Chapter Twenty-Six

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There I was panicking, don't tell me that me and Perth did it last night. We have been friends for years we wouldn't do that would we? I kept questioning myself and my ability. I stood up and looked at Perth in fear. "Before you say anything because I see you panicking. Yes we did do it last night." Perth said as I almost fell. I have been in love with Mean, not as if we were dating or anything but I was sure that I didn't want to do this with anyone else. "How why?" I asked as Perth sighed and turned around before sitting on the patio. So I followed him after putting on a shirt and heading right over to where he was and sitting further away from him. "You were drunk and came on to me". Perth said as my eyes widened.

I gulped harshly and felt my mouth go dry. "I came on to you?! I knew I couldn't remember the face since my vision was blurry. But this is something that may just fuck up our friendship". I said as I started shaking my leg and playing with my fingers trying to calm myself down. I did this? Why? I questioned myself a lot during this time and didn't understand why I did it. "You kissed me I told you to stop for your own sake. But you kissed me again and I couldn't control myself". Perth said as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You couldn't hit me to snap me out of it?!" I said as I started freaking out. "How do you want me to control myself after saying stop we were both drunk. You were just wasted and I was just barely sober." Perth said as I held my head in my hands before sighing. "Why with me though why couldn't you control yourself? We're practically like family." I said removing my hands from my small face and looking up at Perth. "You don't get it do you?" He asked as I shook my head no. 

"I was in love with you idiot". He said while looking at the view from the balcony. "But you said that this was all in the past you didn't have feelings for me." I said cluelessly as He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Toy you were not fucking born yesterday put two and two together. I've been in love with you since we were kids." He said as I just stared at him. I couldn't say anything.

"This was a utter mistake our friendship is fucked". I said as I was still panicking. As Perth scoffed, "Is friendship all you care about?!" He said in a louder tone as my eyes widened. "P'Perth that's not what I meant, you know that I don't have feelings for you. I'm in love with Mean" I said as he sighed before looking at me. This look I couldn't describe. He had looked like he was about to snap. "Mean doesn't care! He hasn't cared!" He yelled as my superstition was right he was snapping. 

"That doesn't matter P'Perth. What the hell has gotten into you. Just because a beer took over last night doesn't mean I'm attracted to you. I love you as my best friend. I don't get why you're saying all of this nonsense." I explained as I was sitting in my chair confused.

"You know what it feels like being in love right? You know how hard it is to control yourself when your with the one person you love." Perth said as I just looked at the wood on the balcony. Trying to avoid the intense gaze that was given.

"You are not yourself right now, go get some sleep". I said as I heard him scoff yet again before he grabbed my shirt and pinned me up against the wall. I was scared I feared for what would happen next. My breaths were fast and scarce. I was scared I was trembling. "Your scaring me". I said as Perth looked at me and laughed. Has he finally lost his fucking marbles?! I thought to myself.

"Scaring you, seriously Toy?!" He said as I flinched at him yelling at me. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. "Let me go!" I yelled out as his grip tightened as I gasped and my breathing became rocky. "No, until you admit that you have feelings for me I won't let you go". My eyes widened again as I looked at him. This wasn't the normal Perth, he was freaking the fuck out for no reason.

"Have you lost your mind? Are you crazy? I'm not in love with you?!" I yelled at him as I saw something inside of him snap. He was infuriated. Then he grabbed my face and tried kissing me. I tried pulling back as fast as possible. But it was too late as I was struggling against his grip. As I kneed him in the stomach. He fell down to the ground as I bolted to the door before the door swung open as I saw the three people I needed the most. Kang, Rome and Mean. I looked at Mean in horror. "You little fucking asshole!" Perth yelled out as He held his stomach in pain. 

Rome ran over to him and looked at me then at Perth. "What the fuck happened?!" Rome called out as I was scared someone who I knew since we were in diapers. "He is psycho!" I yelled out as Kang stared at me as he was shocked. "What do you mean Toy?" Rome asked as I turned around to see Rome looking at me. "I mean he is crazy, just because I was drunk and did something with you doesn't mean we are in love with each other! You are a friend!" I yelled out as Kang grabbed me and put me behind him. 

"Perth, what the fuck did you do?" Kang asked as his voice went into a low growl.

I stared at Perth as he started crying. "I don't know" was the last thing I heard before blacking out. 

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