping on the bed since I was so tired from the long day. I propped myself up while getting comfortable. Mean got out of the shower and walked out fully dressed with his hair still wet. He sat in bed next to me with a look on his face. "Toy if you didn't come find me today, I would still be out there freezing my ass off. So thank you and I'm sorry". He said as I looked him in the eye and sighed. "P' stop saying sorry, its not your fault its my fault if anything." I told him as he sighed, "Then no one is at fault". The intense stare that P'Mean was giving me, made me look at him I looked at his lips and eyes.

Why did I feel like this. My heart had pounded almost out of my chest. Just by one look, I was captivated and I didn't know why. Knock Knock Knock I snapped out of it and got up to see who was at the door. The door was opened to reveal my upperclassmen P'Heart. "Ah hello P'!" I put my hands together to greet her. She did the same as she had a bag in her hand. "Is P'Mean here?" She asked me as I nodded before P'Mean came around the corner. "Ah, Heart your here", Mean said with a smile on his face. Mean had gotten close to my ear. "Can you leave us alone for a while. I want to talk to my girlfriend alone." He whispered softly into my ear as I almost shuddered. I nodded and grabbed my stuff before heading to Kang's room.

I didn't like that I was kicked out nor the fact that P'Heart and P'Mean were going to do it in the bed that I have been sleeping on. I knocked on Kang's door as I stood there with my stuff annoyed out of my mind and slightly hurt. Kang opened the door with a towel around his neck shirtless and in grey sweatpants. "Nong Toy, what's wrong? Come in". He asked while ordering me to come inside. I walked in with my stuff while placing everything down. "P'Mean kicked me out because P'Heart is over". I said with a very annoyed and aggravated tone.

I looked back to see P'Kang sighing, "You can stay here Nong, Ram is staying at P'Dawn's hotel room anyway". Kang sat down on the hotel bed and patted the bed next to him as he told me to sit. So I did, "How are you feeling? Do I need to get you anything?" He asked so sweetly as I shook my head no. "P' I'm fine, seriously! Do you need anything or want anything?" I asked him since he did a kind gesture. "I just want your company", I looked him in the eye and smiled. As those words were said to me I put my arm around his stomach and laid my head on his shoulder. "Let's lay back normally on the bed before you get all comfortable." P'Kang told me as I groaned and crawled to the top of the bed and went underneath the sheets.

I got comfortable as Kang got into the bed and turned off the lights. "Good night Nong", He said to me as I nodded and fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning to P'Kang next to me staring at me. I jumped half a mile "Shit" I said out loud before putting my hand on my chest. "Nong my bad! I was going to wake you up but you were sleeping so peacefully I just couldn't wake you up!" He said as I chuckled and took my hand off my chest. "P' it's okay!" I said with a smile on my face to reassure him. As I sat up in the bed I yawned and covered my mouth quickly and then dropping my hand when the yawn subsided.

When I looked at the clock planted on the wall in the hotel room. 7:39 A.M my eyes widened as I got out of the bed as fast as I can. I started getting dressed, as I almost tripped while trying to get jeans on. "P' It's almost time to go!" I yelled as I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it with half of a shirt on. To reveal P'Moon standing there. "Let me guess you just woke up? Or you still can't dress yourself properly?" She asked as I rolled my eyes and she chuckled. I let P'Moon in as I looked at her. Her dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

We became friends in Primary school grade 3 to be exact. That was when she moved to Thailand and left everything in America behind her. "P' your still not dressed?" Moon asked Kang as he nodded and grabbed a pair of clothes and started changing in front of us. We didn't care as long as we hurried.

We made it onto the bus just barely making it with 2 minutes to spare. Me, Moon and Kang all piled into the bus as me and Moon sat together as Kang and Perth were talking with each other. While Mean and Heart sat together which made me almost gag from thinking of what they might have done last night. "Toy" I snapped out of a daze as Moon called my name. "Yea?" I asked her as she sighed "Zoning out again?" She asked as I nodded then looked out the bus window. "What I was saying was how did your mom take it when she found out that you are gay?" The question shocked me as I looked at Moon and just stared at her while trying to find the words to say. "I forgot that you were in America when this went down. My parents supported me, thankfully but when I was telling Kang all of this I just felt like it wasn't my time to come out." I said to her as she side hugged me.

"I'm glad she took it well, you embraced yourself Toy that is a really big step as a older sister figure I'm happy for you". She smiled happily as I did the same back to her.

The car ride back was just filled with chatter people sleeping and a few students playing games.

Finally the bus stopped as students stared at parents who were waiting. Which was quite shocking but we all got off as I grabbed my bag and headed out. Before even noticing my parents I noticed P'Flower my older sister.

I was in complete shock what is P'Flower doing here? Why is she back from England so suddenly?

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